In many summer cottages and gardens you can see this light-loving, unpretentious, temperature-resistant plant. With the well-known mountain ash, it has a very distant relationship. This is black chokeberry. The medicinal properties of this plant are well known and have been successfully used since ancient times. Today we will tell you more about them.
History and general characteristics of the plant
Chokeberry is a native of North America. In the 16th century, the plant was first described by Dutch botanists. In those days, chokeberry was used as an ornamental plant. She was planted in squares, parks. And this is not surprising - chokeberry is very attractive: in spring, against the background of dense green leaves, white or pale pink flowers bloom, which gather in inflorescences. In autumn, the leaves turn crimson red, and clusters of black, shiny berries look very appetizing.

Aronia is not too demanding on soils, however,not very fond of saline, swampy and rocky areas. Weather greatly affects the timing of flowering plants. Black chokeberry is an excellent honey plant. This plant is fast-growing: the first berries can be enjoyed in three to four years. Harvest of useful fruits is harvested after the onset of the first frost in late autumn.
In Russia, the plant appeared only at the beginning of the last century thanks to the efforts of IV Michurin. Its berries were adapted to Russian frosts, and significantly exceeded American aronia in size.
Description of the plant
Chokeberry or chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), got its generic name from the Greek word aros, which means "benefit, help". Two Greek words formed its specific definition: melanoso - "black" and karpos - "fruit". In horticultural culture, this tall (more than two meters) branched shrub has a smooth gray bark and has a huge shoot recovery ability.
Annual twigs are covered with a red-brown color that becomes dark gray over time. Chokeberry is grown as an ornamental, medicinal or fruit plant.
Leaves, crown
In young shrubs, the crown is compact and even somewhat clamped, then it becomes sprawling: the crown diameter of an adult plant reaches two meters. The leaves are simple, entire, elliptical in shape. They are located on petioles, about 8 centimeters long, 5 centimeters wide. The edges of the leaves are serrated, sharply tapering towards the end. The upper side of the leaves is leathery,glossy, painted in dark green. The lower one is slightly pubescent, and therefore has a slight whitish tint.

Flowers and inflorescences
Small white flowers - bisexual, having five petals. They gather in dense thyroid inflorescences, which reach 6 centimeters in diameter.
Juicy, with a sour-sweet taste, the berries of the plant have an astringent and slightly tart taste. The fruits are rounded, much less often - compressed-rounded. Fully ripe chokeberry berries are shiny, painted black with a slight bluish bloom. Their weight varies from 0.6 to 1.5 grams, the diameter can reach 1.2 cm. The berries are covered with a dense skin, so they are well preserved fresh. Ripe fruits do not crumble for a long time and keep well on the branches.

Chokeberry blooms (we posted a photo in this article) from 12 to 16 days, and the flowering time depends on the air temperature. Late flowering aronia eliminates the possibility of damage to flowers by spring frosts. The fruits fully ripen between the end of August and the beginning of September.
Chemical composition
Before talking about the medicinal properties and contraindications of aronia chokeberry, you should study its composition. Pharmacists agree that it is unique. The Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation allows the use of the fruits of this plant as additives in many, mainly homeopathic preparations. The composition of the berries includes:
Complex of vitamins. They improve overall he althhe alth, enhance immunity
Microelements. The most valuable of them are boron, molybdenum and phosphorus
Tannins. It is they that give the berries a characteristic astringent taste
Folic acid. The presence of this substance is very important for pregnant women and children
Sorbitol. As you know, it is indicated for diabetes
Iodine. Thanks to the presence of this component, many thyroid problems can be de alt with
Pectins. Essential substances that cleanse our body of toxins and toxins
Dietary fiber. Help to significantly reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol
Potassium. Possessing a diuretic effect, potassium prevents swelling, strengthens the heart muscle well
And this is not a complete list of the components that make up the chokeberry. The plant contains many trace elements, which are very important in the fight against many ailments, up to 10% monosaccharides.

Useful properties of aronia chokeberry
Chokeberry fruits effectively lower blood pressure, but only in the early stages of the disease. With typhus, rheumatic diseases, scarlet fever, measles, manifestation of allergic reactions, they become an addition to the therapeutic agents prescribed by the doctor.
Chokeberry pectins help cleanse the body of heavy metals and radioactive substances, stimulate the secretion and more active excretion of bile, the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
Juice of fresh berries has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them. Aronia leaves are saturatedsubstances that improve the functioning of the liver, activate the processes of bile formation and contribute to its outflow. Chokeberry has been successfully used as a prophylactic.

Fruits containing epicatichins and antioxidants prevent diabetes, cancer. Aronia fruits are low allergenic, and therefore can be used as a source of vitamins and microelements by pregnant and lactating mothers. They can be given to babies older than a year. Their intake is indicated for low hemoglobin levels, poor blood clotting.
Aronia chokeberry: contraindications
This plant has many useful properties, but in some cases it can be harmful to he alth. It is necessary to take into account cases when doctors strongly recommend completely eliminating the use of the leaves and fruits of the plant. Contraindications include:
- hypotension (low blood pressure);
- chronic or recurring constipation;
- period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers;
- chronic gastritis;
- pancreatitis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- angina;
- individual intolerance to one or more substances contained in chokeberry.
As you can see, the list is quite large. If you suffer from these diseases, be sure to consult your doctor. Considering the effects of chokeberry fruit on blood pressure levels, don't get carried away by eating too many fruits.
We have introduced youdescription of chokeberry. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant must be taken into account when making preparations based on it.
Folk recipes using chokeberry
All preparations based on this plant - berries, juice, decoctions and tinctures from fruits and leaves - are usually taken three times a day for half an hour before meals. Check out the most popular folk recipes.
In recent years, doctors are increasingly talking about the spread and "rejuvenation" of hypertension. Unfortunately, today even very young people are subject to it. This fact is explained by a sedentary lifestyle, poor ecology, and bad habits. Preparations based on chokeberry will help to cope with this disease, but on condition that treatment is started at the first stages of the disease.
The simplest recipe recommended by herbalists is to eat 100 grams of fresh (you can also use frozen) berries. Effective composition, which includes:
- Chokeberry juice - 100 ml.
- Currant juice (black) – 100 ml.
- Natural honey - 30g
- Viburnum juice – 150 ml.
- Walnut - 4 pieces.
Prepare juice from ripe berries, trying not to get pomace and seeds into the drink. Add honey to it. If it crystallizes, melt it in a steam bath. Sugar is not recommended, as the drink may ferment. Peel the walnuts, grind them to a state of fine crumbs. It is more convenient to do this with a blender. Take 50 ml each morning and evening.

Atherosclerosis tincture
You will need:
- liter of water;
- 150 grams of dry leaves and fruits of chokeberry;
- 250 grams of granulated sugar;
- 500 ml vodka.
Pour the raw materials with water and bring to a boil. Add granulated sugar, boil for another 15 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the medicinal composition has cooled, add high-quality vodka. Attention! Diabetics need to add 3 grams of citric acid or a teaspoon (tea) of lemon juice to this tincture. Pour the composition into a glass dish, and tightly close the container with a lid. Move it to a dark, cool, out of the sun place for two weeks.
Take a tincture of 15 grams daily. The course of treatment is a month.
In the autumn and especially in the spring, many are faced with beriberi. This is a fairly common phenomenon that most often occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Chokeberry will help to cope with this problem.
Mix 15 grams of dry fruit and chokeberry leaves with a glass of boiling water. Boil for about 15 minutes over low heat. If there is not enough time, you can prepare the composition in a thermos. Take daily 100 ml. Such a drink, quite pleasant in taste, invigorates, gives strength, restores the lack of vitamins in the body.

For diabetes
Tannins and pectin contained in chokeberry stimulate digestion, tones and cleanses the intestines. Fiber cleanses the body:it eliminates congestion in the colon, stimulates the active excretion of excess bile. Regular consumption of chokeberry fruits has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and the work of the heart of patients suffering from this disease.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that the regular presence of aronia fruits in the diet significantly improves the functioning of the liver and restores the endocrine system. This is very important for diabetics. With this disease, it is recommended to eat a glass of berries daily, but not immediately, but in several doses.
Besides, you can prepare infusions and compotes from berries, add fruits to cottage cheese desserts, jelly, cereals. Both frozen and dried berries do not lose their healing properties. But we should not forget that the use of chokeberry must be agreed with the endocrinologist.
From thyroid diseases
Four tablespoons (table) of chokeberry fruits pour boiling water (0.5 l). They should be insisted for two hours. After this, the infusion must be filtered and taken in a glass three times a day. The course of treatment lasts at least a month. After two months, if necessary, it can be repeated.
When Pregnant
We have already talked a lot about the fact that chokeberry is rich in trace elements and vitamins. They are useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for the normal development and formation of the fetus. If a woman has no contraindications, doctors advise eating these berries.
The folic acid contained in fruits strengthens the placenta. Vitamins B6 and B1 reduce a woman's nervous tension. Antioxidants affect skin conditionallow stretch marks.
Before the introduction of berries into the diet during pregnancy, lactation, as well as when included in the diet of children under one year old, consultation with your doctor is desirable.