What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?

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What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?
What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?

Video: What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?

Video: What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?
Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with a norovirus (or stomach flu) 2024, June

Today we will be interested in the reasons for the delay in menstruation. Besides pregnancy, what could it be? And how to behave if there is no menstruation, and the test is negative? We will have to figure out all this and not only further. In fact, there are no clear answers. And for a correct diagnosis, a woman will have to remember what happened to her at one time or another. It's not as easy as it looks.

When is your period
When is your period

About menstruation

Menstruation is a sign of puberty. It begins in adolescence and persists into old age. Menstrual bleeding is a sign of an unfertilized egg that died in one cycle or another.

The difference between critical days is the menstrual cycle. It can be divided into 3 phases. Namely:

  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal.

At each stage, there are processes. For example, the follicular phase comes first. At this point, an egg cell is born and develops in the follicle. Then ovulation occurs - the female cell leaves the follicle and moves to the uterus alongfallopian tubes. She is ready to be impregnated.

If conception does not occur, the egg dies, the luteal phase begins, which ends with menstruation.

It's not that hard. But what could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation? In addition to pregnancy, there are many reasons for such a situation. And not all of them are safe.

About cycle time

To talk about the delay of critical days, a woman will have to find out how long her menstrual cycle lasts. Much will depend on this.

Pain like menstruation
Pain like menstruation

The average monthly cycle is 28-30 days. A short critical period can vary from 20 to 22 days, and a long one can range from 32 days or more.

Important: it is necessary to start counting the menstrual cycle from the first day of menstruation.

Standard deviation

Delayed period? Is the test negative? The reasons (other than pregnancy) can be varied. But this is not always a cause for concern.

The thing is that the body rarely works "like clockwork". He can crash. And so it is generally accepted that a slight delay in menstruation is the norm.

Standard deviation is about 3-6 days round trip. That is, if menstruation came a week earlier or later, you should not panic. This is normal and fairly common. It is visible even in perfectly he althy women. But even the standard deviation of a normal menstrual cycle can be worrying.


Last period for a week? In addition to the reason that seems obvious, there may be other reasons for concern. Some believe that a negative pregnancy test immediately after a missed period is a guarantee of the absence of an "interesting situation".

In fact, the statement is fundamentally wrong. A negative test early in pregnancy is normal. The second strip may not appear for about 7-8 days. The test will be negative due to low hCG levels. This hormone increases rapidly during pregnancy.

Accordingly, a woman with a delay in critical days needs to be patient and wait a week and a half, then take a pregnancy test. Most likely, it will be positive.

Important: if you don't want to wait, you can go for an ultrasound scan, a gynecologist for an examination, and also donate blood for hCG. All this will help to exclude pregnancy or confirm it.

Medications and delay
Medications and delay

Ectopic pregnancy

Is my period 5 days late? In addition to pregnancy, the causes are different - from the standard deviation to serious disorders in the body. But, as a rule, 5 days is not such a long time. The period is included in the standard deviation of the normal menstrual cycle.

However, the diagnosis of the delay will have to be carried out from the first days. Otherwise, serious diseases can be missed.

For example, a pregnancy test will be negative, and the girl will face the lack of timely menstruation during an ectopic pregnancy. Define it yourselfproblematic. Therefore, if the test is negative (or it shows a second pale line), you need to repeat the study after a few days. If the situation persists, you should hurry to the doctor. A specialist will quickly determine an ectopic pregnancy.


But this is just the beginning. What are the reasons for a missed period, other than pregnancy?

Early or late menstruation in adolescence should not cause panic. Especially if your period has just started.

The thing is that the body just gets used to the new state. The menstrual cycle will improve up to several years. Therefore, a delay in critical days for a teenage girl is the norm.

After childbirth

Besides pregnancy, the causes of delayed periods sometimes make a woman think. After all, many factors in life influence menstruation.

For example, childbirth. After the birth of a child, a woman faces serious hormonal changes. There will be no critical days. And that's okay. For some, menstruation does not resume until they stop breastfeeding.

Another year and a half after the first menstrual bleeding after childbirth, the girl will face "jumps" of menstruation. This situation can be repeated throughout the entire period of breastfeeding + 1.5 years after cessation.

Important: if there are concerns about the delay in menstruation after childbirth, you need to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will clearly explain why this happens.


Causes of missed periods(except pregnancy) after 40 years it is customary to refer to a separate category. The older a woman gets, the less her fertility. Sooner or later, the body stops producing eggs ready for fertilization. This period is called menopause. It falls just after the age of 40.

First, menstruation may "jump". She usually comes later. And at one point, monthly bleeding stops altogether. This is menopause.

Important: in the modern world, menopause can occur even at 30-35 years old. Therefore, it will not be possible to diagnose it on your own.

Fatigue as a factor influencing menstruation
Fatigue as a factor influencing menstruation


Is my period 3 days late? Reasons other than pregnancy are sometimes not a cause for concern.

For example, even a he althy woman may experience anovulation 2 times a year. This is the period when there was no ovulation in a particular cycle. Accordingly, there will be no menstrual bleeding either.

If the phenomenon is observed as a "one-time event" or rarely, there is no need to panic. But suspicions of frequent anovulation are the reason for a visit to a specialist.

Hormonal failures

Of course, every girl's body is under the influence of a huge number of hormones. Thanks to them, certain processes occur in the body. And critical days including.

Any hormonal failure is the reason for the delay in menstruation (except pregnancy). What to do? Just wait. And try to understand what provoked a hormonal failure. ATideally, it is required to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the body and understand which hormone is in excess / deficiency and why.

Usually hormonal disruptions are rare and not permanent. They can increase the menstrual cycle by 10 or more days or lead to anovulation.

Delayed ovulation

Another scenario is a late ovulation in one or another menstrual cycle. This is what causes the delay. The pregnancy test will be negative, the woman will not manifest certain ailments.

Usually late ovulation occurs due to the influence of external factors or due to hormonal failure. Women who constantly keep a schedule of basal temperature will be able to determine this alignment without much difficulty. According to the corresponding picture, it will be possible to understand when "Day X" has passed.

Important: late ovulation is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of problems for women. Especially if you want to plan an "interesting position". A rare delay in ovulation does not require any monitoring. But the constant delays of critical days and "Day X" are a cause for concern. The citizen will have to go to the gynecologist and pass a series of tests.

Factors affecting ovulation

Now a few words about what can affect ovulation. There are a number of factors that can quickly accelerate or delay the "day X".

Among those noted:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • bad habits;
  • acclimatization;
  • long flights or transfers;
  • malnutrition;
  • diet;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions.

This is not a complete list of situations that affect ovulation. It's just that these circumstances occur most often in real life.

Pregnancy and delay
Pregnancy and delay

Emotional turmoil

Among the causes of delayed menstruation, other than pregnancy, emotional upheavals are often singled out. We are talking about both a positive shock and a negative one.

Intense stress or great joy affects ovulation. It may arrive earlier or later than the due date. And so it is important to establish an emotional background. After that, the menstrual cycle will return to normal.

Important: constant stress not only delays ovulation, but also generally negatively affects a woman's he alth. Therefore, it is recommended to stay away from stressful situations. Especially during pregnancy planning or infertility treatment.


The reasons for the delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy for 10 days, may be an overload of the body. Both physical and psychological/mental.

It's no secret that physical activity and sports are very tiring. This leads to an adjustment of the menstrual cycle. Usually, a delay in critical days is observed until the woman has a rest.

A lot of worries, psychological stress, a sense of increased responsibility, fear or just mental work - all this can negatively affect the female body. As a result, the girl will face sooner or latermenstruation.

Important: in order to return critical days to their usual course, you will have to have a good rest. After that, doctors often recommend not to overload your body in every sense.

Drugs are to blame

Causes of delayed periods other than pregnancy for 10 days or more often involve taking certain medications or hormonal drugs. In particular, in the treatment of infertility or anovulation.

If a woman takes hormonal drugs, she may indeed experience a delay in menstrual bleeding. Or the critical days will come faster than usual.

It is recommended to go to the doctor and pick up other medications. Or put up with "jumps" of menstruation during a particular treatment.

After the abolition of "harmful" drugs in a month, critical days will return to normal. And so there is no need to panic.

Illness and delayed menstruation
Illness and delayed menstruation

Oral contraceptives

10 days late period? Reasons other than pregnancy are sometimes surprising. They are hard to believe.

Let's say you may have problems becoming critical days during or after taking oral contraceptives. While the girl is drinking OK, she is postponing ovulation. Ideally, immediately after the withdrawal of the corresponding hormonal drugs, the "Day X" comes, and then menstruation begins.

Sometimes this doesn't happen though. And a delay of critical days for 10 or more days is the norm. This usually happens when the wrong choiceoral contraceptives or with individual characteristics of the body.

Weight problems

What are the causes of missed periods other than pregnancy can be found in practice?

Often, problems with weight make their own adjustments to the menstrual cycle. Anorexia or obesity are processes that can cause a lot of trouble. Menstruation returns to normal only after the weight is adjusted. So, you have to try.

Most often, the delay of critical days or their complete cessation is observed with a strong weight deficit. Getting rid of anorexia can be extremely difficult. Such a disease requires mandatory medical supervision.

Tumours and inflammation in the body

Does a girl have her period 7 days late? Reasons (other than pregnancy) may be the presence of diseases in a woman. For example, with tumors, cancer or inflammatory processes.

In real life, delayed menstruation is most often associated with inflammation in the genitourinary system. For example, when:

  • polycystic ovaries;
  • multifollicular ovaries;
  • inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and endocrine system;
  • cervical problems.

Usually, under such circumstances, a woman can observe fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes inflammations and diseases are asymptomatic.

In any case, if a woman suspects that she has diseases that affect ovulation, it is better to go to the hospital and conduct a comprehensivebody examination. Delayed period for a month? Reasons other than pregnancy may lie precisely in the presence of diseases.

Important: if a girl has STDs, they can also cause a delay in critical days. The cycle returns to normal immediately after recovery.


Causes of missed periods for a week, other than pregnancy, seem incredible in some cases.

It's hard to believe, but problems with menstruation cause abortions. This is a serious hormonal shock. And immediately after the termination of pregnancy, problems with the critical cycle are possible. This situation can be repeated for a long time.

Important: if there are delays or early periods for about 3 critical cycles, you need to go to the doctor. I'll have to see a gynecologist. Be sure to report that the girl had an abortion.

Menstruation will come or not
Menstruation will come or not

Bad habits and nutrition

In rare cases, menstruation comes later or earlier due to the abuse of bad habits. For example, with alcoholism or drug addiction. A sedentary lifestyle due to computer addiction also contributes to delayed ovulation.

Improper nutrition and diets are faithful companions of problems with the body. A woman most often "suffers" menstruation. And then you have to give up diets, as well as the usual lifestyle and nutrition. Usually, the exclusion of fatty, sweet, s alty, spicy and starchy foods in large quantities brings the menstrual cycle back to normal. What are the causes of delayed menstruation other than pregnancy? FROMWe managed to get acquainted with the main and most frequent layouts.
