A valuable medicinal and at the same time poisonous and deadly plant is hemlock. It was known back in the days of Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Avicenna as a killer herb and an antitumor agent.

In ancient Rome it was called "hemlock", and in ancient Greece - "cokeyon". And the Athenians used hemlock juice to execute those condemned to death. By this they showed a kind of humanity - this poison kills painlessly. It is known from history that Socrates, sentenced to death by the ancient court, was poisoned with hemlock juice. And at the same time, at all times, tincture (hemlock) was used as "the most glorious medicine for cancer" - so the famous Viennese doctor Karl Sterk said.
And recently, interest in this plant has increased significantly. It has been established that it is a very strong immunostimulant, which activates and strengthens the body's defenses. In this regard, manyherbalists advise adding it to herbal preparations intended for the treatment of various diseases. Another tincture - hemlock - has a strong analgesic, sedative, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect. And in folk medicine, such a tincture was used to treat a number of cancers, such as cancer of the prostate, breast, liver, stomach, uterus, and others.

Another treatment with hemlock tincture is very successful in some benign tumors, such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cervical and uterine polyps, prostate adenoma, mastopathy. Hemlock also helps with polyps of the bladder, intestines, stomach, larynx, nasopharynx and others. But it should be handled with care, as this plant is extremely poisonous. Overdoses are not allowed here.
Oncologists recommend for non-debilitated patients and those who have undergone radiation and chemotherapy the following method of taking this medicine. Here the tincture (hemlock) is taken incrementally, up to 15 drops per day. This dosage should be followed until complete recovery. Treatment according to this technique shows the highest percentage of recovery, because 15 drops is a gentle and well-working dose. With it, the functions of he althy cells are not inhibited. And by taking exactly this number of drops of the drug, the patient suppresses the tumor without harm to the body.
And for patients with high immune potential, hemlock (tincture) is taken according to another - "royal" - method. The medicine should be taken once a day on an empty stomach one hour before meals. At the same time, the coursestarts with one drop, and is added one daily. And having reached 40 drops per day, the dose should be reduced by a drop, again returning to one drop. The drug is diluted in water. First, in 100 milliliters, then every 13 drops, another 50 milliliters of water is added. And if at least some signs of poisoning appear (dizziness, nausea, weakness in the legs), you should immediately begin to reduce the dose, bringing it to one drop.

With overdoses, the state of he alth deteriorates sharply, inflammatory processes begin. Then you should stop taking this medicine for three days and take a weak solution of potassium permanganate diluted in milk. Then they again return to such a remedy as hemlock tincture: they take the drug, lowering the dose to one drop. And so in a row you can conduct 2-3 courses. If the therapy gave a positive result, then another 1-2 cycles can be repeated after six months. It is very important to remember that the maximum allowable dose for a person is 40 drops of this tincture. But this technique is unsafe, since not every organism can withstand such a load: as a rule, after 25 drops, the risk zone begins. Here you should especially monitor your condition.