Lower back pain on the right back in women: possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Lower back pain on the right back in women: possible causes, treatment options, reviews
Lower back pain on the right back in women: possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Many of us have missed cultivating a he althy person. Therefore, when everything starts to hurt, we can only regret the lost years. Basically, this happens to people after 40 years, and maybe even earlier, depending on what kind of activity they are engaged in. At this age, a person already has a certain number of chronic sores that everyone would like to get rid of. Everyone wants to go through the medicinal stage without straining over the exercises. Partially, this approach helps, temporarily relieves pain, which periodically makes itself felt. It all ends in disappointment, loss of time and money. Or attempts to restore he alth did not bring anything positive. This may be due to the incompetence of the doctor, his lack of professionalism or banal negligence, when little money was paid. This is definitely a big social and conscious problem.

why does the lower back hurt on the right in women
why does the lower back hurt on the right in women

Running is a load on the lower spine. By the age of 50, deforming arthrosis may occur. Osteochondrosis manifests itself as severe pain in the lower back.

Uncomfortable reasons can be menstruation, diseased kidneys or problems in the female part, which also lead to severe back pain. But it's worth talking about physical pain that occurs due to stress on the body, a hernia or backache.

Main factor

What is the cause of pain in women in the lower back on the right back? Answer: impaired blood flow, joints do not work well, there is no proper intake of the necessary substances for recovery and muscle atrophy. Also, the main source of the problem is that the disks come off, there is a krepatura even from a small load. Here, the owner of the muscles is to blame for everything, who does not support his body he althy and does not know how to listen to the first signals for help. After all, until it twists, no one will do anything. You don't need to mentally exercise while sitting on the couch, you need your action.

What is muscle tissue? Why is she so important?

Muscle tissue is capable of regeneration at any age. At the same time, this is still the only tissue that is not controlled by the brain in automatic mode. And physical qualities can develop and improve for a very long time only under the condition of regular vigorous activity. That is, organized exercises and constant physical training are needed.

Muscular tissue is the only one that will restore everything in its power, if you create conditions for its rational use: contraction - relaxation of the muscles. That is, the movement that occurs as a result of receiving a command from the brain, right or wrong, can be cured or maimed.

pulling pain in the lower back on the right in women
pulling pain in the lower back on the right in women

How to strengthen muscles and get rid of pain?

To strengthen muscle tissue with pain above the waist on the right in women, you need to exercise on simulators and preferably under the supervision of a professional athlete. Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity.

At home, work on the simulator can be replaced with various exercises.

One of the payloads for pain below the lower back on the right back of a woman is pulling up on her hands using various simulators and aids. Do spinal traction. It will provide a load on the muscles. Training should be done three times a week, using pull-ups on the bar 10-15 times.

If the back hurts on the right above the lower back in women, it is useful to pull up on the horizontal bar, rings. But power loads are limited, especially with age, pulling up with bending of the arms is almost impossible. In this case, you need to replace the exercises with feasible traction. Here the main work falls on the shoulders. For this exercise, you need to work your head. It should also unbend, synchronously with the actions of the shoulder, deviate back to the back. The muscles of the trunk and neck act on extension. During the reverse movement from a deflection to an upright position, while remaining in a hanging position, it is necessary to relax the muscles as much as possible, trying to hang as long as possible. This exercise is recommended after a hard day of work spent on your feet.

Another good way to stretch the muscles, if the lower back hurts on the right back at the bottom in women, is front pull. It is important to perform the exercise withoutjerking.


The cause of lower back pain on the right back in women may be a hernia of the lumbar. To prevent hernia of the lumbar spine, you can do the following exercises:

  • Sitting on the floor, clasp the toes of your outstretched feet. A little pain under the knee is normal. In this case, stretching of the lumbar muscles of the spine and the muscles of the back of the thigh of the leg is achieved. In this case, you need to bend over to the legs as you exhale.
  • From a supine position, lower your straight legs behind your head until they touch the floor. But this requires stretching and flexibility. Before exercise, stretch your muscles, do a little exercise. If you don't keep your muscles warm, they will hurt. To prepare for the exercise, you can do the following: in the prone position, raise and lower your legs 90 degrees with a gradual increase in the range of motion until your legs touch the floor behind your head. Repeat 20 times, but see for yourself how much you can. Everything should be done gradually.

These movements will give the body flexibility, and the muscles - elasticity, which is important in the presence of spinal hernias.

Pulling up can be done on a horizontal bar or a device resembling a horizontal bar. Evmenov's board is also useful for the spine from pain in the back and lower back.

Contrast shower

If women have lower back pain on the right back of women, it will be useful to finish the classes by dousing with cold water or you can rinse the body with a cool shower. This, of course, is a separate section - hardening of the human body, but one does not interfere with the other. Perhaps this is another reason for the unhe althypopulation, which manifests itself in the inability to harden their body. I think many people are familiar with the topic of wet legs and lower back pain associated with inflammation of the ovaries and cystitis. Or maybe the children are so weak, because the parents do not know how to teach them to take care of their he alth, they do not harden the children's body. Although, how will parents teach if they themselves do not really know anything or do not delve into this problem at all. There is one important note here! Hardening of the body is carried out gradually, and if you decide to do hardening, then start with warm water and gradually switch to a colder option. You don't need to immediately pour ice water on yourself, otherwise you will get sick immediately, and then there will be no one to blame.

lower back pain on the right back of a woman
lower back pain on the right back of a woman

Exercise for Acute Pain

And if there is pain in the lower back on the right back of women when you are lying, then roll over on your stomach and carefully slide off the bed to the floor, get down on all fours, exhale slowly during each movement, moving in this way. You can wrap something around your knees if they are uncomfortable until the pain subsides, about 20-30 minutes.

Stretch your knee, arm as long as possible. Start moving. Warm up a bit. After stirring, swelling may increase, this is a sign of microcirculation. In order to remove pain and relieve swelling, you can perform movements with a compress from ice, put it under the lower back (you should use a frozen heating pad with water). In response to the external influence of cold, the body produces heat, which increases blood circulation. With severe pain inin the lumbar region, after moving on all fours, it is necessary to lie on your back, bend your knees, and press your feet to the floor. An ice pack should be placed on the lower back.

How to get rid of pain?

If the lower back hurts in the lower right back of women, do the exercise: grab your head (whiskey), while exhaling, tear your shoulder blades off the floor, and touch your bent legs with your elbows. At first, movement can cause acute pain. Not scary. Pull your knees in as you bend your upper body toward your elbows. Bend - unbend. Do this for 10 minutes every four hours. You can gradually move in this way without pain.

Lower right back pain in women
Lower right back pain in women

After this exercise, you can hang on the bar, while trying to raise your knees to your chest as you exhale. But see for yourself, if you can not, then do not be zealous. There may be "lumbago" in the lower back, which is not very scary, but unpleasant. Do everything slowly and very carefully, listening to the signals of your body. After that, do not jump to the floor, but carefully go down.

Further up the exercises with the incline board. Lying on your back, pull your knees to your stomach and to your chest as you exhale. After getting used to the movement, you need to gradually increase it. This creates the effect of stretching the muscles of the lower back.

But take into account that the exercises are best done on the advice and under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Try another exercise: lie on your back, firmly press your hips to the bed, and throw your legs on the bed (it turns out a kind of high chair). Underlower back put a towel with ice. Pressing your hands to your head, try to slowly and carefully bend your torso in the spine, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. At the same time, draw in your stomach. Do the exhalation exercise (to relax the muscles and relieve pain). In this case, blood circulation occurs, which relieves inflammation and swelling. Do as much as you can: 10, 20, 30 times. More is possible.

One more exercise: lie on the floor, bend your knees, put your heels on the floor, arms along the body. Place a cool compress under your lower back. As you exhale, lift your back off the floor as far as possible up to the shoulder blades. Run approximately 15-20 times.

If you get relief in your lower back, go for a stretch: feet shoulder-width apart in a stable position, knees should be straight. Rest your hands on the thigh in front of the standing leg, as you exhale, slowly lean forward, try to reach the floor with your hands. Don't be afraid of knee pain, it's normal.

Then the next exercise: standing on all fours, bend at the waist and straighten up 13-15 times. Then stretch your back muscles: sit on your heels, then stretch your legs forward. Then do familiar swings with your hands from different angles.

Aging pain

Pain in the lumbar region in women on the right back occurs more often in the adult generation (especially middle-aged and elderly people). You can fall asleep as an absolutely he althy person and barely get up in the morning from wild pain (this can provoke a sharp, not quite correct movement). You can bend down to tie your shoelaces, and straighten up, be in pain. You can reach something with one handand go down, barely turning from the pain in the lower back. The pain is hard to bear, it is unbearable.


From the constant work of people in a sedentary profession, either in heavy physical work, or because for some reason the body has weakened, and most often because they have not previously been engaged in recreational exercises, pain occurs. At the same time, the back muscles hurt, the pain comes from receptors located in the muscles and ligaments. And the nerve endings take information from the affected muscles and inform about pain through the motor neuron system of the spinal cord.

lower back pain in women
lower back pain in women

If you just drink medicine or make a blockade, then the information disappears, but muscle spasm (in other words, illness and pain) remains. Then the next aggravation will be more painful and complicated.

Drawing pain in the lower back on the right in women is a direct signal of a problem that says that it is time for a person to think about his he alth. And the sooner you seek a solution from a specialist, the better for your well-being. The longer you wait and delay, the more difficult and expensive the treatment will cost you. This is where a qualified doctor is needed. Remember the saying: greedy pays twice!

Aching pain in the lower back on the right in women
Aching pain in the lower back on the right in women


Maybe someone is familiar with the situation in which it is impossible to get out of bed because of pain in the back, lower back. The pain may radiate to the leg, arm or coccyx. Could be a "shot". In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist, as complications are possible. This is one ofreasons why the lower back hurts on the right in women. But a person, as always, is in a hurry, he has no time. Sometimes it does not cure the disease due to the high cost of medical procedures and visits to specialists. He will brush it off with the thought: it’s okay, he probably blew it or overworked it. But pain is associated with ischemia of the muscle and ligament zone. This, in turn, caused the cessation of blood flow through the capillaries penetrating this zone through and through. This is the reason for the sharp decrease in mobility, which is accompanied by pain.

It is forbidden to warm the back, lower back with acute pain in the lower back on the right side of women, because swelling increases. Better apply a cool compress.

There is an opinion that with back pain, with sciatica, you need to sleep on something hard. This is not true. From a hard surface, the muscles do not rest, because of this, the spasm is aggravated, which causes pain. It won't feel comfortable or convenient. The bed should be elastic, an orthopedic mattress is suitable for this, so that each point of the body has its own point of support.

acute pain in the right lower back in women
acute pain in the right lower back in women

There is no need to despair about the disease, it can be worse. Do not rush to give injections (the more you use painkillers, the more difficult it will be to restore muscle function, the more difficult it is for the nerve responsible for their work to break through to the muscle tissue and make it work). The exercises mentioned above should help here. Walk on all fours, do the exercises you can, and the pain should gradually go away. Although the numbness in the arm and leg may persist for a while, the sharp pain should subside.

In order tomuscle tissue has recovered in the same way as the body as a whole, you must also follow the rules of nutrition for aching pain in the lower back on the right in women (below or above).

Try to eat he althy food.

Learn to cleanse your body. Cleansing of the body, sweat and sebaceous glands, large intestine, getting rid of stagnation in the capillaries and joints occurs through physical activity. This is facilitated by various exercises. Therefore, it is very important to do morning exercises.

Before starting the main exercises, you need to stretch a little to get rid of the morning stiffness. You can take a contrast shower or just wash with cool water. You can choose the most comfortable exercises for yourself, for example: squats, push-ups, abs, left-right turns, forward-backward bends, arm swings to disperse s alt in the shoulder blades. After exercise, it is useful to take a shower again (relaxes muscles and cleanses the skin of perspiration).

After class, you can have breakfast. It is useful to eat porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). You can add fruit or with dietary meat, yogurt or cottage cheese (a good source of calcium) will do.

Second courses, the so-called mixture of carbohydrates, are undesirable. Rid yourself of foods such as potatoes, pasta, animal proteins, sandwiches with meat, sausage, fish. After breakfast, it is good to take a walk or do active things.

Eat he althy and balanced meals throughout the day. Another important tip: do not eat heavy meals at night. Try to eat something light if you feel like it.snack: apple, salad, kefir, tea with cottage cheese and a little honey, yogurt, grapes and so on. If you have problems with constipation, do flexion and extension exercises, ab exercises will do.

It is recommended to drink up to three liters of drinking water or liquid per day.

During exercise, it is good to drink a sip of sparkling water (sparkling water delivers oxygen to the tissues faster).

In the morning, before breakfast, it is good to drink a cup of green tea with honey. Can be served with jam, while it is desirable to use less sugar.

Food should be chewed well, after dinner it is recommended not to drink compote, tea. This is explained by the fact that the secretion of gastric juice is disturbed. The liquid is recommended to drink an hour after eating (a person who drinks little water suffers from vascular insufficiency, intestinal motility is disturbed, decay products are poorly excreted).

In other words, the nutrient medium is very important for the renewal of the body as a whole.

The cause of pain below the lower back on the right back of a woman may be other factors: problems in gynecology (ovarian inflammation, cystitis, colds of the sciatic nerve), with the back (hernia of varying degrees), violation of the muscular and bone apparatus (the option when the disks came off and the vertebrae were clamped). In this case, you need an experienced competent specialist - a chiropractor, masseur, doctor.