Probably everyone knows that the famous producer of natural silk (silkworm) eats only mulberry leaves. But in addition to foliage, mulberry also gives very tasty fruits, and its wood is valued by cabinetmakers for its beautiful structure and softness during processing. Musical instruments are also made from its wood. And residents of the southern regions of our country use mulberry wood to produce fragrant smoked meats.

Delicious jams and compotes are made from berries, fragrant light wine is made. In those days, when there were no chemical dyes, mulberry was also used to dye fabrics. This benefit is now doubtful, as those who collect and process the berries "flaunt" their characteristic purple-colored hands and lips. But this paint, although resistant, is removed quite easily - just wipe the right places with juiceberries of the same mulberry, only unripe, and the whole color will instantly disappear.
What an amazing mulberry tree. Its benefits for humanity are comparable only to the coconut palm, which also feeds and clothes the inhabitants of the tropics. In our country, unfortunately, coconuts can only be found in stores, but this is not a reason to feel left out.

The medicinal properties of mulberries have long been used by representatives of the so-called alternative medicine. The fruits of this tree contain a huge amount of nutrients. These are fructose and glucose, traditional for berries, and higher acids, and essential oils, and carotene, and macronutrients. Even official medicine has recently begun to pay tribute to the mulberry: do not be surprised if, along with raspberry jam, you will be recommended mulberries. Its use in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity is now officially recognized.

If you brew the buds and young leaves of the mulberry tree (as mulberry is called in the southern regions of our country), then the resulting broth serves as an excellent diaphoretic. And it perfectly regulates fat metabolism, which makes it indispensable for those who want to lose weight. Juice squeezed from fresh mulberry berries will help to cope with a sore throat. And the berries themselves are an excellent hematopoietic agent.
Medics have not yet identified contraindications for the use of such a tasty and he althy berry as mulberry. The harm and benefits of most plants usually go side by side, but there is no mulberryabsolutely no harm. Unless you eat too many overripe fruits and get an upset stomach. Or you will have an individual intolerance to the mulberry tree. But even in the case of the mentioned disorder, the culprit of which may be mulberry, the benefits will prevail: you will cleanse the intestines of toxins.
The only thing that can be recommended is not to pick up fallen fruits from the ground. Mulberry berries quickly turn sour. If you want to harvest, then spread a canvas or plastic wrap under the tree, on which you shake off the berries. The collected fruits are sorted out, transferred to the necessary containers and prepared for processing.