For many Slavic peoples, viburnum has long symbolized (and symbolizes) girlish beauty, love and happiness. In pre-Christian times, there were whole rituals for collecting ripe viburnum berries. According to some legends, our ancestors, with the onset of time, when it was the right time to collect viburnum, waited for the night and made large fires near the bushes.

Young men started their dances around the fire, allegedly in order to divert the attention of evil spirits, who also claimed magic berries. Meanwhile, the girls came in from the other side and quickly collected viburnum in baskets. In folk medicine, flowers, bark and berries of the common viburnum are still successfully used. So what are the benefits of viburnum berries? According to various sources, they contain organic acids, pectins, tannins, tannins, vitamins (A, E, C), as well as a number of minerals: magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and others. The composition of the berries is also affected by the observance of the timing of when to collect the viburnum.

The branches of the bush can also be dried.
Viburnum (berries): medicinal properties
There is more vitamin C in viburnum than in lemons. So, to raise immunity, berries are successfully used, the medicinal properties of which were known many centuries ago. In most cases, viburnum berries are used for colds. Tea with berries serves as a diaphoretic, viburnum with honey is used for coughing in children and adults (as an expectorant). Viburnum juice with sugar helps to lower blood pressure. Often one tablespoon of this syrup in the morning and evening for a week is enough to normalize the pressure. There are also known cases of treatment of a number of female diseases with viburnum juice. With such a disease as an ovarian cyst, it is useful to mix freshly squeezed viburnum juice with honey in equal proportions and take it on an empty stomach. You need to start with a teaspoon only in the morning, and then, following a special scheme, increase the dose to a tablespoon in the morning and evening. Note: this treatment is not for everyone.
Women with functional cysts can get rid of their disease in this way, but if the cyst is of a different origin, it is better to consult a gynecologist. Viburnum juice has a general strengthening effect on the heart muscle, normalizes the heart rate, thereby relieving tension in the walls of blood vessels. Berry tea is used as a diuretic. It also stimulates the secretion of bile, thereby preventing the appearance of polyps and stones. Viburnum tea is also useful for some diseases of the nervous system.

It is impossible to say exactly when it is best to pick viburnum. This is done from October to December, always in dry weather. When the first frosts come, the berries lose some of their bitterness, but their beneficial properties do not decrease.
Recently, there are recommendations in the literature for people with heart disease. So, doctors of alternative medicine advise such patients to eat 5-6 seeds of viburnum berries per day. They assure that it is not for nothing that viburnum bones are heart-shaped.
To use red viburnum in your home first aid kit, you should learn to determine when it is best to collect viburnum, and find recipes that suit you. Only then will the power of the magic berry bring you he alth.