Sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can cook

Sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can cook
Sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can cook

There is hardly a person who has never heard of the existence of sea buckthorn oil. After all, sea buckthorn berries contain a huge amount of various trace elements, vitamins and organic acids. Oil from sea buckthorn berries is traditionally used in the treatment of wounds, burns, stomach ulcers.

sea buckthorn oil at home
sea buckthorn oil at home


Sea buckthorn juice, no doubt, helps to restore strength at the time of rehabilitation after illness. Sea buckthorn oil is often used in gynecology. It is not recommended to use it in patients with liver failure, gallbladder disease and high acidity of the stomach.

Sea buckthorn juice is a real treasure trove of useful substances. It contains a lot of carotene, vitamins B, C, P and E, linoleic acid. In strongly overripe sea buckthorn berries, the amount of vitamin C is sharply reduced. This happens when berries are thawed after freezing. Sea buckthorn juice has a powerful anti-sclerotic effect due to the content of B-sitosterol. A decoction of sea buckthorn leaves has a healing effect on the hair. The antimicrobial property of the product is used for sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

Sea buckthorn oil is isolated from the pulp of berries and juice. If you make sea buckthorn oil at home, you can be completely sure of its composition. It will turn out fragrant and will be bright orange in color. But how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home will be discussed further.

how to make sea buckthorn oil at home
how to make sea buckthorn oil at home


Sea buckthorn oil at home is easy to get in many ways:

  1. Squeeze out all the juice from the fruits of sea buckthorn. Keep in a dark and cool place. The oil will rise to the surface after settling. Then it is removed. This product is of the highest quality.
  2. Grind the remaining cake, add vegetable oil. Then you need to insist and separate the oil by pressing. The product obtained in this way is valued less. The color of this oil is light orange.
  3. Squeeze juice. Dry the cake, grind it. Fill with olive oil. We insist for about three weeks. Then we filter. Store in a dark jar.

Make good sea buckthorn oil at home everyone can do it. However, this process requires patience.


Sea buckthorn oil at home is perfectly stored in the refrigerator in a dark bottle.


So we come to the next important section. With the question of how to make sea buckthorn oil at home, there should be no problems, and now we will share recipes for its use:

  1. With a stomach ulcer, it should be drunk 1 dessert spoon two or three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. In this case, the course of treatment lasts about one month.
  2. In the treatment of gynecological diseases, cotton swabs well dipped in oil are used. They should be changed daily. With erosion of the cervix, 12 procedures are sufficient, with colitis - 15. If necessary, the treatment course should be repeated after a month and a half. Be sure to check with your doctor.
how to make sea buckthorn oil at home
how to make sea buckthorn oil at home

Application areas

In addition to the above indications for use, sea buckthorn oil is often used for sinusitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, etc.
