Belly tying after childbirth: step-by-step actions and techniques

Belly tying after childbirth: step-by-step actions and techniques
Belly tying after childbirth: step-by-step actions and techniques

Belly tying after childbirth has been performed since ancient times. To properly implement it, you need to use a wide flap of fabric. This method is still quite relevant and is considered effective and safe.

Intra-abdominal pressure contributes to the fixation of organs, but after labor, this figure is significantly reduced. As a result, displacement of the uterus may occur. The tone of the pelvic muscles decreases, and will not recover until about two weeks after birth.

tying the abdomen after childbirth with a diaper
tying the abdomen after childbirth with a diaper

Why tie up your belly?

The main purposes of postpartum tummy tucking are:

  • maintenance of organs during prolapse;
  • prevention of hemorrhoids;
  • normalization of the condition with poor uterine contractility;
  • bringing muscles to their original state.

Postpartum tying is necessary so that the stomach does not sag, but tightens. With a garter, the state of the muscle mass improves significantly, the appearance is transformed. Such a proceduretakes approximately 2 weeks. You need to finish it when a woman feels the same with and without a bandage.

How to properly tie up your belly?

In order to properly tie the abdomen after childbirth, the following devices are used:

  • short or long sling;
  • my-sling;
  • diaper;
  • knot garter;
  • bandaging with rings;
  • Japanese garter.

Dense linen or cotton cloth is used for bandaging. A good way is to tie up the abdomen after childbirth with a sling scarf, but this method is good only in the first days. In the future, you will need a fabric 50 cm wide and three meters long. The garter is made in the supine position.

tissue for tying the belly after childbirth
tissue for tying the belly after childbirth


Step-by-Step Steps and Technique of Tie Up After Birth with a Sling:

  • fabric is placed at the waist;
  • crosses behind;
  • ends are brought forward;
  • it turns out two layers, the first will serve as a pocket for excess skin, the second protects against the prolapse of internal organs;
  • a knot is tied on the side.

The bandage should not be tightened too tightly, otherwise it can provoke blood stasis in the abdominal cavity and cause serious complications. Too little tightening of the fabric for tying the abdomen after childbirth is also not necessary, since it will not fulfill its original purpose - to tighten.

Belly tying is often used afterperforming a caesarean section. In order to understand whether the stomach is properly tied up after childbirth, you need to imagine a person hugging his arms from the back in the abdomen. The garter fabric should lie anatomically and slightly lift the internal organs. A woman, when wearing such a bandage on her stomach, should feel comfortable - she breathes easily, there are no painful sensations in her body.

So, let's take a closer look at how the tummy tuck is performed after childbirth.

tying the abdomen after childbirth with a sling
tying the abdomen after childbirth with a sling

Use diaper and sling

At the initial period of recovery after childbirth, when it is still impossible to play sports, a sling helps to fight stretch marks and sagging of the abdomen. Scarves of any size are suitable for tying. A length of 3 meters is sufficient. A short sling scarf has a length of 2.2 m. You can use a diaper, tippet, any piece of cotton that is suitable in size. The main condition is naturalness and plasticity.

How to do a tummy tuck after childbirth with a diaper:

  • you need to stand up, attach a cloth in front, lower the lower edge of which to the pubic bone, shift the middle to the side;
  • wrap yourself like a wrap;
  • cross back fabric;
  • lie down, bend your knees, raise your pelvis;
  • adjust the position of the diaper, the fabric should "hug" the body;
  • bring forward the crossed ends of the cloth;
  • tie a knot under the navel, slightly shifting it to the side.

After tying, you need to checkyour feelings - the sling or diaper should not press and pinch the stomach. The sling also supports the sides and waist.

Bandaging with a long scarf is carried out according to the same principle, only the knot must be done from behind, right above the buttocks. The big advantage of this method is considered to be a quick correction of the figure and a decrease in the load on the body.

belly tying after childbirth benkung
belly tying after childbirth benkung

May sling tying

The back of the garter must be thrown over yourself from behind, the short straps will fall on the shoulders, the long ones will hang down. Next, the waist straps should be stretched under the armpits, fixed between the shoulder blades and the spine. Wide straps are brought forward, crossed under the stomach, then pulled back and crossed again. Next, the woman should lie down, raise the pelvis and wrap the garter around as wide as possible.


Benkung is a traditional Malaysian method of postpartum swaddling. It is a special way of tying a long strip of fabric (approximately 10-15 m long and 20-30 cm wide) around the abdomen to provide support to the muscles and internal organs.

This belly garter helps provide:

  • eliminate back pain;
  • recovery of abdominal muscles after pregnancy;
  • reducing postpartum hemorrhage time;
  • resumption of the woman's dynamic mode of movement, that is, the center of gravity is adjusted, the woman stops walking as during pregnancy, the gait is restored;
  • returnthe former elasticity of tissues, improvement of muscle tone.

Benkung for tying the belly after childbirth is worn in the morning and removed before bedtime. Its main difference from a regular sling is its length. The tying starts from the middle of the buttocks, and the knot by knot is raised to the level of the chest.

postpartum tummy tuck reviews
postpartum tummy tuck reviews

Knots have their own functions: such twists do not allow the winding to move out and weaken, it constantly remains uniform. If you wrap it with a solid cloth, then it will gather into folds. In addition, the knots made on the garter fabric massage the woman's body when moving, which helps to improve blood circulation in the skin.

Thus, benkung is not just a restoration of the shape of the abdomen, but a way to return the organs to their original places. Another plus of this method is that tying allows the fabric to stay in place, not slip off the hips. The woman can move freely and feel very comfortable.

tying the belly after childbirth with a sling scarf
tying the belly after childbirth with a sling scarf

Japanese tying

In Japan, there is a tradition called "Obi-ivai", when the expectant mother is tied up at the 5th month of pregnancy, that is, before childbirth. This manipulation is called the “holiday belt” ceremony. The bandage is embroidered. Of course, in modern times, the belly of a pregnant woman is not tied up, but they do it after childbirth, when it begins to sag. But Japanese tying is very effective. Action algorithm:

  • cloth is applied to the stomach, wrapped aroundback and forward
  • then she is guided down to the pubis;
  • at an upward angle, the matter folds and bends;
  • winding continues.

The resulting bandage has the shape of a pocket, as if made from flower petals. Japanese tying resembles a regular sling and performs the same functions.

tying the belly
tying the belly

Reviews about tying up the abdomen after childbirth

On various sites you can see a lot of reviews and recommendations of women who have given birth about tying up the stomach. Most of them note an excellent effect from the regular conduct of such a medical procedure. Women say that after childbirth, the stomach has a rounded convex shape, severe discomfort and pain are felt. When tied up, the walls of the peritoneum become more elastic, the internal organs take on a normal position - as before pregnancy, digestion and well-being are improving. In addition, according to women, if you do not tie up your stomach after the birth of a child, the muscles in this area will recover for a very long time, and with the help of modern garter techniques, this period can be significantly reduced - up to 1 month.

The most popular method is to garter with a sling scarf. Benkung is not very common in Russia, and many women do not quite understand how to make such a garter. Some people tie their belly with a regular diaper or just a long piece of cloth.
