Alternative medicine 2024, October

Useful properties of cloudberries and contraindications, use in traditional medicine

Useful properties of cloudberries and contraindications, use in traditional medicine

A large number of berries grow on the territory of Russia. Among them, far from the most famous are relatives of raspberries, northern berries. Cloudberry belongs to a plant of the Rubus family. It can be found in wetlands and tundra. The berry is very capricious, because it does not like rain, wind and frost, but it is very useful

Herb thyme: medicinal properties, indications, methods of application and contraindications

Herb thyme: medicinal properties, indications, methods of application and contraindications

The herb thyme, also known as thyme, upland thyme, or motherboard, is widely known to residents of the CIS. This plant is used in folk medicine because of its incredible number of useful properties. It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body

Amanita: alcohol tincture recipe

Amanita: alcohol tincture recipe

Red fly agaric has long been considered a poisonous mushroom, which you can’t even touch. Therefore, many are surprised to learn that it has healing properties. In this article, we will learn the recipe for a fly agaric medicine

Marsh wild rosemary: medicinal properties and contraindications

Marsh wild rosemary: medicinal properties and contraindications

In nature, there are a large number of medicinal plants that help a person restore he alth and maintain it. Among them, with full confidence, can be attributed marsh wild rosemary, which allows you to quickly defeat a cough, get rid of smoking and has a lot of other useful properties. We'll talk about them below

Folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol. Vessel cleaning: folk recipes

Folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol. Vessel cleaning: folk recipes

Arteries are called the road of life, and it is imperative that there are no obstacles on it for a uniform flow of blood supplying the organs and tissues of the body. If plaques from cholesterol appear on the walls of blood vessels inside, then their lumen becomes narrow. There is a threat to life - atherosclerosis. This disease develops imperceptibly. It is found during examination or with the manifestation of complications - ischemia. Folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol - an excellent prevention of formidable diseases

Adam's apple (maklura): application, reviews, recipes

Adam's apple (maklura): application, reviews, recipes

In hot climatic conditions on the territory of Central Asia, Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, an interesting deciduous tree grows with fruits similar to an orange. But they are inedible. Moreover, they are poisonous. People call the tree "Adam's apple", or "Maclura". The use of poisonous "oranges" is still found. They are used in folk medicine

Chestnut tincture for varicose veins: recipe

Chestnut tincture for varicose veins: recipe

Varicosis is a scourge that often whips the legs of a modern person. Medicine does not stop in the fight against an insidious disease, taking into its arsenal new pharmacological preparations, an all-penetrating laser. But the old means of alternative medicine are not forgotten, because they have been tested by more than one generation. Many claim that they were helped by chestnut tincture from varicose veins

Fenugreek - what is it? Fenugreek for hair, lactation and he alth. Feedback on the use of fenugreek

Fenugreek - what is it? Fenugreek for hair, lactation and he alth. Feedback on the use of fenugreek

The list of medicinal herbs returns mostly in vain forgotten, but still effective plants given to us by nature. The whole world knows about miraculous ginseng. Many have heard about the healing properties of such herbs as St. John's wort, oregano, linden blossom, plantain, and chamomile. They are often prescribed by physicians as an adjunct to a course of chemical treatment. But what can be said about fenugreek?

Biogenic stimulant - golden mustache. Application in traditional medicine

Biogenic stimulant - golden mustache. Application in traditional medicine

For more than a decade, among Russians, an indoor flower of modest appearance - a golden mustache, has been known for its healing properties. The use of this plant in folk medicine is compared with the root of life - ginseng

Herb for dry cough: list, best recipes and reviews

Herb for dry cough: list, best recipes and reviews

Most of us are well aware of the inconvenience of a debilitating dry cough. It not only prevents you from sleeping peacefully at night, but also creates moral and physical discomfort. For its treatment, not only tablets and syrups are used, but also folk remedies. After reading the article, you will learn what herbs to drink with a dry cough

Potentilla rhizomes: properties, instructions for use

Potentilla rhizomes: properties, instructions for use

Potentilla white is an attractive plant that has delicate white flowers. This is what distinguishes it from other species. In addition, white cinquefoil can be distinguished by a small height, it reaches no more than 25 centimeters

Anti-cellulite properties of essential oils

Anti-cellulite properties of essential oils

Cellulite is a disadvantage of women of different weight and age categories. You can fight cellulite by resorting to the services of massage rooms and spa salons. But there are many less expensive, but quite effective methods. For example, the anti-cellulite properties of essential oils will not leave a trace of an orange peel

Healing from serious illnesses. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky - bringing good

Healing from serious illnesses. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky - bringing good

When a person is faced with a serious illness, he is in a state of stress. The search for possible treatments begins, and usually they are not limited to traditional methods alone. Many people fall into the clutches of charlatans. But there are also well-established healers. One of these is Mikhail Kryzhanovsky. All of the author's books are very popular

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners: description of exercises (photo)

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners: description of exercises (photo)

Pathological condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system is characteristic of 80% of the population. Most of them are people aged 30-50 years. According to statistics, these diseases are in third place after cardio and oncology. Bubnovsky's gymnastics is a proven method for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, most of which are called osteochondrosis

Healing qualities and beneficial properties of honeysuckle

Healing qualities and beneficial properties of honeysuckle

The beneficial properties and contraindications of honeysuckle in Russia have become known since the middle of the 18th century. This happened thanks to the description of an unusual shrub by the discoverer of Kamchatka, Vladimir Atlasov. In his work on the nature of Kamchatka, the Russian researcher S.P. Krashennikov dwelled in detail on the characteristics of the northern blue berry and gave comprehensive knowledge about honeysuckle and its beneficial properties for humans

Licorice root: medicinal properties, indications, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications

Licorice root: medicinal properties, indications, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications

For a long time, people have known about the benefits of licorice root. In ancient times, the plant was used to treat a variety of ailments, and such recipes are mentioned in the works of Hippocrates and the works of Galen that have survived to this day. In various Eastern countries, it is simply impossible to imagine a pharmacy that would not sell preparations from licorice root, and in the North, any store has candies and sweets with this plant, but drugs can be bought at pharmaceutical points of sale

How to make propolis tincture at home? Propolis tincture on alcohol: recipe

How to make propolis tincture at home? Propolis tincture on alcohol: recipe

So much has been written and said about the medicinal properties of bee products that there is practically nothing to add to this. Special literature, advice from traditional healers and medical professionals, programs, programs, and articles pointing to bees and everything they produce as a perfectly balanced natural factory of preventive and truly medicinal products - all this is not just a tribute to some kind of fashion. This is all very useful, and for some it becomes vital

Heimlich method: description of the technique

Heimlich method: description of the technique

The Heimlich method is used for choking when a person needs immediate help. Usually in this state, the complexion of the victim becomes blue-red, as they say, cyanotic. The person grabs his throat and is unable to speak or inhale air. In such situations, it is very important to know the Heimlich method well. You can also help yourself in this way

Karagana maned: application, indications, reviews

Karagana maned: application, indications, reviews

Russian nature is generously endowed with medicinal plants. In the forest pharmacy you can find flowers and herbs of different properties. In some areas of our vast country, there is a very prickly, but extremely useful plant with the interesting name Caragana maned or camel's tail. The article tells about the healing properties of this plant, about indications for use and contraindications, about its use in traditional medicine

Walnut, dried apricots, honey: mixture recipe, useful properties, application

Walnut, dried apricots, honey: mixture recipe, useful properties, application

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of developing SARS and colds increases. To protect yourself, you need to think in advance about strengthening the immune system. In pharmacies today you can buy dozens of drugs for the prevention and treatment of viral and colds. They are not cheap, and the effect is usually minimal. Do I need to buy them then? It may be better to use proven products: walnut, dried apricots and honey

Arugula oil: useful properties and instructions for use

Arugula oil: useful properties and instructions for use

Arugula is a plant whose leaves, flowers and stems can be eaten. Oil is made from grass seeds. It does not enjoy much success, although it has amazing properties. Arugula oil was first used in ancient Rome. In those days, it was considered an aphrodisiac

Acupuncture: reviews of doctors and patients

Acupuncture: reviews of doctors and patients

One of the most ancient methods of treatment, which is still offered by alternative medicine, is acupuncture (acupuncture). This technique is still popular today. There are both adherents and opponents of this technique. What reviews about acupuncture give doctors and patients will be discussed in the article

Cowberry for cystitis: medicinal properties, methods of application and recipes

Cowberry for cystitis: medicinal properties, methods of application and recipes

One of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system is cystitis. In parallel with drug treatment, a positive effect is given by therapy with folk remedies, one of which can be attributed to lingonberries. With cystitis, the leaves and berries of the plant are used to prepare decoctions. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material, in which we will talk about the medicinal properties of the plant, how to use it and the most effective recipes

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and his he alth system. Patient reviews

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin and his he alth system. Patient reviews

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - the author of the he alth system. His recommendations on self-regulation of the internal environment of a person attract with their competence. He believes that the stock of internal strength of the biosystem of the human body is inexhaustible

Aloe injections: medicinal properties and contraindications

Aloe injections: medicinal properties and contraindications

This article describes the healing properties of aloe vera. The indications and contraindications for injections of an aqueous solution of aloe are described in detail, as well as patient reviews and recommendations from doctors

Healing properties of birch buds

Healing properties of birch buds

The healing properties of birch buds have been known for a long time: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic - and this is not the whole list. The birch itself is a unique plant: almost all of its parts are considered healing: leaves, buds, bark, sap

Highlander kidney: useful properties and contraindications

Highlander kidney: useful properties and contraindications

Highlander has many beneficial properties, but it is most widely used to treat hemorrhoids. Therefore, in the people it is called hemorrhoid grass. How to distinguish this plant from other similar herbs that do not have medicinal properties? How to prepare medicines from it? How to use them?

Tansy common: photo, description, medicinal properties and contraindications

Tansy common: photo, description, medicinal properties and contraindications

The herb, known by the Latin name Tanacetum vulgare L, - common tansy, has long been used in folk medicine. It increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. An aqueous extract from the plant accelerates the treatment of measles, flu, colds, sore throats. The herb has antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes healing of inflammatory processes of the skin (for example, atopic dermatitis), abscesses, acne, herpes and ulcers

Thyme, or thyme. Medicinal herbs: thyme. A photo

Thyme, or thyme. Medicinal herbs: thyme. A photo

In this article we will talk in detail about what is a thyme plant (or thyme). In addition, you will learn about its beneficial properties and how to use it

Yarrow flower: medicinal properties, contraindications

Yarrow flower: medicinal properties, contraindications

Yarrow flowers are often used in folk medicine. This plant has a lot of useful properties and has a beneficial effect on almost all organ systems. Medicines prepared from the flowers are used to treat disorders of the reproductive, digestive, and nervous systems. They are also used for skin and hair care

Dill - what is the use of this product?

Dill - what is the use of this product?

It is clear that eating greens in moderation is good for your he alth. And dill is far from the last place in the list of "green doctors". The article details the benefits of dill leaves and seeds, provides folk recipes for infusions, and describes contraindications to the use of this plant

Dill fragrant: useful properties and contraindications

Dill fragrant: useful properties and contraindications

Dill odorous is an annual herbaceous plant with a pronounced aroma. It belongs to the Umbrella family, has a straight stem, up to one and a half meters high. Blooms in June-July. After flowering, elliptical-shaped fruits are formed. The plant is widely distributed throughout the world. The leaves and stems are used to prepare various dishes, and the seeds are used in medicine

Help yourself: reduce pressure with folk remedies

Help yourself: reduce pressure with folk remedies

High blood pressure is a big problem with serious complications. Due to hypertension, the walls of blood vessels, the brain, heart, and kidneys suffer. The possibilities of traditional medicine in maintaining normal blood pressure are described in the article

How to do a back massage at home?

How to do a back massage at home?

The back experiences serious stress every day. The spine is the backbone of the entire body. Impact on its different parts helps to cope with most ailments, as well as prevent the development of any serious diseases. The article will tell you how to do a lumbar massage correctly, where to start and what are the contraindications

Black nightshade: photo, benefit and harm

Black nightshade: photo, benefit and harm

Black nightshade is an annual plant that is quite widespread in Asia, Europe, Australia and America. Most often it is perceived as weedy and poisonous. Not many people know about the benefits of this plant. Can black nightshade be harmful? How is it used in folk medicine? We will talk about this in this article

Effective treatment with celandine at home

Effective treatment with celandine at home

Today, celandine treatment at home for a variety of diseases is being promoted. Skin ailments and inflammation of the intestines can be easily eliminated if medicinal herbs are used correctly. Even cancer is not a sentence! Celandine is able to heal from the most complex diseases

The herb, whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children, is always useful in winter

The herb, whose infusion is used to treat coughs in children, is always useful in winter

Not every herb whose infusion treats cough in children is harmless. Any medicinal plant has its own contraindications, therefore, using traditional medicine recipes, it is extremely important to know the recommended dosage of drugs and the duration of their use

Adam's apple: reviews. Adam's apple: joint treatment

Adam's apple: reviews. Adam's apple: joint treatment

Few people know that green pimply oranges in alternative medicine are known as Adam's apple. Reviews of many healers indicate that tinctures from this product have unique healing capabilities. These fruits treat such diseases, the symptoms of which cannot be eliminated by ordinary pill therapy. Adam's apple, patient reviews insist on the following properties, they do an excellent job with sciatica, various hematomas, bruises and other diseases

Puppeteer from alcoholism: feedback on the application, contraindications

Puppeteer from alcoholism: feedback on the application, contraindications

Alcohol addiction is a rather serious problem not only for an individual family, but for the whole society. A person who depends on alcoholic beverages degrades both physically and morally. Alternative medicine offers such a remedy as a puppeteer for alcoholism. Reviews of this herb insist on the high effectiveness of the drug

Magnetic bracelets: benefits and harms. Healing bracelets

Magnetic bracelets: benefits and harms. Healing bracelets

Recently, jewelry such as magnetic bracelets has been especially popular. The benefits and harms of these trinkets have been studied for more than one year. As a result, many scientists claim that magnetic therapy is very beneficial for human he alth. Products made from the above material have an incredible healing effect