X-ray for tubal patency: indications and preparation for the procedure

X-ray for tubal patency: indications and preparation for the procedure
X-ray for tubal patency: indications and preparation for the procedure

In the article, we will consider what an x-ray for the patency of the fallopian tubes is.

Metrosalpingography (MSG) or hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a diagnostic measure that is used in medical practice to assess the physiological state of the fallopian tubes in women, in particular, their patency. Under modern conditions, X-rays are carried out using contrast agents, which allows you to get a more accurate result about the possible development of obturation, the presence of an adhesive process.

Indications for conduction

The main diagnostic indication, according to which an X-ray is used to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, is the woman's problems in conceiving a child.

fallopian tube x-ray
fallopian tube x-ray

According to modern WHO criteria, it is considered that to assumeinfertility and talking about such a diagnosis is possible only after a year of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, and only on condition that the woman is a man and have regular sexual contact and do not use contraception.

Doctors studied a large number of women with complaints of lack of pregnancy. In the course of such studies, it was found that the main factor in the development of infertility today are various pathologies of the fallopian tubes. At the same time, conception does not occur due to pathological disorders in the fallopian tubes that arose after the patient suffered a certain inflammatory disease of the reproductive system of organs.


Complications of the inflammatory process are adhesions of the walls of the fallopian tubes. They are able to provoke partial patency or their complete obturation. With this problem, the male germ cell heading for the egg for fertilization does not reach it, however, if the fusion does occur, then with partial obturation, the fertilized egg does not enter the uterine cavity and the woman is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.

Due to the fact that peritubal adhesions are quite common, gynecologists recommend hysterosalpingography to check the fallopian tubes for patency by X-ray. This is one of the most important procedures in the implementation of the diagnosis of infertility. The results of this study of the fallopian tubes allow you to quickly determine the main cause of infertility and begin treatment of this pathological process.

Other indications

In addition to difficulties with conception, there are other indications, taking into account which it may be recommended to diagnose the female internal genital organs using an X-ray examination. They are:

  • deviations in the development of the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • tuberculous lesions of the genital organs;
  • before in vitro fertilization;
  • suggestion the patient is developing endometriosis;
  • suspicion of the presence of neoplasms on the ovaries or in the uterus;
  • for the purpose of diagnosing cervical insufficiency;
  • to evaluate prior tubal patency treatment.

X-ray for patency of the fallopian tubes allows you to get informative pictures of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself, according to which you can then make the correct diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribe a course of therapy for the woman to eliminate the existing disease.

X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes
X-ray examination of the fallopian tubes

Rules for X-ray preparation

Not all patients know how an x-ray is performed for the patency of the fallopian tubes and how to properly prepare for it. If a woman has no contraindications to an X-ray examination, the specialist gives her some recommendations regarding preparation, which will ensure that the most accurate images are obtained and that the diagnostic procedure is comfortably transferred.

Recommendations from gynecologists when preparing for an x-ray of the fallopian tubes:

  1. A few days before the eventhysterosalpingography, sexual contact is prohibited, and a month before the proposed diagnostic procedure, contraception must be used to prevent pregnancy.
  2. Recommends refraining from using medications in the form of suppositories 7 days before the x-ray, and not treating the vagina with other drugs.
  3. The day before hysterosalpingography, it is not recommended to eat foods that contribute to the development of flatulence in the intestines - cabbage, sweets, fresh pastries, legumes.
  4. Immediately before the hysterosalpingography, a light snack is allowed. It is also necessary to empty the bladder.

Lab tests

In addition to the above recommendations, the gynecologist gives the patient a referral for some laboratory tests. A woman needs to go through them in the process of preparing for hysterosalpingography. Such studies, as a rule, are general clinical and biochemical blood tests, a general urinalysis, and a study for the presence of STDs. In addition, a mandatory study for patients before an x-ray of the fallopian tubes is an analysis for hepatitis B and C.

How is a fallopian tube x-ray done?
How is a fallopian tube x-ray done?

Rules for the diagnostic procedure

How is an x-ray of the fallopian tubes done?

Research can be conditionally divided into two stages. At the first stage, the patient is injected into the blood with a special radiopaque substance, thanks to which thepipe permeability. At the next stage, a direct diagnosis of the internal reproductive organs is carried out.

X-ray examination always begins with a doctor's consultation - the examination is carried out normally, without the use of special procedures. Subsequently, the gynecologist inserts a small cannula into the cervical canal of the uterus and injects a contrast agent under pressure. It is designed to delay X-rays and with its help it becomes possible to visualize the outlines of the fluid that filled the cavities of the reproductive system.

When X-ray television hysterosalpingography uses iodine-containing liquids called "Verografin", Urografin, "Ultravist". These drugs are absolutely safe and do not have a negative impact on a woman's he alth.

After a certain period of time, the gynecologist takes pictures and removes the cannula. The radiopaque substance then enters the general circulation, after which it is excreted through the excretory organs without any complications.

Do I need pain relief?

When X-rays of the uterus and fallopian tubes are performed, anesthesia is usually not required. Feelings during this diagnostic event are not very pleasant, however, they are quite tolerable and look more like a gynecological examination. If necessary, a woman can ask for local anesthesia if she feels severe pain when the cannula is inserted into the cervix. This can occur, for example, in acute inflammatory processes in the reproductive system or other female diseases. After the x-ray, the discomfort quickly disappears. In rare cases, there may be pulling pains in the pelvic area.

How an x-ray of the fallopian tubes is done, it is important to find out in advance.

x-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency reviews
x-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency reviews

Possible Complications

Hysterosalpingography in most cases passes without complications, but sometimes patients experience undesirable consequences of this procedure. Often, after this diagnostic examination of the reproductive organs, exacerbations of chronic pathologies develop. X-ray provokes the activation of the functions of local immunity, and the existing chronic diseases begin to proceed more acutely than before the X-ray.

If before the diagnosis a woman suffered from chronic inflammatory diseases, then the pain may increase, the amount of discharge will increase, sometimes there is an increase in temperature. All such symptoms are features of the transition of a pathological condition to an acute stage.

Probability of infection

Another adverse effect of this diagnostic procedure is the likelihood of infection of the uterine cavity. However, this is extremely rare, since gynecologists usually follow all the rules for carrying out such an X-ray examination and treat the instruments and hands with disinfecting solutions. However, the possible risk of such consequences after hysterosalpingography always remains.

If the patient did not prepare properly for the examination of the fallopian tubes by X-ray, thenThe most common side effects are:

  • aching sensations in the pelvic area;
  • appearance of nausea;
  • development of bleeding or spotting from the genital tract.
do an x-ray of the fallopian tubes
do an x-ray of the fallopian tubes

The gynecologist should warn the patient about the possible risk and complications after an x-ray, so if you feel worse, it is recommended to contact the clinic.

If complications after hysterosalpingography are remote in time, then women feel the adverse effects of an X-ray examination, as a rule, immediately, directly in the process of this diagnosis. Among the complications, the following situations may develop:

  • perforation (rupture) of the fallopian tube or body of the uterus with a disproportionately high pressure of X-ray contrast or during gross instrumental manipulations;
  • filling the lymphatic system or blood vessels with a contrast agent, which threatens to cause thrombosis;
  • development of an allergic reaction to a contrast agent associated with the body's resistance to iodine, which is observed in extremely rare cases.

Contraindications for testing

The main contraindications for hysterosalpingography are:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • recent inflammatory pathology of the fallopian tubes or uterus of an acute nature;
  • allergic toiodinated contrast agent;
  • unsatisfactory results of laboratory tests, which showed deviations from the norms of the composition of the vaginal microflora.

If the above contraindications are found, this diagnostic measure must be postponed. As soon as the pathological process is eliminated, hysterosalpingography (HSG) is allowed.

Where to take an x-ray of the fallopian tubes? Where should I go?

x-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency how to do
x-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency how to do

Where to do it?

Hysterosalpingography today is one of the most effective diagnostic methods for detecting obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which allows visualizing the pathologies of the reproductive system in the form of endometriosis and adhesions that prevent conception.

You can make an X-ray of the fallopian tubes in various medical institutions of a diagnostic type, public or private. In order to get a high-quality diagnosis, a woman must first come to an appointment with a gynecologist who will give her a referral.

hsg x-ray of the fallopian tubes where to do
hsg x-ray of the fallopian tubes where to do

Reviews on X-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency

On websites and forums on the Internet there are a lot of reviews of women who underwent a hysterosalpingography procedure. They note that this method is usually enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe further treatment for infertility. Patients in reviews of an x-ray of the fallopian tubes for patency report that during the study, unpleasantconsequences are extremely rare. A frequent occurrence is a slight soreness in the small pelvis, due to instrumental intervention.

We looked at how the tubal x-ray procedure is performed.
