Guaiac tree: medicinal properties

Guaiac tree: medicinal properties
Guaiac tree: medicinal properties

Guaiac tree, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a plant up to 15 m in height. Belongs to the parnolistnikovye family. This tree is native to Western India, South and Central America.

The bark of the tree has a light gray tint, characterized by colorful bluish-purple flowers. After flowering, the guaiac tree is covered with fruits that have a bright yellow tint. The wood of the tree has a fairly high density, after which, after a while, its color changes from light gray to green. Such characteristics of the bark are due to the fact that the processes of oxidation of the resin contained in it begin.

guaiac tree
guaiac tree

Guaiac essential oil

Oil from wood is obtained through the distillation method. Tellingly, the oil is almost solid, it can be compared to candied honey. This consistency is usually achieved at room temperature. Being melted at 40-50 degrees, it is able to remain in a supercooled state for a long time. The oil is the owner of a unique aroma with a slight hint of vanilla, rose andviolets.

guaiac tree photo
guaiac tree photo

Characteristics and uses

Aromatherapy is not the only environment where guaiac wood is used. The essential oil of this plant is also used to combine with foods.

Natural remedy has anti-inflammatory and pathogenic characteristics. The use of essential oils improves blood circulation. Sometimes doctors advise young mothers to use guaiac tree oil during breastfeeding to directly increase lactation. The oil can be used as a relaxing and calming agent.

Essential oil of guaiac wood has found its niche in the industrial sector as well. In particular, it is used as an integral component in the manufacture of soap, a variety of drinks and food products. According to experts, the oil is completely harmless to the human body.

The healing properties of guaiac tree essential oil are also used in pharmaceuticals. It has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • sweatshop;
  • stretching;
  • used as a laxative;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • antiseptic.

The components of the guaiac tree are chemically obtained into a special reagent, which is necessary for such studies as urinalysis for occult blood and stool analysis.

Healing properties

guaiac tree essential oil
guaiac tree essential oil

Studies prove thatwhich contributes to the elimination of symptoms and the treatment of various diseases of the guaiac tree. The healing properties of the natural remedy are as follows:

  • Blocks the formation of inflammation in the body, since guaiac tree oil suppresses gamma-interferon, which promotes inflammation.
  • This remedy is effective for any skin inflammation.
  • Often, dentists recommend the use of natural medicine as a pain reliever to reduce toothache. As evidenced by numerous reviews of experts, this remedy adversely affects the pathogenic flora, which provokes the development of diseases in the oral cavity.
  • This natural medicine is quite effective in menstruation, accompanied by pain. In such situations, guaiac wood essential oil can be mixed with other oils.
  • During menopause, women are also often prescribed this remedy, since guaiac tree oil helps to normalize the formation of vaginal secretions.
  • The oil is considered an excellent anti-stress agent because it has relaxing properties.

Thus, the guaiac tree contains a lot of positive substances, because of which it is also called the tree of life. Its essential oil improves metabolism in the body, normalizes the function of the epidermis, kidneys and intestines. As a rule, infusions and decoctions are made from this natural medicine for healing. With flatulence, doctors recommend adding guaiac wood to a variety ofblended teas that help eliminate this problem.

Use in alternative medicine

As you know, the methods of alternative therapy are no less effective in the treatment of various diseases. Guaiac wood and juniper are widely used in folk medicine.

guaiac tree medicinal properties
guaiac tree medicinal properties


  • In case of a cold, it is recommended to rub oil directly on the chest and back. You can also make compresses: the oil must be applied to gauze or cloth and put on the back all night.
  • When a headache occurs, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the product to the temples and rub a little.

Healing properties of juniper

Juniper oil has disinfecting and bactericidal properties. Tellingly, preparations on this basis exhibit a rather intense diuretic effect, help purify the blood. It should also be noted that drugs prepared on the basis of this herbal component promote tissue regeneration.

Juniper berries are also quite widely used. They are used as a diuretic.

guaiac wood and juniper
guaiac wood and juniper

Existing contraindications to the use of guaiac wood

Experts do not recommend using products based on this component to the following groups:

  • children;
  • women during maternity - by recommendation onlydoctor;
  • patients who have protracted forms of gastrointestinal diseases.


It should be borne in mind that if you have been taking this remedy for several weeks, and there is no obvious improvement, then you need to visit a specialist. Doctors note that the essential oil of the guaiac tree is not a toxic substance. But it should be understood that each patient's body is individual, so the symptoms of existing diseases may vary. Therefore, in order not to harm your he alth, it is better to consult a specialist before using any medication or alternative therapy.
