Increased free testosterone in women: causes, norm, treatment methods

Increased free testosterone in women: causes, norm, treatment methods
Increased free testosterone in women: causes, norm, treatment methods

Testosterone is considered exclusively a male hormone, but is normally present in the female body. The substance affects sexuality, is responsible for the formation of the mammary glands and the maturation of the follicle, that is, it is an important part of the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Functions of testosterone in a woman's body

Testosterone is extremely important for ensuring normal women's he alth, including the biologically active substance involved in the formation of the follicle. With its insufficient amount, the muscles will not be elastic even with regular physical exertion. Sexual desire and mood of a woman, the work of the bone marrow and the activity of the sebaceous glands to some extent depend on the level of testosterone in the blood.

free testosterone index in women increased
free testosterone index in women increased

Women's hormonal levels, unlike men's, are subject to fluctuations, but if the deviations do not go beyond the norm, then there is no threat to he alth. But the level of the hormone in the blood wags age and conditionpregnancy: during gestation, testosterone levels go beyond the norm: it increases two to three (or more) times.

The active form of the hormone is a free form of testosterone, the complex of which does not include sex hormones, albumin and hemoglobin (proteins). Unbound testosterone makes up two percent of the total. This active hormone is considered exclusively male, but without its content, the work of all organs and systems of the female body is impossible.

The main function is to regulate sexual desire, improve or worsen mood. In addition, the hormone regulates the processes of protein synthesis, the growth of muscle mass, the absorption of calcium and the deposition of the mineral in the bones, the full development of the mammary glands.

free testosterone increased in women causes
free testosterone increased in women causes

Norm of total and free testosterone

The level of testosterone changes slightly from the norm during the day, depending on the phase of the cycle (to the beginning, the hormone content drops, and immediately before the release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube increases), the age and characteristics of the woman's condition (in the last three months of pregnancy the amount of the substance in the blood reaches a maximum). Norms may vary between laboratories and depend on the method of analysis.

In general, for women from eighteen years of age, the norm is total testosterone from 0.24 to 2.7 nmol / l. In most medical laboratories of the Helix network, a value from 0.29 to 1.67 nmol / l is taken as the norm, and in Invitro - from 0.38 to 1.97 nmol / l. Normal valuefree testosterone for women in the period of reproductive activity is 0.5-4.1 pg / ml, during menopause - 0.1-1.7 pg / ml.

In girls of the first year of life, the upper limit of testosterone (total) is set at 2.31 nmol / l, the lower - 0. At the age of six years, the level decreases slightly - the content of the substance in the blood is up to 1.22 nmol / l is the norm. From six to eleven years old, total testosterone should be in the range from 0.49 to 1.82 nmol / l, from eleven to fifteen - from 0.84 to 4.46 nmol / l, until adulthood - from 1.36 to 4, 73 nmol/L.

increased levels of free testosterone in women
increased levels of free testosterone in women

When protected by oral contraceptives, the hormone level normally decreases and ranges from 0.45 to 2.88 nmol/l. Free testosterone is estimated to be elevated in women around the time of ovulation. So it is necessary to determine not only total testosterone, but also free, because in some cases the total substance is normal, and there is little unbound hormone.

Testosterone levels during pregnancy

During gestation, increased free testosterone in women is a normal variant. An increase in normal values by three to four times is allowed. Going beyond these norms is already considered a deviation and can cause serious he alth problems for the mother and fetus.

The amount of the hormone increases, because in the body of a pregnant woman, testosterone begins to be produced by the placenta and the fetus. The content of the hormone in the blood can especially increase if the woman is expecting the birth of a baby.male.

Strong fluctuations in testosterone levels are especially dangerous at the fourth and eighth weeks of pregnancy, the thirteenth and twentieth weeks. At this time, the elevated level of free testosterone in women creates a risk of miscarriage.

free testosterone in women is increased what does it mean
free testosterone in women is increased what does it mean

If at any other time the indicators are increased compared to the norm for women of childbearing age, but at the same time they feel normal and there is no other threat of abortion, then there is nothing to worry about.

In the third trimester, increased free testosterone in women is normal. Some experts even find it difficult to specifically outline the upper limit of the norm. And in some patients, an increase in the hormone content can be caused not only by the onset of pregnancy, but also by ovulation.

Testosterone test: indications

Severe fatigue, lack of sexual desire and frequent mood swings should alert a woman. You should also take an analysis for hormones if there is a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair. Most often, this diagnostic method is prescribed by a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

increased free testosterone in women
increased free testosterone in women

A specialist can suspect a violation of the production of a hormone if the cycle of menstruation is disturbed. Increased free testosterone in women may be the reason for the late onset of menstruation or the absence of critical days with a negative pregnancy test. An analysis is also prescribed at the onset of pregnancyor during preparation for conception (as part of a comprehensive he alth diagnostics).

When diagnosing infertility due to hormonal disorders, an analysis for hormones is indicated. After all, if a woman's free testosterone is increased, what does this situation mean? In this case, it is not possible to conceive a child. Testosterone analysis is performed for various gynecological diseases.

The analysis is shown during the formation of male sexual characteristics. In this case, the number of acne on the skin increases significantly, hair begins to grow on areas of the body that are unusual for a woman, baldness is possible, the sebaceous and sweat glands work too intensively.

Preparing for a blood test for hormones

The free testosterone index in women is increased (reasons) may not be due to various deviations, but due to improper preparation for analysis. That it was possible to objectively interpret the results, you need to tell the doctor if a woman adheres to an unconventional diet (raw food or vegetarianism, for example), constantly takes any medications (especially hormonal ones).

increased free testosterone
increased free testosterone

The result may be affected by unfavorable heredity, obesity, the presence of concomitant diseases or the phase of the menstrual cycle. The test uses blood that is taken from a vein. Therefore, twelve hours before the diagnosis, you can not eat, it is only allowed to drink water without gas.

The day before, you need to give up smoked, fatty, fried and sweet. NotIt is recommended to drink carbonated water. If possible, the day before blood sampling, drugs are excluded. Also, you can not drink alcohol and smoke, engage in physical activity (exclude sports and sex).

On what day of the cycle to take the analysis

The optimal time for diagnosis depends on the length of a woman's menstrual cycle. The “correct” day will be calculated by the gynecologist. With a standard 28-day cycle, the test is prescribed on days 2-5 of the cycle. If the cycle is 32 days, then you need to donate blood on days 5-7. With a short menstrual cycle (21 days), the doctor will prescribe an analysis for 2-3 days of menstruation. When pregnancy occurs, the day of blood sampling does not matter.

increase free testosterone in women
increase free testosterone in women

Causes of high testosterone levels

The reasons for the increased free testosterone index in a woman are precisely determined by the doctor. The same applies to the situation when the hormone level is below normal. The main reasons for the increase in the content of a substance in the blood are:

  • hereditary factor (high probability of hormonal disorders with aggravated family history);
  • diseases that disrupt the reproductive system (tumor processes, endometriosis, polycystic, fibroids);
  • adrenal disorders;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland;
  • pregnancy (especially later dates).

Increase free testosterone in women can malnutrition and taking hormonal contraceptives. An increase in the level of the hormone causes infertility, rashes,excessive sexual desire, cycle failures.

Causes of low blood testosterone

Causes of low testosterone levels in the blood can be:

  • menopause;
  • intense weight loss;
  • breast cancers;
  • Down syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • lack of sufficient carbohydrates in the diet;
  • low fat diet, fasting;
  • endometriosis.

This may reduce the ability to burn fat and build muscle, the development of kidney failure and various disorders in the sex glands. Women with low testosterone levels are often depressed, tired quickly, do not feel sexual desire, suffer from oily hair and heavy sweating. It is necessary to increase free testosterone in a woman as soon as possible, because this is a hormonal failure.

free testosterone calculated increased in women
free testosterone calculated increased in women

Symptoms of High Testosterone

Increased free testosterone in women can be suspected by characteristic external signs. This is evidence of serious he alth problems, so when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. With any hormonal failure, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause as soon as possible.

Symptoms may include:

  • dry and cracked skin, pimples and blackheads on the face;
  • voicebecomes masculine, coarsens;
  • hair appears above the upper lip and on other parts of the body, on the chest;
  • hairs on arms and legs become thicker and darker;
  • head hair quickly becomes oily, possibly falling out;
  • unreasonable aggression;
  • weight increases, intensive muscle mass gain occurs;
  • increased physical and sexual activity.

How to reduce free testosterone levels

If free testosterone is elevated, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate this violation. Experts advise to evaluate the diet and, if necessary, change the diet. You will have to give up the diet for a while. The diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. In addition to vegetables, the menu should include fish, seafood, meat, which include calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins.

free testosterone index in women increased causes
free testosterone index in women increased causes

Elevated levels of free testosterone in women need to be corrected. To normalize hormone levels, doctors recommend doing fitness, which is especially necessary when you give up a diet. Movement will allow you to get rid of excess calories without compromising the functioning of the body. Hormonal balance is normalized by licorice root, black cohosh, evening primrose and some other medicinal herbs.

Is it possible to treat without hormones

If free testosterone is elevated in women, treatment may involve the use of hormonal drugs. But hormones are necessary if disorders are not causedalcoholism, undernutrition or overnutrition, severe dietary restrictions. Sometimes just starting to normalize the diet or start taking plant-based pills is enough to correct the imbalance.

But hormonal drugs are indispensable in cases where deviations from the norm are caused by a malfunction of the adrenal glands, gynecological problems or other diseases affecting the functioning of various organs and systems of the body. These are serious reasons. Increased free testosterone in women in this case is due to deviations, and not due to medication or improper diet.
