Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment
Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

What can severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women indicate? Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity may be interested in a similar question. Of course, not only women, but also a strong half of humanity are subjected to such a test (sometimes not very easy). But the former are faced with such a problem more often. As a rule, with such symptoms, they turn to the antenatal clinic. At the same time, it may be a sign of the development of another pathology. In particular, we are talking about the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, urinary system, etc.

What can hurt on the left?
What can hurt on the left?

From an anatomical point of view, in the region of the left side there is the left kidney, ureter, just mentioned spleen, part of the small intestinal tract, including a section of the descending colon and its sigmoid section. Such pains may be associated with their pathologicalcondition.

The nature of manifestations

It can be sharp pains in the lower abdomen on the left in women or bursting. In any case, they can have a different character, depending on the cause that caused them. At the same time, the syndrome after an injury differs significantly from the physiological point of view from the pain associated with the pathological state of the internal organs. The appearance of the first signs must be stopped in a timely manner by taking painkillers.

If the pain is caused by the pathology of the internal organs, then it is necessary to act with a high degree of caution. In this case, it is possible to have a cooling effect on a part of the body from the side of the affected area.

As for the character itself, here we can distinguish the following classification of pain syndrome:

  • stupid;
  • pulling;
  • aching;
  • permanent;
  • cramping;
  • spicy;
  • weak;
  • intense;
  • cutting;
  • stabbing.

There may also be throbbing pain in the left lower abdomen in women. In this case, the appearance of a symptom directly depends on the etiology of the pathology. But in addition to their nature, it is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of occurrence. The syndrome can occur on an ongoing basis, occur periodically, or even manifest itself in episodes.

Besides, the nature of pain is already a clear diagnostic indicator, which indicates a malfunction in the body. In particular, sharp pain sensations may indicate the development of some dangerous pathology that requires immediatesurgery.

Causes of pain

Why, in fact, does pain appear in the lower abdomen on the left side of women? It is worth noting that the reasons for this physiological state are quite diverse. As a rule, the appearance of pain is a natural reaction of the female body to changes that are not laid down by nature and proceed against the background of the development of pathologies.

It is no coincidence that medical workers insist that self-medication is by no means unacceptable! Especially with acute pain in the left lower abdomen in women. Such therapy in many cases muffles the pain syndrome, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease. In this case, there is a high risk of missing a serious illness that can provoke severe complications.

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women
Pain in the left lower abdomen in women

In other words, pain is an alarming signal that occurs due to various circumstances:

  • Inflammatory process of tissues in the lower abdomen.
  • Dystrophic changes.
  • Impaired circulatory process of an organ or part of it.
  • Impaired intracellular metabolism.

But besides this, it is worth considering that the appearance of pain syndrome may be associated with natural physiological processes in the body that occur within the normal range. This condition does not need treatment - you just need to wait for the process to complete, after which everything will return to normal. A prime example of this is the menstrual cycle, which is painful for some girls or women.

Gynecological group

In women, acute pain in the left lower abdomen may occur due to a number of problems in the gynecological part. In this case, they experience not only pain, often there are additional symptoms:

  • menstrual irregularity;
  • various vaginal discharge (purulent, bloody and other);
  • past surgery.

At the same time, pathological conditions that are mainly characteristic of the female body can occur in one of two forms:

  • Spicy. In this case, there is a sharp and cutting pain in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.
  • Chronic. Here the nature of the pain syndrome is somewhat different: dull, aching, pulling.

Unlike the dull pain in the left lower abdomen in women, the appearance of "acute" sensations requires immediate and timely hospitalization. In this case, every minute counts!

Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy

When pregnancy proceeds under normal conditions, the fertilized female cell is fixed on the surface of the endometrium of the reproductive organ. However, if the process is ectopic, then the introduction is carried out in other places:

  • ovary;
  • fallopian tube;
  • abdomen.

This condition is manifested by a strong paroxysmal pain syndrome. Over time, the embryo, developing, increases in size, which ultimately leads to rupture of the fallopian tube. In this case, the expectant mother may feel a sharp and sharp pain along the bottom.belly. And if the left pipe is damaged, then the sensations will be localized in this area.

Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy

Since an ectopic pregnancy is always accompanied by bleeding in the abdomen, the woman needs immediate hospitalization!

Intestinal tract

Often, it is precisely because of the pathologies of the sigmoid colon that severe pains appear in the lower abdomen on the left in women. The S-shape contributes to the delay in the movement of feces, which is due to the requirements of Mother Nature herself. However, due to this physiological feature, any disease can develop.

The causes of pain are very diverse, but the symptoms in some cases are similar:

  • Stool disorder due to diarrhea.
  • Before emptying the bowels, the pain increases.
  • Feces change composition: you may notice the presence of blood clots or mucus, or both.
  • Unpleasant odor of bowel contents.
  • General malaise, weakness of the body.

Usually, the pathological condition of the sigmoid part of the intestine passes to its direct section. But this is not always the case and there are exceptions to the rule.

Infectious diseases

The causative agents of these diseases with their waste products are capable of poisoning the entire body and, in particular, the terminal intestine. It can even reach the development of erosion of the mucous membrane. At the same time, the development of a particular disease gives itself out as cramping pains in the lower left abdomen in women. There are also symptomswhich correspond to intestinal infections.

As a result of the poisoning of the female body, the body temperature rises, signs of intoxication begin to appear:

  • weakness;
  • drowsy;
  • headache.

To reduce the risk of catching any infection, you should follow basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands before eating, as well as vegetables and fruits, drink mostly boiled water. The ailment present in the body must be treated, and the sooner it starts, the better. Otherwise, any disease becomes chronic, which is no longer good.

Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases

It is worth noting that some people in whose body pathogenic microflora has settled do not necessarily get sick: they become bacteria carriers or sources of infection.

Chronic non-ulcer sigmoiditis

The causes of this disease are also different:

  • allergy;
  • infections;
  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • heredity;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • presence of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • taking antibiotics for a long time.

Ultimately, everything ends with the fact that the intestinal microflora undergoes changes, and not for the better. Bursting pains begin in the lower abdomen on the left, which descend into the inguinal region and perineum. With sudden movements, as well as physical exertion, they intensify. The rest of the time, the syndrome remains mild.

This disease differs from all others in that it is accompanied by constipation. They can be constant or alternate with diarrhea. Pathology can cause serious complications, up to the complete exhaustion of the nervous system, the development of a depressive state, the appearance of phobias. When the cause is removed, the disease itself is removed.

Spleen problems

It's not just that at the beginning of the article there was a mention of an unpaired parenchymal organ called the spleen - it is just located in the left hypochondrium. In this regard, one should not discount the possible problems on her part. And like any other organ, this one can also have all sorts of troubles.

When the lower abdomen on the left aches in women, the reason may be in one pathology or another:

  • Abscess - the pain is spastic in nature. Appearing in the left hypochondrium, it spreads to the left side of the chest and goes to the lower abdomen.
  • Torsion - in this case, the pain appears under the ribs on the left side, descending down the abdominal region. Gradually, the woman's condition begins to deteriorate.
  • Lymphatic leukemia, myeloid leukemia - pain appears after eating, and also if you press on the spleen area. Over time, the syndrome begins to worsen.

There are several stages of lymphocytic and myeloid leukemia. A woman begins to feel pain syndrome on the second and it increases with the onset of the third. At the same time, its localization is not only in the abdomen: the lymph nodes of the groin, joints and pelvic bones hurt.

Problemswith spleen
Problemswith spleen

Vtorsion of the spleen can occur due to stretching and lengthening of the fascial ligaments that hold this organ. Provoking factors can be not only injuries, heredity also cannot be ruled out. A sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women, which descends into the inguinal region, usually occurs due to twisting of the blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerves. Constipation, vomiting, excessive gas formation in the intestines join the syndrome. And the larger the angle of twisting, the stronger the pain. In addition, this factor affects the urgency of surgery.

In an abscess, minor inflammatory lesions may resolve on their own without requiring treatment. However, in the case of an extensive lesion, purulent exudate enters the abdominal cavity, which leads to peritonitis, which is characterized by severe pain on the left lower side of the woman's body. There may also be other accompanying signs of the inflammatory process.

Diagnostic tests

Why does it hurt on the left lower abdomen in women? Given such a variety of causes that call for pain in the lower left part of the peritoneum, one can guess that there are no fewer diagnostic methods. As a rule, research in this area is carried out by specialists in gynecology and gastroenterology. But which doctor should be consulted for pain on the left? First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist to confirm or refute the development of any profile disease.

To begin with, the specialist conducts an oral survey, along the waytaking a patient history in writing. At the same time, all complaints from her words are recorded. It is necessary to clarify whether some disease is present at the moment or was in the past.

To further detect the occurrence of periodic pain in the left lower abdomen in women, they are usually sent for a bimanual examination and examination using special mirrors. This will reveal the presence of a pathological condition of the organs of the female reproductive system. In addition, it is necessary to take OAM, OAC, analysis for hCG, sowing cervical mucus.

Throbbing pain in lower left abdomen
Throbbing pain in lower left abdomen

The specificity of the work of a gastroenterologist is to assess the condition of the intestine. For this, other studies are already being carried out - irrigoscopy and colonoscopy. As for other methods for detecting a particular pathology, the main studies are usually assigned:

  • X-ray of the peritoneum in different positions - on the back, side, standing.
  • Ultrasound.
  • CT.
  • MRI.

In some cases (if there are problems with urination), an accurate diagnosis may require a consultation with a urologist or nephrologist.

Features of laparoscopy

Worth a few words about this modern procedure. Today this technique is very popular in many countries of the world, including Russia. This is due to the high degree of information content and accessibility. This operation (in fact, the procedure is such) helps to identify all the causes that cause pain in the left lower abdomen in women.

Procedureperformed using an endoscopic instrument called a laparoscope. At the same time, its capabilities are much wider than the traditional surgical incision. This is not only a diagnostic study: if necessary, treatment is carried out immediately.

The essence of the operation is as follows: small holes are made on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, no larger than 2-4 mm. The apparatus itself is equipped with lenses that provide high visual clarity of the organ under study. There is also a video camera - the image is displayed on the monitor.

What can be done?

In medical language, pain in the abdominal cavity is commonly referred to as "acute abdomen". In no case should this condition be ignored, since in some cases this is an alarm signal of the female body, which can indicate a serious pathology. Without proper diagnosis and therapy, the patient's condition will begin to deteriorate, which can lead to more dangerous complications. In this case, the possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

But if the pain in the lower abdomen on the left, what to do in this case? If they are sharp or sharp, it is necessary to take appropriate measures: call an ambulance team. Even if the general condition of the woman is satisfactory, you do not need to close your eyes to the pain, in this case you need to visit your family or district doctor as soon as possible. But don't hesitate!

As we know, self-treatment will only be harmful, but something can be done. To alleviate the pain, lie down in bed and take a position in which the sensations are not so disturbing.strongly - on the stomach, on the side, pressing the legs to the chest and other options. Severe pain can be relieved by applying ice to this place (in a container, container, tissue). This will also reduce the rate of inflammation.

pain in lower left abdomen?
pain in lower left abdomen?

At the same time, when the cause of pain is unknown and there are no obvious signs of inflammation, ice, on the contrary, can be dangerous. Since it leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, under certain pathologies, the case can end badly. In this regard, with cramps in the lower abdomen on the left in women, it is imperative to wait for the doctor.


Treatment in this case is etiological. In other words, all efforts are aimed at eliminating the causes that provoked the development of pathology. To do this, therapy includes taking medications from different pharmaceutical groups:

  • Anspasmodics - serve to eliminate spasms of the intestines, kidneys, ureters, genitals.
  • Analgesics - with their help, severe pain syndromes and associated discomfort are removed.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate inflammation and pain.
  • Antibiotics, including antifungals and antivirals – used when infection is present.
  • Diuretics - relevant in case of dense formations in the organ cavity (kidney stones). However, if their size is large, then the use of these drugs is completely prohibited due to the huge risk.
  • Antipyretic drugs - indicated for increasedbody temperature (means based on metamizole sodium, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen).

If severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women is provoked by a malignant neoplasm (tumor) or there is diverticulitis, adhesions, appendicitis, peritonitis, cancer, then surgery is indispensable. The nature of such a procedure is mainly determined only by a specialist!

The most common disease

Since it has already touched on pain in the left side of the abdomen, it is worth considering the most common disease, which, in terms of frequency of diagnosis, is in first place in the ranking of inflammation of the female genital area. We are talking about an ailment called "salpingoophoritis" or "adnexitis" (they are one and the same).

Under this marvelous name lies an insidious process that affects the uterine appendages - ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligaments. And meanwhile, this is also the reason that a woman experiences pain on the left side of the peritoneum in her lower part.

Adnexitis symptoms and treatment
Adnexitis symptoms and treatment

Ignoring the symptoms and treatment of adnexitis is clearly not worth it in order to avoid serious consequences. Signs of the acute form are:

  • High body temperature - 38° to 38.5° (long lasting).
  • Cutting pain in lower abdomen, aggravated by bowel filling.
  • Headache, excessive sweating against the background of general malaise.
  • Purulent discharge in advanced cases.
  • Impaired urination.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic:

  • Sickness comes in waves.
  • The presence of mucous, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • Irregular menstruation.

Getting rid of a chronic disease is much more difficult, so it is better to deal with it in a timely manner. And the sooner the disease is detected, the better the outcome of therapy.

Acute treatment

Treatment of the acute form of the disease is the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, which are designed to stop the unwanted internal process. As a rule, to eliminate the symptoms and treat adnexitis, doctors prescribe these drugs:

  • "Indomethacin";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Longidaza".

These drugs provide tissue repair. However, they are unable to stop the spread of infection. To do this, doctors usually prescribe a course of taking other drugs:

  • "Metronidazole".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Ceftriaxone".
  • "Tsiprolet".
  • "Sumamed".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Genferon" (immunomodulatory action).
  • "Cifran".
metronidazole tablets
metronidazole tablets

Just these drugs are able to destroy the pathogenic microflora. If the disease is in an advanced stage (there is suppuration), then in this case an operation is indicated. An abscess is opened, an internal cavitywashed from the remnants of the purulent mass, after which sanitation is done.

Chronic stage

With this form of the disease, first of all, the acute period is stopped with injections, drugs, suppositories. But when the disease "fades", weakening its onslaught, you can use a more gentle therapy:

  • Autohemotherapy - the patient's own blood is taken from the venous network, after which it is injected intramuscularly. This allows you to activate the immune system while the disease is at a sluggish stage with frequent relapses.
  • Physiotherapy - as a rule, ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed in order to increase the strength of the immune system of the female body. In addition, electrophoresis using iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium.
  • Magnetotherapy - Almag apparatus shows good results. With its help, not only the inflammatory process is eliminated, but also pain is relieved.

Along with this, vitamins are taken, it is necessary to follow a diet, do strengthening physical exercises.

In conclusion

The appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women is not yet a verdict. The main thing is to seek medical help in a timely manner, especially in cases where the pain is felt in an acute form.

Why does it hurt on the left lower abdomen in women?
Why does it hurt on the left lower abdomen in women?

And as mentioned earlier, in no case do not self-medicate! Otherwise, such "therapy" can lead to dangerous complications.
