During pregnancy, a woman regularly thinks about giving birth. The expectant mother imagines this process and studies a lot of information on this topic. During this period, a pregnant woman is most often not worried about what will happen to the body after the baby is born. And this is not entirely correct. This article will tell you about how uterine contractions occur after childbirth. You will know how long the pain will last. It is also worth mentioning the discharge during this period.

Painful uterine contractions after childbirth, or afterbirth rejection
When a fetus is removed from the cavity of the reproductive organ, many women believe that childbirth is over. However, only the second period of this process can be considered completed. In just a few minutes, uterine contractions will begin after the baby is born. This is necessary for the rejection of the child's place, or placenta. It is also often referred to as afterbirth. Women point out thatpain intensity, these contractions are not so strong. And they are quite easy to carry.
After the birth of the placenta, we can assume that the process is fully completed. The doctor performs the necessary hygiene procedures and leaves the woman in labor to rest. However, just a few hours later, uterine contractions after childbirth, often referred to as postpartum contractions, will begin.

What are uterine contractions for?
During pregnancy, there is a strong restructuring of the work of all organs and systems of a woman. The reproductive organ is especially affected. It stretches and expands. The looms are thinning and getting ready for the arrival of the baby.
After childbirth, the reverse process of transformation must occur. The contraction of the uterus after childbirth in most cases occurs spontaneously. It is painful in the first week. During this period, a woman may note that she feels slight periodic contractions. What are the terms of uterine contraction after childbirth? We will also consider selections further.
First 7 days after baby arrives
The contractions of the uterus after childbirth a woman feels particularly strong. On the first day, the reproductive organ has a weight of about 1000 grams. At the same time, the pharynx is opened by 8-10 centimeters. Painful sensations are especially strongly felt during breastfeeding or nipple stimulation. Also, in some cases, doctors prescribe injections with oxytocin. Especially often this drug is recommended for women with multiple or multiple pregnancies and large fetuses. What can be saidabout allocations during this period?

Postpartum hemorrhage begins immediately after the placenta is delivered. In the first week, it is more abundant and has a bright red color. It is worth noting that conventional hygiene products cannot always cope with such secretions. That is why special postpartum pads have been invented for women.
Second week after baby
During this period, the contraction of the uterus after childbirth continues. However, women no longer feel this process so strongly. At this time, the reproductive organ has a weight of about 500 grams and is already placed in the small pelvis. If a woman is still taking oxytocin, then she may experience slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen immediately after.
The contraction of the uterus after childbirth (in the second week) also provokes discharge. During this period, they become less abundant and acquire a pale shade. The blood no longer looks like menstruation, it begins to thicken gradually.
Third and fourth weeks postpartum
This period is characterized by the weight of the uterus in 300-400 grams. She still needs to shrink. However, the newly-made mother no longer feels pain. Sometimes she may notice that the lower abdomen hardens and discharge comes out. Most often this happens during breastfeeding.

The discharge at this time is already quite light and more like orange-pink water. It is worth noting that lochia has a specific smell. However, he should notbe harsh and obnoxious.
A month after giving birth
During this period, the weight of the uterus is from 50 to 100 grams. The reproductive organ has almost returned to normal and decreased. However, the reduction continues. Most often, it occurs completely unnoticed by a woman.

Allocations during this period are almost over. However, in some women, they can last up to 6-7 weeks after the birth of the child. This period depends on how the pregnancy proceeded and whether there were any complications.
Special cases and complications
It also happens that there is a bad contraction of the uterus after childbirth. Most often, it is caused by the abnormal size of the reproductive organ, caesarean section, lack of breastfeeding, and so on. At the same time, the woman notes very abundant discharge and daily increased bleeding. Also, a newly-made mommy can detect the absence of lochia. This indicates a blockage of the cervical canal. Most often this happens after the birth of a child by caesarean section.
If during the birth process there is such a complication as placental rejection, then the woman undergoes an operation. In especially severe cases, it requires the complete removal of the reproductive organ. Also, extirpation of the uterus is performed in case of ingrowth of a child's place into its wall. In this case, the timing of postpartum discharge will be somewhat different. Contractions in this case do not occur at all, since the organ is removed. However, there is sanious discharge after the operation. They can last no more than one week, but at the same time withevery day should decrease.

If there is a delay in the placenta in the uterine cavity, then most often a woman is prescribed curettage. It is produced under an anesthetic a few days after childbirth. After it, the intensity of the discharge and the timing of the reduction of the genital organ may be less. All due to the fact that most of the mucus and blood was separated using medical instruments.
How does the uterus contract after the second birth?
Some women believe that the second birth of a child increases the term and contractility of the reproductive organ. However, doctors completely refute this statement.
The timing and intensity of uterine contraction directly depends on how the birth took place and the pregnancy proceeded. In this case, the previous number of births is absolutely irrelevant.

Can I speed up the process?
So, you know how the uterus contracts after childbirth. The timing of this process is described above. In order for the reproductive organ to quickly return to its original size and get rid of lochia, you must follow some rules.
- Breast your baby more often. Regular sucking movements stimulate the nipples. This leads to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for contractility and strength.
- Use prescribed medications. If the doctor has prescribed certain drugs for you, then you should not neglect them. Most oftenrecommend intramuscular or sublingual use of oxytocin. Correction is carried out in a period of three days to two weeks.
- Avoid overheating. Don't take a hot bath and avoid the sauna. All this can provoke increased bleeding and weak uterine contractility.
- Keep hygiene. This will help prevent pathogenic microbes from entering the uterus, which cause inflammation and inhibit contractions.
- Lie on your stomach. Many doctors recommend this position to prevent the kink of the isthmus of the reproductive organ, which can stop the flow and block the cervical canal.
- Wear a postpartum bandage. This device will help the uterus recover faster due to its proper fixation.
So, now you know the timing of discharge and painful contractions of the reproductive organ after childbirth. If there is a strong deviation from the described phenomena, then you should consult a doctor. This will help you avoid complications in the future. Stay he althy!