Excess magnesium in the body in women: symptoms, signs and treatment

Excess magnesium in the body in women: symptoms, signs and treatment
Excess magnesium in the body in women: symptoms, signs and treatment

What are the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body in women? If the concentration of magnesium in the blood plasma increases significantly in the human body, then reflexes are inhibited, severe weakness appears, a disorder of consciousness and depression occurs, and the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Most often, an excess of magnesium occurs due to the development of kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid disease, cancer, dehydration, hormonal failure.

Features of the pathological condition

Drowsiness in a girl
Drowsiness in a girl

Hypermagnesemia is an excess of magnesium in the blood, which exceeds 1.2 mmol/l. What are the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body in women? If the concentration of the substance increases to 1.4 mmol / l, then the patient has unpleasant symptoms that manifest themselves as:

  • drowsy;
  • apathy;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • discoordination;
  • dry skin and hair;
  • skin redness;
  • frequency reductionheartbeat;
  • diarrhea;
  • dehydration;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If excess magnesium reaches 2.6 mmol/l, the patient will experience a change in the electrocardiogram. There is an increase in external signs of an overabundance of the element, which are caused by a violation of the water-s alt balance.

What are the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body in women? If the magnesium index exceeds 5 mmol / l, the work of the cardiovascular system and tendon reflexes is disrupted, there may be:

  • respiratory problems;
  • heart failure;
  • oxygen starvation.

When one of the symptoms of excess magnesium in the body appears in women, men and children, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. A thorough diagnosis is recommended. At home, it is impossible to determine the lack and excess of magnesium in the body.

Main reasons

Active weight loss
Active weight loss

A constant indicator of magnesium in the body is provided by the intake of a substance with food, the efficiency of absorption in the intestines, the functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for excreting excess magnesium in the urine. If the body has an excess of potassium and magnesium, then the general well-being of a person worsens.

Macronutrients can accumulate in the heart, lungs, bone tissue. Under such conditions, their full functioning is disrupted. Hypermagnesemia is often due to:

  • use of dietary supplements and drugs;
  • hobby diet to lose weight, whichincludes the use of magnesium-containing laxatives;
  • kidney disease.

Thanks to the full functioning of the urinary system, the body copes with the increased level of the substance. If there is an excess of magnesium in the human body for a long time, calcium is washed out of the bones, the concentration of ions increases, as a result of which insoluble s alt is deposited on the vessels, which disrupts the functioning of the kidneys. Due to the development of pyelonephritis, neurosis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure, the concentration of magnesium in the blood increases.

Food and medicines

Food and medications can trigger an excess intake of magnesium in the human body. It is not recommended to frequently consume mineral water containing magnesium in its composition. Medicines containing magnesium can increase blood levels. Laxatives and magnesia, which are used in the process of bearing a baby in order to reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage, often provoke the development of hypermagnesemia.

Main symptoms

Bad feeling
Bad feeling

What are the symptoms of excess potassium and magnesium in the body? If the concentration of macroelements in the blood increases, then the general well-being of the patient will significantly worsen. Under such conditions, a person's appetite and psycho-emotional state decrease, a feeling of weakness arises. Due to an excess of magnesium, the functioning of the nervous system is inhibited, the activity of nerve cells and muscle tone decrease. Blood pressure drops.

When one of thesymptoms, you should immediately seek help from a specialist, as self-medication can provoke the development of serious he alth problems.

How does a pathological condition affect the nervous system?

Nervous system
Nervous system

Due to excess magnesium in the blood plasma, the work of the central nervous system and peripheral nerve cells changes. Under the influence of electrolyte imbalance and an increase in the rate of calcium and potassium ions in the intercellular substance, the patient's well-being worsens. Among the main symptoms of hypermagnesemia are:

  • reflex inhibition;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • disturbances in the work of the respiratory center.

If the concentration of magnesium in the blood is 2.9 mmol/l, a magnesian state occurs, in which a person is deeply relaxed and outwardly looks like sleeping. This condition can cause coma, paralysis, lethargy.

Influence on the muscular system

Due to the high concentration of magnesium, the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which disrupts the neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses, is disrupted. Because of this, the tone of the muscles of the smooth muscles decreases, as a result of which there may be no muscle contractions and paralysis will occur. An excess of magnesium in the body leads to:

  • inhibition of neuromuscular reflexes;
  • diarrhea - due to bowel dysfunction;
  • decreased reflexes and muscle weakness.

There may also be disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How excess worksmagnesium on the cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system

Due to excess magnesium, the blood circulation process is inhibited. Under the influence of hypermagnesemia, the work of blood vessels is disrupted. In addition:

  • bradycardia and blood pressure problems occur;
  • increased risk of heart attack;
  • disturbances appear in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • a person's pulse drops;
  • nasolabial triangle turns blue;
  • darkens in the eyes;
  • the patient may lose consciousness;
  • convulsions occur;
  • severe pain develops in the region of the heart.

Quite often, the level of magnesium in the blood increases due to a malfunction in the kidneys and after the use of certain drugs.

How is hypermagnesemia treated?

excess magnesium in the body symptoms in women
excess magnesium in the body symptoms in women

If there are signs of an excess of magnesium in the body, it is important to carry out complex treatment. In frequent cases, therapy is carried out with the help of calcium gluconate and drugs that restore the functioning of the urinary system. It is equally important to address the symptoms of dehydration.

In the event that there is an excess of magnesium in the body, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid. First of all you need:

  • flush the gastrointestinal tract with plenty of warm water;
  • provoke artificial vomiting;
  • take the drug "Rehydron";
  • get help from a doctor.

If availableother he alth problems, it is not recommended to self-medicate - all procedures will be carried out in a hospital. Only the attending physician should prescribe medications, since self-medication can provoke the development of serious complications, even death. If the nephropathy progresses, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure of peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. If the patient's kidneys are functioning normally, Furosemide or sodium chloride must be administered - such actions should be performed by a qualified medical professional. To prevent the development of he alth problems, it is important to seek help from medical personnel in a timely manner.

First aid for overdose

If a person is taking a drug that contains a large amount of magnesium, the drug should be discontinued as serious consequences may occur. The stomach should be washed with plenty of water and an intravenous calcium or gluconate preparation should be administered. Such substances neutralize the action of magnesium. It is necessary to call an ambulance in order for the doctor to carry out a thorough diagnosis of the patient and determine the cause of the increase in the element in the blood. Before taking medicines that contain a trace element, you should undergo a medical examination and determine if there are contraindications to the use of the medication.

Note to patient

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

It is forbidden to carry out treatment at home - self-treatment will only hurt. To find out the reason,which provoked an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the blood, it is important to diagnose. Many medicines cause side effects, so you should not risk your he alth and randomly select drugs for treatment. Regular medical examination is the best preventive measure for all diseases.
