Placental polyp after honeybort: symptoms and treatment

Placental polyp after honeybort: symptoms and treatment
Placental polyp after honeybort: symptoms and treatment

Placental polyp is a neoplasm formed from the mucous endometrium and the rest of the placental tissues. The active process of proliferation of mucous membranes leads to the appearance of wide or narrowed polyps on a thin stalk. The placental uterine polyp is treated, as a rule, surgically, followed by a long recovery with medication. When the first signs of pathological growth of the mucous membrane appear, it is important to immediately go to the doctor.

What can lead to education?

Provoke such complications hereditary factors, as well as the presence of previously formed growths in the cervical canal, uterus and lumen of the cervical canal. If there is a hereditary predisposition to the disease, a polyp of this type can appear anywhere in the organ.

Polyp photo
Polyp photo

Doctors classify medical abortions as follows:

  • instrumental(surgical) is a curettage, after which vacuum aspiration is performed (performed between 12 and 22 weeks of pregnancy and according to the doctor's indications);
  • drug method (in a different way velvet) - the embryo is destroyed by means of special drugs for a period of 6 to 8 weeks.

Regardless of the method chosen, over the next two months, the gynecologist must carefully monitor the condition of the woman. The placenta begins to form immediately after the conception of the child, and stops its development by 14-15 weeks of pregnancy. As soon as this period comes, the active process of its aging will begin.

If the abortion was done at an older age, then the risk of attachment of fragments of the placenta with blood secretions to the walls of the uterus increases. This is what polyps are made of.

Polyp Causes

The main reasons for the appearance of a placental polyp after a honeybort include:

  • incomplete curettage or placental discharge during abortion with drugs;
  • getting into the organ of infection;
  • accumulation of a large amount of blood secretions in the uterine cavity;
  • prolonged bleeding (they occur due to organ damage or problems with hormone production);
  • poor qualifications of the abortion specialist (this also includes clandestine abortions performed in countries with poorly developed medicine or in too religious countries).
Reasons for the appearance
Reasons for the appearance

Incomplete abortion (in other words, prolonged bleeding) isa situation of increased danger, in which a woman needs immediate hospitalization in a clinic and an instrumental cleaning of the uterine cavity.

When performing a velvet abortion in women with a lack of hormones produced by the body, their uterine cavity cannot contract normally and get rid of the remnants of the placenta.

Fragments of placental tissue grow into the layer of connective tissue, and then go deep into the vascular component, forming a formation that rises above the layer of the endometrium - this is the polyp.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of a placental polyp after a medical abortion include intense bleeding of a physiological type. The placenta, which could not separate normally, is strongly fused with the endometrium, which contains a large number of blood vessels and capillaries, which naturally narrow after childbirth.

Signs of illness
Signs of illness

The remnants of the placenta begin to secrete components that affect the state of the hormonal background of a woman. This process does not allow the uterus to contract normally, which leads to a narrowing of the gaps between the vessels.

The most common signs of a placental polyp:

  1. In the first 3-4 days, bleeding is not particularly abundant and does not bring discomfort. It occurs due to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which provokes vasospasms that continue for some time after an abortion.
  2. After seven days, bleeding may suddenly stop, eventually formingichor. With the appearance of complications, the amount of blood released only increases. The remaining pieces of the placenta can not only fuse tightly with the endometrium, but also activate the inflammatory process.
  3. Blood is dyed bright red. Bleeding of this type is considered uterine, so they do not mix with secretions. To some extent dangerous to the life and he alth of women. If bleeding of this type does not stop, then it is important to urgently take some measures to stop them yourself.

Additional signs of polyp formation

After an abortion, iron deficiency anemia is often observed along with bleeding in a patient after an abortion. In blood tests, the amount of hemoglobin decreases significantly in a short time, the level of erythrocytes drops.

Symptoms of malaise
Symptoms of malaise

It should be noted that the norm of hemoglobin in the body of a woman who does not suffer from any pathologies is 120.0 g/l -140.0 g/l; and erythrocytes - 3, 9-4, 010, 2/L.

Additional symptoms include:

  • discharge from placental polyp;
  • unnatural blanching of the skin;
  • very tired;
  • feeling unwell;
  • pain in the head, dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • state of fainting.

If signs of illness continue for a long time, then the patient will need to be immediately admitted to the clinic for treatment.

Other signs of a polyp

With placental polyps after a honeybortother symptoms may also appear that are not always characteristic of such a lesion:

  • pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity;
  • vaginal discharge of strange consistency;
  • increased body temperature, feeling hot;
  • appearance of an infectious process.

The patient feels the first signs of malaise one month after the abortion, as well as immediately after curettage or rejection of the fetal egg with medicines. In such cases, the blood continues to flow without stopping.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

It is important to remember that you can save your he alth and life only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and start complex treatment.

How is treatment carried out?

Treatment of a placental polyp after a honeybort in most cases is carried out promptly, but there is a huge range of medical procedures that will help determine the clinical picture of the ailment and get rid of its main manifestations.

How is the treatment carried out?
How is the treatment carried out?

Despite the nature of the formed polyp, oncological risks of its development are not excluded.

Over time, this type of polyp may:

  • change into a carcinoma;
  • convert to plural;
  • cause complete or partial infertility in a woman.

You can choose the appropriate treatment method only after a comprehensive study, including ultrasound, hysteroscopy and other procedures aimed at examining the uterus.

Non-surgical elimination

Treatment of a placental polyp after a medical abortion without surgery can be carried out with the help of medicines. Medications can be aimed at eliminating symptoms or at restoring the organ itself. With symptomatic treatment, the specialist aims to eliminate all the consequences of polyps and alleviate the patient's condition with bleeding and the spread of inflammation.

Drug therapy is most commonly prescribed to prepare a woman for surgery if she has some complications.


Doctors prescribe the following medicines:

  • iron preparations - they help eliminate anemia (lack of blood);
  • anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drugs - relieve pain;
  • special antispasmodics - reduce spasms of the muscle muscles of the uterus;
  • antibacterial - prevent or stop inflammation;
  • vitamins, minerals - have a general strengthening effect, useful for the immune system.

In the presence of heavy bleeding, deep tamponade of the uterus and vagina with medications may be prescribed.

It should be noted that in medical practice there are cases of self-elimination of a polyp after repeated pregnancy and spontaneous childbirth.

When will waiting be effective?

The treating specialist may decide to take a wait-and-see approach if the polyp is formed:

  • notinterferes with the patient's life and does not provoke unpleasant symptoms;
  • does not cause pain.

Polyposis formations in the uterus are diagnosed in women quite often. But not all patients understand their danger and for the most part delay treatment. It is important to remember that untimely treatment can become a direct threat to he alth and life.


Removal of a placental polyp after a medical abortion by surgery is the main and most common way to get rid of polyps located on any part of the organ. Removal of a polyp is very important, because it is it that will significantly reduce the risk of transformation of education into a cancerous tumor.


The most common ways to remove polyps after a medical abortion include:

  • curettage is the most common and proven surgical procedure for the removal of multiple formations;
  • endoscopic polypectomy - removal of a minimally invasive nature using a loop and subsequent cauterization of a polyp on a thin stem;
  • electrocoagulation - cauterization of the body, the base of the polyp;
  • moxibustion - uses a laser and liquid nitrogen.

Preventive measures

To prevent serious he alth consequences and avoid long-term treatment, it is important to take basic preventive measures. After an abortion, you should carefully monitor the state of the body, your well-being and vaginal discharge. Physicians should carefully monitorthe condition of the patient and make sure that the curettage was carried out correctly and that no piece of the placenta was left in the uterus. A woman should undergo regular scheduled examinations and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Treatment of a placental polyp after a medical abortion, according to reviews, in most cases ends positively.

In addition, polyps in the uterine cavity can lead to infertility, chronic anemia as a result of constant bleeding, depression and deterioration of vital functions. To protect yourself and ensure reliable he alth, it is important to see a doctor in a timely manner if you experience any signs of illness.
