Hop is a plant that has been known to people since ancient times. It is valued for its unpretentiousness and useful properties. Cones (female inflorescences) of this plant are used to make beer and kvass. Previously, they were used to make sourdough for bread. The use of hop cones in folk medicine is very important.

Female inflorescences of the plant have a unique composition. The use of hop cones in the food industry is possible due to the content of such substances in them: essential oils, which give the hop a specific aroma and taste, resins, lupulin. In addition, the composition of female inflorescences includes hormones, hop-tannic acids, coumarins, flavan glycosides, pigments, B vitamins, vitamins C and PP.
Hop cones - properties
As a medicinal raw material, hops have proven themselves remarkably well in folk and classical medicine. Inside, infusions from its cones are used for diseases of the stomach and bladder.

Hops inflorescence isdiuretic. Outwardly, decoctions and infusions are used as an analgesic. The use of hop cones in the composition of ointments is effective for abscesses, bruises, gout, skin cancer, and rheumatism. In cosmetology, to strengthen the hair roots, they wash their hair with a decoction of hop inflorescences. Recent studies have shown that lupulin, which gives bitterness to cones, has a sedative effect and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system for insomnia and excessive sexual excitability. Doctors prescribe infusions of hop blossoms to improve digestion and appetite, especially for liver and gastritis.
The use of hop cones in homeopathy is very popular. They are included in fees that are intended for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, plant inflorescences are often included in collections that have a calming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, as well as normalizing mineral metabolism. A very good result is given by hop cone oil. Its use is effective for pain in the joints, skin diseases, for resorption of scars and wound healing. In cosmetology, this medicinal raw material is used for the manufacture of ointments, creams and hair products.

The latest pharmacological studies show that the active substances contained in water extracts of hop inflorescences have pronounced antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasoconstrictive properties. Preparations based on hops give excellent results in various diseases of the mucous membranes andskin, which are accompanied by severe inflammation, itching and allergic reactions.
Contraindications and application features
You should know that hops are a plant that contains poisonous substances. In case of an overdose of drugs or infusions based on it, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, general malaise, heart and headaches are possible. Allergic reactions and skin rashes may also occur. Hops-based preparations should be taken as directed and under the supervision of a physician. They are contraindicated in depression, pregnancy, lactation and children under two years old.