Alternative medicine 2024, October

The use of flax seeds in medicine

The use of flax seeds in medicine

Flax is a truly wonderful plant, applicable in various fields. First of all, of course, they always made fabrics from it and sewed clothes that were indispensable in the heat, saved from excessive sweating. And from it they get the most valuable oil, used not only for food purposes. The use of flax seeds in medicine has been known for a very long time, because this unique plant is suitable both for the prevention of a number of diseases and for their treatment

Elderberry. Useful properties of fruits and flowers of the shrub

Elderberry. Useful properties of fruits and flowers of the shrub

Still Hippocrates recommended treating edema with a decoction of black elderberry roots. In the Middle Ages, this tree was considered not only healing, but also sacred, they believed that its fruits significantly prolong life. The flowers, bark and berries of the plant are used for medicinal purposes

Diuretic tea for edema

Diuretic tea for edema

Today, there are many different drugs that help get rid of puffiness, while these funds can be found in almost any pharmacy. However, most people prefer to use lingonberry-based tea for swelling. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to prepare lingonberry tea for edema, what are the beneficial properties of this plant

Use of cedar oil in cosmetology and medicine

Use of cedar oil in cosmetology and medicine

The use of cedar oil is mainly practiced in medicine, cosmetology and perfumery. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, improves its firmness and elasticity. The use of cedar oil for inhalers and aroma lamps can cure bronchitis and cough, clear the airways of mucus, and free the sinuses. It has a beneficial effect on a person when moving (change of climate or time zone), as this oil is one of the best adaptogens

Water treatment: features, effective methods, methods and reviews

Water treatment: features, effective methods, methods and reviews

Water treatment is a free, useful and very effective way to get rid of various diseases. In some countries, such as India and Japan, water is the traditional method. In Russia, it can still be attributed, rather, to the exotic, which is a pity. After all, if instead of the usual medicines based on chemistry, we use ordinary water, the result can be even better, since the effect is on the whole body

Treatment with garlic. Recipes for garlic treatment

Treatment with garlic. Recipes for garlic treatment

Garlic is an affordable and he althy product. It is popular all over the world, it is loved for its excellent taste, as well as for its medicinal properties. You can talk about them endlessly. Treatment with this product is very common in folk medicine

Healing cedar cone from various ailments

Healing cedar cone from various ailments

Cedar trees growing in Siberia delight with their beauty, conceal a certain mystery and bring enormous benefits to people. Since ancient times, the mighty cedar has been considered a healer and breadwinner due to the presence of medicinal substances contained in nuts, bark, resin, needles and cones

Means "Sepia" - what is it? Who suits?

Means "Sepia" - what is it? Who suits?

Sepia substance - what is it? This is the liquid found in the cuttlefish's ink bomb. It splashes out at the moment of danger to scare away enemies

Buteyko breathing exercises: the essence of the method, exercises, reviews

Buteyko breathing exercises: the essence of the method, exercises, reviews

Buteyko's breathing exercises were recognized back in the days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Ministry of He alth has officially adopted this system. True, this took far from one year, but almost as much as thirty years. But in the end, Buteyko breathing exercises became world-famous

Treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies

Treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies

Toenail fungus is a disease in which the nail plate becomes porous and brittle. It loses its external gloss and smoothness, acquires a dirty yellow color and becomes covered with numerous tubercles. A sick nail looks extremely unaesthetic. This disease is not customary to discuss in public, as many believe that the cause of the disease is slovenliness. However, this is far from the case: anyone can get an infection. How to cure a fungus at home using folk remedies?

Chinese lemongrass: useful properties

Chinese lemongrass: useful properties

Schisandra, the he alth benefits of which are the topic of this article, is commonly used as a seasoning for dishes or as a mosquito repellent. But did you know that in addition to the aromatic smell, this plant also has many characteristics due to which it has a beneficial effect on he alth and can be used as a medicine?

The benefits and harms of turmeric as a medicine

The benefits and harms of turmeric as a medicine

What are the benefits and harms of turmeric? It is believed that the plant acts as an effective natural remedy in the treatment of various diseases

Chamomile in gynecology: he alth recipes, preparation of tinctures and decoctions, application, douching, baths, opinions of doctors and patient reviews

Chamomile in gynecology: he alth recipes, preparation of tinctures and decoctions, application, douching, baths, opinions of doctors and patient reviews

Chamomile has a number of useful properties that allow the plant to be called a green healer for women. According to experts, the medicinal plant gently affects the underlying disease, and also heals other organs. Chamomile in gynecology is used for baths and douches for vaginal dysbacteriosis, thrush, cystitis and other diseases. Also, the plant can be found in some pharmacological preparations

Oats for liver cleansing: brewing methods, application, effectiveness, reviews

Oats for liver cleansing: brewing methods, application, effectiveness, reviews

Physicians around the world are sounding the alarm: by the age of 40, almost 80% of people have liver dysfunction. Half of the cells of this most important organ by this age are clogged with toxins and harmful substances. As a result, the liver cannot fully cope with its functions. To cleanse it, methods of official medicine have been developed, and old recipes of traditional healers are successfully used to cleanse the liver with oats, which is famous for its beneficial properties

Omega-3 while breastfeeding: benefits for the baby and instructions for use for a nursing mother

Omega-3 while breastfeeding: benefits for the baby and instructions for use for a nursing mother

The nutrition of a nursing mother affects the he alth of the baby. Mom should receive all the vitamins and minerals to pass with milk to the child, but at the same time adhere to a diet. Omega-3 is an important component necessary for the development of crumbs, but is it allowed for a mother to drink omega-3 while breastfeeding?

Treat the kidneys with folk remedies: the most effective ways to treat traditional medicine

Treat the kidneys with folk remedies: the most effective ways to treat traditional medicine

Stones and s alts, inflammation, cyst, tumor, micronephrolithiasis, renal failure - all these ailments are related to the kidneys and require immediate treatment to a nephrologist. The treatment prescribed by the doctor to achieve the best result can be used in combination with herbal medicine at home. If you do not know how to treat kidneys with folk home remedies - an article to help you

Ponutriev Medical Center, Kemerovo: reviews

Ponutriev Medical Center, Kemerovo: reviews

He alth is the state of the human body. A he althy person feels in harmony with the environment and does not feel discomfort and pain. He is energetic, has an irrepressible interest in life, a desire to move and create. Good he alth is characterized by absolute physical, social and spiritual well-being

Finnish sauna is pleasure and he alth

Finnish sauna is pleasure and he alth

Today, the sauna has almost replaced the Russian baths. And although many avid vapers do not quite understand the difference between a bath and a sauna, it has firmly gained popularity and has become a favorite vacation spot for many

Shepherd's purse: medicinal properties and contraindications

Shepherd's purse: medicinal properties and contraindications

Shepherd's purse was so unusually named due to the triangular shape of the fruit, which resembles a shepherd's sack. There are over 25 varieties of this plant and dozens of its popular names. Despite the numerous medicinal properties, the shepherd's purse also has contraindications

Noni juice: contraindications for use, useful properties and recommendations for use

Noni juice: contraindications for use, useful properties and recommendations for use

Today, exotic foods have flooded the domestic market. But perhaps the most mysterious of them all is Noni juice. There are practically no contraindications to its use, but according to the sellers, there are more than enough benefits in it

Healing properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use

Healing properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use

Mugwort has a tall, spreading bush and an extremely strong specific aroma. The second name is widow grass. Depending on the species to which each particular plant belongs, it can be used in different ways

Gentian root: useful properties, recipe, use and contraindications

Gentian root: useful properties, recipe, use and contraindications

The huge gentian family includes more than 400 species of annual and perennial plants that grow in various regions - from hot countries to cold northern seas. They are even found high in the mountains. In ancient times, great healers paid attention to some species, or rather to their medicinal properties, and later they began to be used in medicine in many countries

Bearberry: photo, description, properties and application

Bearberry: photo, description, properties and application

Bearberry is a shrub with recumbent oblong stems. It grows in North America, the European part of Russia, the Far East and Siberia. It is very rare in the non-chernozem zone and in the Caucasus. In folk medicine, bearberry is used to prepare infusions, teas, decoctions that have antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects

Dandelion root: medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Dandelion root: medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Dandelion root is currently a recognized and highly effective drug in folk and classical medicine. This plant is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its use not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, allows us to confidently consider it the most valuable medicinal plant in Russia

Ivan Kuznetsov: neck and back exercises

Ivan Kuznetsov: neck and back exercises

Osteochondrosis causes muscle pain. The technique developed by Ivan Kuznetsov can help overcome the disease. Exercises for the neck completely remove discomfort. Stiffness of the spine goes away after the first course

Folk remedies for papilloma. Remedy for papillomas and warts

Folk remedies for papilloma. Remedy for papillomas and warts

The human papillomavirus is spreading very fast. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question of how to quickly and effectively get rid of such an unpleasant disease. Since the use of pharmaceutical preparations is not affordable for everyone, many seek to find effective and safe remedies for papilloma in traditional medicine

Quickly increase hemoglobin folk remedies. Hemoglobin-enhancing products

Quickly increase hemoglobin folk remedies. Hemoglobin-enhancing products

The level of hemoglobin directly affects the general condition of the body and its performance. A decrease in this indicator is manifested by weakness, fatigue, heart rhythm disturbance and a decrease in blood pressure. Scientists have proven that you can quickly increase hemoglobin with folk remedies

Thyme - what is it? Thyme: medicinal properties and contraindications. Thyme for cough

Thyme - what is it? Thyme: medicinal properties and contraindications. Thyme for cough

Thyme is a representative of the Lamiaceae, it is one of the largest in its family. This is not the only name of the plant

How to get rid of a headache without a pill

How to get rid of a headache without a pill

It is very unpleasant when you are attacked by a terrible headache. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible, but often there is no desire to use medicines. What to do? Is it possible to quickly get rid of a headache without taking pills?

Dung beetle (mushroom) from alcoholism: reviews

Dung beetle (mushroom) from alcoholism: reviews

Dung beetle mushroom (koprinus) is a genus of mushrooms of the champignon family. It has been known since the 18th century, although it was singled out as an independent genus only at the beginning of the 20th century. At the moment, dung beetle is a mushroom, which has about 25 species. Most of them are inedible due to the almost absent pulp, other types of coprinus are poisonous

Essential oil of wormwood: properties and uses

Essential oil of wormwood: properties and uses

Artemisia essential oil is not recommended for use in conventional aromatherapy methods, as the oily liquid is toxic and should be handled with care. At the same time, the oil has a wide list of useful properties, including the impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person. At home, for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, only lemon wormwood oil is used, which has high irritating properties and less toxicity

Ursolic acid: description, useful properties. What foods contain ursolic acid?

Ursolic acid: description, useful properties. What foods contain ursolic acid?

Ursolic acid is a substance well known primarily to athletes and people suffering from obesity, because it perfectly burns fat and maintains a slim figure. But it turns out that this connection is useful not only for them. Ursolic acid is shown to many more categories of patients. Interesting? Read

Sage for menopause and hot flashes. How to take sage for women?

Sage for menopause and hot flashes. How to take sage for women?

The benefits of sage for women are very numerous. This medicinal herb tends to keep the activity of the sex glands normal and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole. The most popular is sage as a remedy for hot flashes during menopause

Copper bracelets: properties, benefits and harms

Copper bracelets: properties, benefits and harms

There are many effective non-traditional methods of treatment, one of these is copper. Judging by the flattering reviews of people using such products, we can say that they really help a person stay he althy and full of energy

Lotus essential oil: composition, useful properties, application

Lotus essential oil: composition, useful properties, application

People have long known lotus flowers. The essential oil from this plant is widely used today for cosmetic purposes. Massage is done with it and aromatizes the premises. The lotus is often referred to as a sacred plant. It represents natural purity. Despite the fact that the roots are in the mud, the flowers are located above the water, delicate and clean. Inhaling healing aromas, a person seems to protect himself from dirty fuss and gain inner independence

Marshmallow officinalis: description, properties, use in traditional medicine

Marshmallow officinalis: description, properties, use in traditional medicine

Marshmallow officinalis - a medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is currently used in syrups, herbal teas and lozenges. The herb is used in herbal medicine for infectious and viral diseases of the respiratory system

Not only celandine treats the skin. The use of the plant in traditional medicine

Not only celandine treats the skin. The use of the plant in traditional medicine

What medicinal properties (besides cleansing the skin) does celandine have, the use of which is recognized not only by traditional healers, but also by homeopaths and official medicine?

How to treat coxarthrosis with folk remedies?

How to treat coxarthrosis with folk remedies?

It is possible to alleviate the patient's condition with such a serious disease as coxarthrosis on your own, if you use a variety of folk methods in a complex

Expectorant and mucus-removing herbs for dry cough and bronchitis

Expectorant and mucus-removing herbs for dry cough and bronchitis

Various expectorant herbs are good for clearing phlegm from the lungs. They have a mild effect, thinning and removing mucus. Cough herbs can be harvested on their own, or you can buy ready-made in a pharmacy

Calendula flowers: useful properties and contraindications

Calendula flowers: useful properties and contraindications

In nature, there are a huge number of medicinal plants and herbs. Among them, calendula flowers stand out for their healing properties. The article will discuss the features of the use of the plant and its medicinal qualities