At the beginning of the last century, the world heard a sensational statement made by the American ophthalmologist William Bates. According to him, vision can be restored at any age. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to the use of optical means and medicines. According to Bates, for this it is enough just to perform special exercises. The famous ophthalmologist has developed his own method to restore vision. This unique method subsequently gained popularity in countries around the world. Until now, this technique has not received official recognition. But, nevertheless, a large number of people use it, hoping to improve their eyesight.
Followers of Bates
This is how a person is arranged, that he wants to achieve his cherished goal without making any special efforts for this. That is why new non-labor-intensive, but at the same time effective technologies are being developed that relate to all spheres of human activity. The same can be said about the Bates method. He has gone through a path of improvement thanks to adherents of non-drug healing of the body.

The Shichko method can be attributed to the most successful development. Feedback on the direction of self-programming received the highest ratings from users. Scientist-psychophysiologist GennadyAlexandrovich Shichko is the author of numerous works on getting rid of bad habits. In one of his works, he combined his method with the classical method of Bates. At first glance, it seems that the scientist is engaged in a new kind of work. However, Bates was also engaged in replacing harmful visual habits with useful ones. For example, eye strain, according to an American ophthalmologist, should be replaced by relaxation, and rare blinking by frequent, etc. From this we can conclude (according to Bates) that a variety of pathological addictions and harmful visual habits are related.
The Shichko method quickly became popular among those who wanted to restore normal vision in a natural way. He was recognized by some scientists as very effective, and his technique served as the basis for the creation of the latest improved methods.
The followers of this teaching were V. G. Zhdanov, as well as N. N. Afonin. In their works, they successfully combine the symbiosis of two techniques, which they call so: the Shichko-Bates method. Reviews regarding the joint use of these methods speak of accelerating the healing process by eight to ten times.
Basic Principles of the Bates Method
A well-known American ophthalmologist put forward a hypothesis that accommodation is carried out due to the impact of the visual muscles on the eyeball. This statement contradicted the ideas of official medicine, which noted that this process is possible only with a change in the curvature of the lens.
According to Bates, vision loss is not at all due to the appearance of physical pathologies. It is associated with a stressful state of the psyche. Moreover, each type of visual disorder, whether it is myopia or astigmatism, strabismus or hyperopia, has its own type of mental stress. In this regard, proper relaxation can have a healing effect.
According to Bates, the he althy eye makes no effort to see any object. This is possible due to the lack of tension in the muscles. What happens if a person attempts to consider something with the application of certain efforts? Then the visual muscles tense up. If such a process occurs constantly, then the eyeball undergoes deformation. Tight muscles squeeze him. As a result, the eye loses its original shape and cannot restore it even if there is no need to look. In other words, Bates argues that a visually impaired person is constantly in a state of tension that they simply do not notice.
To restore normal vision, a famous ophthalmologist urged his patients not to wear glasses. After all, in his opinion, despite the fact that they improve the visibility of the world around them, they increase tension. This impairs the blood supply to the eye and aggravates visual pathology.
Research conducted in the field of ophthalmology completely refutes the method of Bates, who proposed to restore vision without glasses. But regular exercise, developed by a well-known ophthalmologist, gives a good result. The technique of their implementation is discussed in detail in the book,written by Bates.
Yes, this method has not received the support of official medicine. It is common for a doctor to prescribe glasses for his patients and recommend the use of dietary supplements with blueberries. The lucrative eyeglass, lens and laser eyewear industry will never accept the possibility of restoring normal vision through a natural, non-drug approach.
The essence of the Shichko-Bates technique
The way to restore vision, proposed by an American ophthalmologist, was constantly being improved. So, recently the Shichko-Bates method has been very popular. It is actively promoted by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and public figure V. G. Zhdanov.
The Shichko-Bates method arose from the confluence of two separate directions. It included quite an effective theory of an American ophthalmologist and a method of cure proposed by a psychoanalyst. This made it possible to strengthen the psychological component of all the exercises performed.
Shichko's method involves keeping certain records in the evening hours. These are well-thought-out phrases, with the help of which the foundation of a new life program for the patient is created, which allows restoring he alth, in particular, vision. A well-known psychoanalyst discovered the phenomenon of the destruction of harmful programs in a dream after a person wrote self-suggestive phrases. Shichko's method is based on the impact on the patient's consciousness of the word he wrote. After all, it is much more effective than heard, said or read. The required settings must be complete phrases without abbreviations. After completing the diarythe patient is invited to do one of the Bates exercises - palming. Then, relaxing your eyes, you need to go to bed.
Shichko-Bates method "Restoration of vision" V. G. Zhdanov designed in the form of lectures. He began to tour around the country offering treatment for myopia and stuttering, hair loss and many other ailments, as well as bad habits.
Eye exercises
Most of us spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, knowing firsthand about eye fatigue. To restore vision, you need to relieve mental stress. Good vision without relaxation is impossible to maintain. This is where the Bates technique comes in. A well-known ophthalmologist has developed gymnastics for each type of visual impairment. Using the Shichko-Bates method, you can also do basic exercises. They help with all types of pathology.
This is one of the basic exercises developed by Bates. It is recommended to do it as often as possible. This is especially true for those moments when eye fatigue is felt. Need palming before bed. The exercise is done for a short time (three to five minutes). When performing it, the palms of the house should lie in front of the eyes, without pressing on them. The fingers are tightly clenched so that the light does not penetrate even through the smallest slit. There should be no physical tension during the exercise.

It is recommended to rub your palms against each other beforehand until heat comes out of them. During palming in front of closed eyes shouldbe a black box. It will appear only when the mind and body are relaxed. To achieve this state, you will need to remember objects that have a black color. You can also focus on your breathing while mentally counting to one hundred.
At the beginning of palming, light images will inevitably appear before your eyes. They indicate excitement. It is necessary to imagine a black color that will crawl on light spots. This will relax strong muscles.
This is another basic exercise developed by Bates. Pleasant memories perfectly relax the muscles of the face and the human psyche. You can think about your favorite colors and about an exciting journey.

Relax your eyes and mind will help green. You can also remember numbers or letters in black.
Mental representation
This is the third basic exercise of the Bates Method. When performing it, you will need not only to remember any thing, but also to imagine it. Such manipulations can be done with words. To do this, it is recommended to present a completely blank white sheet of paper, and then mentally write any phrase on it, putting a dot at the end. Next, you will need to focus on this punctuation mark, moving it along an imaginary sheet.
This is the last of the basic Bates exercises. It is the way out of palming. Under the palms, closed eyes should be slightly closed several times, and then loosened. Only after that the hands are removed. Eyes muststay closed. Then you need to shake your head up and down and left and right. This will help restore circulation. This is followed by a deep breath and a quick, quick blink.

These movements will saturate the visual cones located in the retina of the eyes, which are responsible for light perception, with nutrients and oxygen. That is why, after leaving palming, the colors of the world around us become much juicier.
Combining techniques
According to V. G. Zhdanov, effective restoration of vision is possible with regular self-hypnosis diary and Bates exercises. Already on the seventh day, patients begin to do without glasses.
Shichko's "Restoration of vision" method, in which Bates exercises are performed, causes various responses. Some believe that it does not contribute to the restoration of vision. Shichko's method receives reviews and completely opposite. For some people, it has become the only path to good vision.

The Shichko method, combined with the Bates method, can bring a positive result, but its effectiveness depends on several factors. Among them are the following:
1. Diagnosis. In the event that vision is reduced due to stress, and the structure of the eye is not changed, the chance of restoring vision using this technique is very high.
2. Suggestibility. A person will have a great chance of restoring vision according to the Shichko-Bates method if he is well susceptible to suggestion.
3. Desire and consistency. Nothing will happen if you do nothing. Only the efforts made will allow you to get the desired result. So to restore vision, you will need to practice systematically.
Bates' exercises and the Shichko method will, if not completely restore vision, at least significantly improve it.
Tobacco addiction elimination
Every smoker will at least sometimes think about how he would give up cigarettes. And here the Shichko method can come to the rescue. Smoking, according to a well-known psychologist, is an addiction from which no one can force a person to get rid of, except himself. Shichko developed his method for more than thirteen years. Quitting smoking using this method is not difficult. A person should direct all his forces to self-liberation. In other words, the patient needs to work hard on himself.

An additional force in this case will be public opinion and the external environment. If you use the Shichko method to quit smoking, you will need to go through several stages:
- awareness of the presence of pathology in the form of tobacco addiction and making a firm decision to get rid of it;
- analysis of sensations in the process of smoking;
- recording your emotional state in a special diary;
- conducting special tests based on the study of individual characteristics and setting to refuse cigarettes;- entering the results into a diary in the form of notes reflecting the change in life after getting ridfrom nicotine addiction.
Elimination of alcohol addiction
Gennady Shichko and his method of sobering up drunkards on the job and without drugs is popular in certain circles. The scientist was a psychologist, in addition, he is a candidate of biological sciences. Shichko worked as a senior researcher at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine. The psychologist gave more than 30 years of his life to this institution. During this period, he wrote a number of scientific papers, including a monograph on conditioned reflexes, as well as a work on the second signaling system and its mechanisms.
In order to sober up drunkards and alcoholics, Shichko developed an effective method. The book in which it is described gives an idea of the very technique of getting rid of this addiction.
According to Shichko, alcoholism is not a disease. A person who has a habit of drinking alcohol is a programmed individual. Shichko's method eliminates alcoholism not by medical, but by pedagogical work. And it is not surprising that the psychologist called his patients listeners.

The process of getting rid of a bad habit began with a questionnaire. This allowed us to develop an individual approach to each person. In addition, in the process of thinking and remembering, the drinker became more clearly aware of his position.
Special importance was attached to the diary, the filling of which before going to bed also made it possible to stop drinking. Shichko's method is based on the physiological ability of the brain to concentrate. The psychologist worked out the aversion of the drinkerperson to alcohol. At the same time, he ensured that the refusal of alcohol was absolutely painless for the patient.
Removing the need for alcohol is the first step of the work. The next task is to change the attitude towards alcohol. A person may no longer have a need for strong drinks, and alcoholism does not disappear anywhere. For the final recovery, it is required to extinguish the habit of consuming alcohol-containing drinks. At the same time, in the whole cycle of classes, the patient is told the truth about alcohol, as well as its impact on the human body and society. The information obtained should be fixed by keeping a diary. Only in this case will a person consider the facts presented to him, weigh them and be convinced of the senselessness of a destructive habit. This will finally strengthen the idea of the need to lead a sober lifestyle.
It should be said that the results of this method were simply amazing. Even the most hardened drinkers who were not helped by other methods of treatment stopped drinking after ten days.
Get rid of extra pounds
In the late 70s of the last century, American psychotherapists first used auto-training for weight loss as an independent technique. Its goal was to influence the human subconscious for a more effective and faster perception of new he althy habits.
Shichko's method for weight loss is similar to that described above. It is used by many people in order to reduce their weight. What is the essence of this technique? According to psychologists, overeating, insufficient rest and physical inactivityare not just bad habits. These actions, unfortunately, began to bear the character of a stereotype of behavior. For many generations of people, a program has taken root in the subconscious, the essence of which was overeating, relaxing on the couch and eliminating physical exertion. The body's natural response to these habits is to gain weight. You can get rid of extra pounds only by reprogramming the subconscious.
The usual way for many people to lose weight is very difficult. This requires willpower. The Shichko method for weight loss includes a series of exercises. All of them are aimed at developing volitional qualities in an individual. The essence of the technique is as follows. The patient gives himself a certain command. He demands from himself to act as a slender he althy person does. The command is “recorded” in the subconscious, and if it is repeated many times, it will “erase” the stereotype “eat more and move less”. As a result, human behavior will change, and extra pounds will go away on their own.
Shichko notes that the impact on the subconscious will be much more effective if it is carried out before bedtime and during the hours of morning awakening. During this period, consciousness is silent, and there is a chance to reach the very depths of the psyche. The programmed rules will need to be followed in real life. If you decide to run in the morning, then be sure to do it, if you have made a rule for yourself to reduce the diet, then by all means reduce the amount of food consumed.
With good visual perception, a presentation can be prepared with pictures reflecting all the planned actions thatlead to a slim figure. The resulting text will need to be played after waking up and before going to bed.