Hypertrophy of the small lips gives women a lot of trouble with experiences. This condition is expressed in their elongation or increase and their protrusion beyond the external genitalia. Hypertrophy of the labia minora is not considered a life-threatening pathology or disease. This phenomenon is encountered in thirty percent of women, to whom she most often brings aesthetic dissatisfaction with her appearance in the bikini area.

About pathology
Hypertrophy of the small lips is an increase or lengthening of this part of the body. In anatomy and medicine, it is generally accepted that the genital internal tissues should be completely covered with large ones and in no case should they protrude. True, according to statistics, in thirty percent of women, the genital small tissues are larger compared to the outer ones. At the same time, they are different in shape and, at the same time, asymmetric.
Photo of small lip hypertrophy does not show the whole picture.
True, not every discrepancy between the size of the established standard speaks ofthe presence of pathology in a woman. This diagnosis is made when the size of the small lip against the background of lateral traction is more than five centimeters.
It should be noted that genetic hypertrophy of the small lips is not at all a disease in medicine. Gynecologists believe that this is a kind of individual version of the norm, requiring surgical correction (but this should be carried out exclusively at the request of the patient).
Hypertrophy symptoms
The first thing that draws attention is the selection of the labia small lips against the background of the large ones. Asymmetry is often encountered when the genitals have different sizes. There may be a change in color along with darkening of hypertrophic areas, wrinkling and flabby appearance of mucous membranes.
Hypertrophy of the labia minora may not cause any inconvenience from the side of sensations and be only a small deviation from the norm. But sometimes, when a large size is reached, friction of the enlarged area is possible, as a result of which inflammation occurs along with excessive dryness and discomfort. Basically, an increase in negative sensations and an increase in sensitivity are observed:

- When women run or walk fast.
- Perform various gymnastic movements.
- Riding a bike or wearing tight underwear, for example.
Read more about lip hypertrophy in teenagers below.
There are many reasons for such a state to arise. Conventionally, they can be divided intothree main groups.
- Congenital or genetic nature of occurrence. Hypertrophy is observed in premature babies or among newborns with low weight, it can be transmitted through the genetic line. At the initial stage, this deviation may not affect the girl's condition in any way, and at the same time it does not cause discomfort. But, when puberty begins or the first sexual contacts occur, the tissue can increase in size even more, stretching and changing. What other causes of lip hypertrophy can be?
- Influence of diseases, inflammatory processes and individual characteristics. Chronic and acute vulvitis along with lymphodermatitis can serve as a provocation to increase this area. Sometimes the change is the predominance of male hormones in the female body with increased sensitivity to estrogen. Lengthening can also be observed among women who have dramatically lost weight.
- Mechanical or traumatic influence. An increase in the labia can occur when they are stretched against the background of age when they reach fifty or sixty years. Sometimes signs of hypertrophy are observed after childbirth, especially if there are two or more children. Fixed piercings along with having sex can also lead to stretching, sizing and asymmetries.
Diagnosing hypertrophy of the small lips in a girl or woman is not at all difficult. This can be done on your own or as part of a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. There are several stages, according to which the degree and level are determineddeviations:

- At the first stage, the increase is almost imperceptible to others and, as a rule, does not go beyond the labia majora, it can vary within one to two centimeters.
- The second degree is determined by two to four centimeters in length of one or two lips at once, a slight protrusion beyond the external genitalia is possible, which does not cause any discomfort with unpleasant sensations.
- The third group includes sizes from four to six centimeters, with a clear protrusion above the outer area, it is possible to cause certain inconvenience in sensations, and, moreover, psychologically.
- At the fourth stage, a size of six or more centimeters is reached. Against the background of all this, women experience a certain discomfort, which in turn is exacerbated by restrictions in movement and dissatisfaction with their intimate area, which is regarded as a cosmetic defect with indications for removal.
The doctor who diagnosed small lip hypertrophy cannot advise himself, let alone force such a patient to undergo surgery. Since everything directly depends on the feeling of a woman and the influence of this state on the quality of her life, exactly as well as on the emotional state.
Patient complaints
Many women are simply embarrassed by such a special appearance of their genitals, experiencing all sorts of psychological inconvenience in connection with this circumstance. As a result, they most often partially or completely refuse sex, feel constrainedthemselves during an intimate caress, embarrassed to undress in front of a man and believe that such a view will compromise them in some way. Such a condition can be aggravated by a nervous breakdown, a long search for a partner, along with loneliness and extremely low self-esteem. In addition to a negative psychological state, the presence of the third and fourth degrees can lead to a decrease in an active lifestyle, along with the rejection of certain types of sports and restriction of movements:
- It is difficult for such women to sit in one position for a long time, pain and discomfort arise.
- Ladies are beginning to deny themselves going to pools, saunas and even public beaches.
- Some sports are banned and considered unacceptable for the condition.
- Any hygiene procedures are more difficult.
- You may experience pain during intimacy with a partner.
- While cycling, pain may occur with deterioration of well-being with hypertrophy of the labia minora. Photos of women with such a problem are presented.
- The presence of underwear and tight-fitting elements in clothing is a significant inconvenience.
- Constant friction can cause various chronic inflammatory processes in the area of the labia minora.

Hypertrophy treatment
Under the treatment of hypertrophy of the labia minora (ICD N90), changes in the genitals and their deviations from the norm involve surgical intervention. In thissituations, folk methods in combination with all kinds of cosmetic ointments and preparations will definitely not give any results. The best option is labioplasty, which should be performed by an experienced surgeon. Before carrying out such a procedure, patients are prepared in order to avoid undesirable complications and consequences. To do this, ladies need to pass certain tests and be examined by a number of specialists:
- In the process of treatment, a gynecologist examines a woman, a specialist determines the degree of deviation, consults on the operation and takes a smear on the flora.
- Next, you need to donate blood to rule out certain pathologies like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis.
- You will also need to pass a general urinary test and a detailed blood test.
- The next step in the examination is a consultation with narrow specialists like a dermatologist and an endocrinologist.
- At the final stage of preparation, a meeting is held with the attending doctor, who will advise on the operation and the correction option, based on the indication and the patient's personal wishes.
There is also a possible contraindication for performing labioplasty. This category should include patients in whom the study revealed pathologies transmitted through sexual contact, or inflammation in the pelvic area. The reason for refusing a surgical operation is the presence of oncological pathology, mental illness and other contraindications.

Correction aspart of the treatment
Correction of the labia minora is aimed at reducing their size, and, in addition, at giving an aesthetic appearance. For this, several options can be used at once, which depends on the degree of enlarged tissues, the wishes and characteristics of the patient. The procedure is often performed under local anesthesia, but sometimes general anesthesia is possible in individual situations. In modern practice, several methods of labioplasty are used. Many specialists welcome the V-shaped wedge removal, performed by excising the protruding tissue. This method allows you to change with a reduction to the desired size.
Photos of hypertrophy of the small lips before and after surgery are of great interest to patients.
The W-shaped removal procedure involves resection of the labia minora and giving a plausible and rounded shape from an aesthetic point of view. This method can be complicated by the loss of pigmentation in the corrected areas. Conducting bilateral de-epithelialization is also highly demanded by most specialists. The effectiveness of the technique lies in the fully guaranteed preservation of vascular nutrition in the tissue and sensitivity.
Following the operation, there is no need for the patient to stay in the hospital. In the next day, an unpleasant sensation is observed in the bikini area along with swelling and burning. After one week, the symptoms are eliminated, tissue sensitivity returns. For one month it is necessary to refrain from visiting the sauna, and, in addition, from sexual intercourse andtaking a hot bath. Full recovery of the labia occurs usually after three months.
Doctors' recommendations
Special recommendations for avoiding labia minora hypertrophy are difficult to give. If there are no hereditary prerequisites for the occurrence of such a defect, then doctors advise women to undergo a gynecological examination twice a year, to observe carefully personal hygiene. It is equally important to refuse to have a vulva piercing.
Hypertrophy of small lips in girls and adolescents
Unfortunately, such a phenomenon as hypertrophy can occur even among newborn babies. Usually, this is observed if there were certain problems with intrauterine development, or if the fetus was preterm.
Hypertrophy is often hereditary in adolescents. In order to be sure of this, you need to talk to your mother, grandmother or other close relatives, and thus find out if they have this kind of problem.
Photos of hypertrophy of the small lips of teenage girls are often searched online.
It is worth noting that the hereditary pathology of this part of the body sometimes manifests itself not at the time of birth, but directly during puberty or from the beginning of an active sexual life.

Postoperative complications
In some situations, women who decide to have surgery may develop certain complications. The most common problems include the followingphenomena:
- Appearance of persistent postoperative scars.
- The occurrence of bleeding, bruising.
- Loss of sensation in the labia minora.
- Development of overcorrection.
- The appearance of infectious and inflammatory processes.
According to statistics, eighty-nine percent of women who have treated labia minora hypertrophy through a surgical technique are satisfied with the results of the operation. In addition, seven percent decide to perform a re-intervention due to low satisfaction with the functional or aesthetic results obtained.

Thus, labial hypertrophy is a marked lengthening or enlargement of a given area of the body, or a combination of defective deviations, sometimes in combination with their asymmetric shape. The classic version is when the tissues in this part of the female body do not protrude, but, on the contrary, are completely hidden through the labia majora. Such a condition is not considered a disease and can be eliminated exclusively by surgery, based on the consent of the patient herself and only at her personal request.