The hormone produced by the adrenal glands and sex glands of women is called androstenedione. Without it, the reproductive ability of the female body is impossible. It belongs to the male sex hormones, but its presence in the body of a woman is quite natural. Its purpose is not limited to reproductive ability. What is androstenedione responsible for in women, we will consider in our article. We will also tell you what are the norms of these biologically active substances for women and men, what are the reasons for deviations, what recommendations do doctors give.
The role of the hormone in the human body
Androstenedione performs the following functions:
- Controls sebum production.
- Promotes increased libido and production of sex hormones.
- Affects weight.
- Helps the body reduce glucose levels.
- Activates protein synthesis.
- Breaks down fats.

Features of the hormone
This is activethe substance, by its nature, is able to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, buttocks and thighs, but increases the fat layer on the abdomen. A high level of androstenedione gives the fairer sex an active sexual desire, but greatly reduces the release of vaginal lubrication, as a result of which sexual life is associated with pain. It controls the work of almost all systems and organs, as it regulates metabolism and has a great influence on the menstrual cycle.
Constant excess of the hormone androstenedione increased blood saturation with this androgenic hormone negatively affects the female body. With such a hormonal background, it wears out faster, its systems do not function correctly, life expectancy becomes much shorter.

What determines the norms of androstenedione in women
The amount of this active substance in the blood is rarely in a static position. Small fluctuations in hormone levels are considered normal for women. Considering the role of androstenedione in the general hormonal background, it is impossible to say exactly at what level it should be, because this indicator changes under the influence of various nuances of the state of he alth. In the morning hours or during ovulation, women have the highest values. Changes in the norm of androstenedione in women occur for a number of reasons:
- Age of the woman.
- Phase of the menstrual cycle.
- Time of day.
- Pregnancy.

What are the meanings of women
The production of androstenedione directly depends on the woman's age. If there are no obvious deviations in the development of the girl, then the production of this hormone should begin to rise sharply at the age of eight years and continue to increase steadily. Norms of androstenedione in women gradually increase until the age of thirty. Further, they also gradually begin to decrease. Each age corresponds to its optimal indicator of androstenedione:
- Girls 1 to 10 years old - 8-50 ng/1 ml.
- Teens 10 to 17 years old - 8-240ng/100ml.
- Girls over 18 - 85-275ng/100ml
Norms in women of androstenedione during pregnancy in some cases may increase. This is dangerous, as a miscarriage may occur. It is forbidden to take medicines and use traditional medicine recipes on your own.

The correct concentration of this hormone in the blood of an adult woman should be kept within 85-275 ng/100 ml. Women over fifty will be deficient in androstenedione, but this is considered normal.
Symptoms of deviations
Any change in hormonal levels is dangerous for women's he alth. Androstenedione is produced in the ovaries, spreading its influence on a woman's ability to conceive and subsequently bear a child. Therefore, it is extremely important to know at what concentration this hormone is in the body. An increase or decrease in androstenedione in the blood causes certain changes in the body. Significantdeviation from the norm in any direction have a pathological effect on he alth.
High accumulation of the above-described active biological substance can manifest itself already in adolescence, awakening early puberty in a girl. In this case, there is swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, inflammation of the sebaceous glands, hair loss or excessive hair growth.
High Level
If androstenedione is elevated in women, it can cause the development of masculinization. In addition, an increase in the accumulation of this hormone in the blood indicates the development of a pathological process. Excessive saturation with androstenedione is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Menstrual irregularities.
- Bleeding mid cycle.
- Hair loss.
- Dramatic weight gain.
- Growth in muscle mass.
- Hirsutism - increased hair growth.
- Appearance of pimples and blackheads.
- Infertility or threatened miscarriage.
- Breast diseases.
Hyperandrogenism is a high or normal level of a hormone in a woman's body, which causes seborrhea, acne and androgen-dependent alopecia.

Reduced androstenedione is rare, but requires consultation with the attending physician. The decrease in this hormone is largely due to the pathological processes occurring in the body. Symptoms of low androstenedione will be expressed in signs of various diseases inherent in the decreasehormone. For this reason, it is difficult for the fair sex to notice asthenia, a decrease in sexual desire, and apathy.
Taking certain types of hormonal drugs can reduce androstenedione in the blood. A low amount of androstenedione in women is characteristic of adrenal insufficiency, hereditary causes, ovarian failure, malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, eating poor-quality food, improper diet, taking inappropriate hormonal drugs.
To be able to carry a he althy baby, it is necessary to maintain androstenedione at a normal level. Too little of such an important hormone in the female body increases the chances of infertility.
Reasons for deviations from the norm
During pregnancy, a slight increase in androstenedione is not considered by foreign doctors to be a pathology requiring treatment. However, Russian experts pay special attention to this indicator. After the birth of a child, the level of androstenedione is set at an indicator corresponding to the age of the mother. In many cases, high androstenedione in the blood of a woman at the planning stage negatively affects conception. In many cases, this fact becomes the main reason for the inability to get pregnant. The pathological reasons for the increase in the accumulation of this hormone include:
- Hyperplasia or malfunction of the ovaries.
- Tumors of the adrenal glands.
- Pancreatic dysfunction.
- Disturbances in the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
- Hypercortisolism syndrome.

How to keep the hormone normal
To adjust the hormonal background, you will need: examinations by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist, taking a test for hormones in women. Only a specialist with a medical background will be able to choose the right therapy to equalize hormonal levels. In the case of explicit masculinization (the appearance of male characteristics in women), an integrated approach to treatment becomes the best option. A woman is prescribed suitable oral contraceptives, antiandrogenic drugs, estrogen-containing drugs, glucocorticoids. In case of urgent need, after hormone tests in women, surgical treatment of tumor formations, ovarian coagulation, and procedures to remove excess hair are performed.
Pregnant women with severe androstenedione abnormalities should take Dexamethasone, Cyproterone, Duphaston, Clomiphene.
Women's hormonal background largely depends on lifestyle. Often, doctors recommend changing the diet, giving up alcoholic beverages and smoking. A diet for the formation of a he althy hormonal background excludes the use of fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods, semi-finished products and flour products. Regular walks in the fresh air and small physical activity will have a beneficial effect on a woman's hormonal he alth.
To find out your level of androstenedione, you need to take a blood test. According to the rules, he surrenders in the morning, on an empty stomach, at the very beginning or at the end of the menstrual period.cycle. To obtain reliable test results, a few days before blood sampling, it is recommended to postpone taking hormonal drugs, exclude alcohol, spicy and fatty foods from the diet, and try to be less nervous.

The androgenic hormone androstenedione is of great importance for the female body in general. This active substance takes part in metabolic processes, affects the menstrual cycle. With a normal level of androstenedione, there is a balance of testosterone and estrogen. Timely examination will help to identify the existing hormonal imbalance and prevent the development of unpleasant consequences. It is especially important to know your hormone levels when planning motherhood and during pregnancy. The correct balance of female and male hormones in a woman's body will ensure he althy motherhood, a full-fledged intimate life, support youth and beauty, and become a guarantee of excellent he alth.