Peach oil: application in cosmetology

Peach oil: application in cosmetology
Peach oil: application in cosmetology

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A real storehouse of vitamins - peach oil. Its use in medicine and cosmetology, as well as in cooking, confirms this. It is quite fatty, obtained from the seeds of this wonderful fruit by cold pressing.

Peach oil - pantry of vitamins

peach oil application
peach oil application

This wonderful product is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, contains phosphorus, iron, potassium and fatty acids. Helps solve the following problems:

  • cellulite;
  • loose skin;
  • dry hair;
  • problem skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis, etc.

With all these shortcomings, peach oil helps to fight. The use in medicine is due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, softening properties. Today we will devote our conversation to cosmetology, because this oil is so loved by many women.

Skin benefits

If you have dry skin prone to peeling, peach oil will help you. Application: warm it up and mix with almond bran,moisturize the skin and apply, rubbing, this mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. As a result, your skin will be nourished, always in good shape and shine with he alth. Peach oil can be used by owners of dry and combination skin types, but not oily.

Hair benefits

peach hair oil application
peach hair oil application

If you have dry, damaged hair, use shampoos containing this wonderful gift of nature. This promotes their growth, protects against aging, nourishes the scalp. Peach oil for hair, the use of which restores their structure, is most often used in the form of masks.

Hair masks

You need to do them regularly, about 10 times a month.

If you have dry hair:

  • You will need homemade cottage cheese (about a couple of spoons), the same amount of butter and natural honey. Mix everything and apply on hair for half an hour.
  • Mix a tablespoon each of peach and olive oils and a couple of vitamin A capsules. Work the mixture through your hair. It is advisable to keep them under the film for about 30 minutes.

If you have greasy hair:

  • Mix peach oil and cognac (in equal proportions) with egg yolk. Rub this mixture on the hair roots and leave for about an hour. Rinse your hair thoroughly after the time has elapsed.

  • Peach kernel oil mix with oatmeal, grind them in advance. Apply the mixture to your roots. Keep at least 40 minutes. Shampoo your hair twice.

To make hair grow faster:

  • Take peach oil (literally a spoon), the same amount of burdock and a teaspoon of rosemary oil. Rub the mixture into the roots while warm and keep for an hour.
  • A couple of tablespoons of table mustard powder, the same amount of sugar, peach oil and water, mix in a bowl and apply to the hair closer to the roots for 30 minutes.
peach hair oil reviews
peach hair oil reviews

Here it is, peach oil! Using it will help prevent many hair problems. Apply before shampooing (on dry or slightly damp curls) or after (on ends). Hair will become he althy, strong, you will get rid of split ends, brittleness and dullness. The result will please you no later than in a month.

All masks are tested, so feel free to use peach hair oil (reviews are only positive) - and you will be irresistible!
