Everyone knows that baths and saunas are the best means not only for relaxation and recreation. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the overall he alth of the human body: it cleanses of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the skin and internal organs. The rules of behavior in the bath are quite simple, if you follow them and regularly visit the steam room, you can normalize the immune and nervous systems, activate metabolic processes, improve your general condition and get a boost of energy and vigor. In order for trips to the sauna and bath to have the desired result, you need to prepare in advance.

Benefits of visiting baths and saunas
For deep cleansing of the skin, bath procedures are best suited: dry bath (sauna) or wet (steam room). The heat opens the pores well, dead scales are quickly rejected, excess fat that the sebaceous glands excrete is removed. A visit to the Russian bath has a beneficial effect on internal processes, blood circulation is activated, the skin is better supplied with blood, acquires a pink tint. Kidneys startwork more actively, peristalsis improves, harmful substances are removed faster, toxins leave the body.
The rules of conduct in the sauna and bath indicate that overheating of the body must be reasonable. In this case, immunity begins to strengthen. But if you have already overcome a runny nose or a cold, the steam room is unlikely to help at the stage of the disease.
By alternating heating/cooling, the blood vessels get a good workout. The body tolerates heat in summer more easily, does not feel lethargic and weak.
In the bath, the air in the steam room warms up to 60 degrees, but the humidity reaches 90 percent. In such conditions, a person sweats less than in a dry sauna. The cleansing effect is enhanced by the droplets of condensate that settle on the skin.
Preparing for going to the bath

If you decide to heal your body by going to the bath, prepare in advance for the procedures so that they bring the maximum effect during visits. Prepare your body ahead of time. What you need for this:
- Doctor's consultation. Visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations. It will help you understand the contraindications.
- Eating. Before visiting the sauna, baths must be eaten 2-3 hours before. The menu should include only light meals. During bath procedures, you should not load the stomach with food, as under the influence of high temperatures, the digestion process slows down significantly.
- Sport. Immediately before visiting the bath, do not overload your body with enhanced physicalloads.
- Liquids. On the day of going to the bath, drink as much water as possible, up to three liters. This will avoid dehydration, which adversely affects the condition of the body as a whole. Between trips to the sauna during breaks, replenish the fluid supply. Alcoholic drinks excluded.
- Personal hygiene. Before going to the steam room, remove all cosmetics from the skin. Sweating should not interfere with any foreign substances. Do not use products that dry out the skin. Follow the rules of behavior in the bath, and the procedures will give you only pleasure.

Before entering the steam room, sauna, drink more liquid, relax and get some rest. After taking a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. You should not wet your head, otherwise it will quickly overheat in the steam room. Warm foot baths are recommended. With warm feet, the body immediately begins to sweat better. Entering the steam room, first place yourself on the lower tiers, gradually move to the upper ones. This is recommended in all rules of conduct in the bath. So the body gradually gets used to high temperatures, the removal of toxins will occur gradually. Being in the steam room in time depends on the endurance of the body, it can last up to 10 minutes. The intervals between visits must be at least 15 minutes. In total, it is recommended to make no more than three visits to the steam room in one session.
Exiting the sauna
A visit to the steam room is best finished with a cool shower. But you need to take it correctly, as the rules recommend.visits to the bath and sauna: first the right leg is placed under the water, then the left. The jet of water should first fall on the foot and gradually rise up to the thigh. After that, hands are rinsed. Starting with the palms, smoothly move to the shoulders. Repeat this procedure three times and then completely get under the shower.
After the sauna, warm green tea is very useful. It helps to replenish and normalize metabolism, water balance. On steamed skin, it is recommended to apply a variety of useful masks, they easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help cleanse.
Herbal decoctions or essential oils, which are poured over heated stones, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and create a cozy atmosphere. First, a few drops of oil must be dissolved in a small amount of water.
General rules for visiting the bathhouse

Regular visits to the bath can be considered sessions 1-2 times a week. The best time when the body is more active is considered to be morning hours - from 8 to 11 and evening hours - from 16 to 20. At this time, metabolic processes in the body are more active, procedures are more effective.
General rules are few and far between, but observance is mandatory. Pay special attention to the rules of behavior in the bath. If you ignore them, you can harm your own he alth.
- In the baths of any culture, it is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. Violating these prohibitions, visitors risk getting a hypertensive crisis (a sharp increase in pressure), vasospasm.
- On the bath day completelygive up alcohol, coffee. Drink mineral water, unsweetened tea, juices.
- In the bath, take off not only all your clothes, but also jewelry. Put on a kilt, hat and bath slippers.
- Don't go into the steam room with a wet head. Gather your hair in a bun so that it does not spill over the body.
- Before entering the steam room, preheat the body under a warm shower, then dry it with a towel.
- The safest position in the steam room is lying on the bottom shelf, head towards the entrance.
- Pay special attention to measured deep breathing. It allows oxygen to flow intensively to all organs and tissues.
- One session should not be in the bath for more than three hours. Adjust the time spent in the steam room as well.
Avoid Mistakes

Avoid the most common mistakes bath and sauna visitors make:
- In order to stay in the sauna longer, some try to take the lowest cold shelf and sit there all the time.
- It is not recommended to pour warm water instead of cool water after the steam room.
- It's dangerous to sit on the topmost shelf with your head under the ceiling and your legs hanging down.
- Drinking in the sauna, especially alcoholic beverages, is strictly prohibited.
- If you walk in a cool room with clothes on, the hardening effect is reduced.
- It is unhygienic to dive into the pool immediately after the sauna without washing off the sweat.
- Don't swim in the pool between sauna sessions. Water pressure hurtsdilated vessels.
- It is harmful to comb your hair in the sauna, it becomes brittle.
- In the steam room you need to completely relax, talking is not the place here, they will only interfere with the state of complete rest.
Contraindications for visiting the bathhouse
Having a lot of positive effects, bath procedures can also have negative consequences. The danger is associated with exposure to high temperatures and humidity, they can provoke the manifestation of some kind of chronic diseases. Harmful effects may occur if the rules of visiting were not observed or contraindications to bathing procedures were ignored. They include:
- Any acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
- Medications that affect metabolic processes.
- Increased body temperature.
- Kidney stones.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Skin diseases.
- Oncology.
- Asthma.
- Pregnancy.
Certainly, pregnancy is not a disease. However, the load on the female body during this period is too great, so bath procedures are not recommended. It is possible to visit a warm bath, if the doctor allows it, he will determine the correct temperature regime. It is better not to use various essential oils and decoctions in this position.
Turkish bath

The Turkish bath is considered to be the coldest. Here the temperature ranges from 35 to 55 degrees. Rules of conduct in the bathit will be easier here. The time recommended for visiting the Turkish bath is 1-1.5 hours. Having visited it, be sure to try all the services. Refusal of them is considered simply incorrect.
- There is a special room in the Turkish bath to preheat the body.
- Full body massage plays a huge role here. It is carried out with special gloves with a lot of foam.
- Seaweed wraps are very popular in Turkish baths. Laminaria has a lot of cosmetic and medicinal properties. The scents of the sea have a relaxing effect.
- Aromatherapy sessions are held in special rooms. Here visitors are offered delicious herbal tea.
Public baths

Being in such establishments, do not interfere with other people's rest. To make everyone feel comfortable, it is recommended to follow the five rules of behavior in the bath:
- Don't attract the attention of others, talk calmly, don't make noise.
- To protect yourself from various infections, follow all the requirements of personal hygiene.
- Spread rugs on the floor in the steam room. Use a set of clothes designed specifically for the bath.
- Do not use products that contain too strong odors.
- Treat employees with respect.
If you follow all the rules of visiting, as well as follow the recommendations of doctors, going to the bathhouse will bring only true pleasure and will have a healing effect on the body.