Female sterilization is a permanent method of contraception, forever eliminating the possibility of becoming pregnant and having a baby. Usually, women who have already given birth, who no longer want to have children, resort to it. The operation involves actions aimed at preventing the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. Artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes is created through surgical intervention. This operation is 99 percent efficient.

Indications for sterilization
Any woman over 35 who has at least one child can be sterilized. Nevertheless, the issue of the operation should be approached responsibly. If there is no certainty that in the future a woman will not want to have children again, it is better to resort to other, less radical methods of contraception.
Indication for sterilizationthere may be the fact that it is contraindicated for a woman to become pregnant, as well as the risk of transmission of hereditary defects, diseases or developmental anomalies that are incompatible with life.
Sterilization principle
During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube towards the sperm for further fertilization. Sterilization creates an artificial obstruction of the tubes, which makes conception and pregnancy impossible.
There are two types of female sterilization:
- Blocking the patency of the fallopian tubes by clamping, tying, excision.
- Installation of a special implant (hysteroscopic sterilization)
Methods of implementation
Sterilization in women is carried out in three ways.
- Laparotomy. It is carried out through an incision in the abdominal cavity. Usually performed in conjunction with other abdominal operations, such as a caesarean section.
- Laparoscopy. Less invasive and most common method. It is carried out through several small incisions around the navel.
- Mini laparotomy. It is performed through a small incision just above the pubic hairline. Most often performed in women with a history of pelvic surgery, inflammation or obesity.

During an operation to create an artificial obstruction with clamps, rings or tubal ligation, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdominalcavities. With the help of a laparoscope, he puts on plastic or titanium clips, silicone rings on the fallopian tubes, ligates them, excised or cauterizes them. This method of sterilization is usually performed under general anesthesia. The sterilization of women takes about half an hour. After a few hours, the patient may be allowed to go home.
In case of unsuccessful blockage of the fallopian tubes by the previous method, a salpingectomy is performed - complete removal.
Implants are placed through the vagina using local anesthesia. It is also possible to use sedatives. Using a hysteroscope, titanium implants are placed in each of the fallopian tubes. Obstruction is created by scar tissue.

After sterilization
After undergoing surgical sterilization of women, intense exercise should be avoided for a week. If you experience pain, you can take painkillers. But if the discomfort increases, you should consult your doctor. If a purulent discharge appears, vomiting persists for more than 24 hours, fever exceeds 38 degrees, discomfort during urination, you should also visit a specialist for an in-person consultation.
You can return to work in a few days. Sexual life can be resumed after feeling better. After 10 days, you should see a surgeon for removal of sutures, and after 6 weeks - for an examination.
Theoretically, female sterilization has an immediatecontraceptive action. However, it is still recommended to use combined hormonal contraceptives such as oral pills for up to a week after sterilization.
The effect of hysteroscopic sterilization occurs after 3 months. Therefore, the entire period after the operation should use an additional method of contraception. You can refuse protection only after an ultrasound or x-ray to confirm the correct installation of the implants.
Side effects
After sterilization surgery, a woman may experience discomfort, expressed in the following symptoms:
- pain and nausea for the first four to eight hours;
- convulsions during the first day;
- vomit;
- temperature.
Pros of sterilization
There are pros and cons to female sterilization, just like any other operation. In addition to constant contraception and confidence in the absence of the risk of unwanted pregnancy, the following positive factors are present during this operation:
- quick recovery;
- most women can return to normal activities within one day;
- the procedure does not take much time;
- no need to go to the hospital, the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis.
Consequences of female sterilization
After surgery, depending on the methods used, women are at risk of:complications.
- infections;
- bladder injury;
- bleeding of large blood vessels;
- intestinal perforation;
- abdominal infections;
- allergic reaction to anesthesia;
- damage to nearby organs such as the intestine or ureter;
- inflammation and pain;
- infection of the wound or one of the fallopian tubes;
- an ectopic pregnancy that develops in the fallopian tubes and not in the uterus;
- irregular and long menstrual cycles;
- menstrual pain;
- increased menstrual flow;
- cervical erosion;
- increased premenstrual symptoms;
- risk of cervical cancer;
- ovarian tumors.
In addition to all the complications and risks, the main disadvantage of female sterilization is 99 percent effectiveness. There is less than one percent chance that pregnancy will still occur, and most likely it will be ectopic. The only guaranteed 100% contraceptive method is spaying and abstinence.
Contraindications for sterilization
- Doubts about the decision made regarding the operation.
- Pregnancy.
- Allergy to nickel, silicone.
- Births, abortions, miscarriages less than 6 weeks ago.
- Recent inflammatory or infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
- Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
- Gynecological malignancies.
The procedure is carried out as usual, but with additional preparation in the following cases:
- young age;
- obesity;
- operation during caesarean section;
- high blood pressure;
- ischemia, stroke, history of uncomplicated and congenital heart disease;
- epilepsy;
- depression;
- diabetes:
- uterine fibroids;
- iron deficiency anemia;
- compensated cirrhosis;
- breast cancer;
- liver tumors.
Alternative methods of contraception

In addition to female sterilization, there are less radical methods of long-term contraception, such as the use of subcutaneous implants, the installation of an intrauterine hormonal or non-hormonal spiral. Unlike surgery, these methods also have some advantages, such as the absence of risks of surgery and reversibility.
Along with female sterilization, there is also male sterilization - vasectomy. With it, the ligation or removal of the seminal ducts is performed. This operation carries much less risks and complications than surgical sterilization of women.
In addition to long-term contraception, you can use combined oral contraceptives, various vaginal creams or suppositories, rings or patches to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The simplest and most affordable is the barrier method - male and female condoms.

Sterilizationwomen. Reviews
Not everyone will be able to decide on such a cardinal method of contraception as sterilization. Usually, women come to make such decisions after the occurrence of unplanned pregnancies, for example, against the background of the absence of menstruation after a recent birth. There are also situations when one or another method of contraception does not work. Often, having tried almost all available methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, a woman has no choice but to resort to sterilization.
According to statistics, after surgery, many women experience pain and nausea, which are stopped by medication. After a few days, everything returns to normal.
Many sterilized women recommend this method of contraception due to its near 100% effectiveness.
Some women who get sterilized later regret their decision.
Sterilization in women is an almost 100% method of contraception. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, if a woman does not have confidence in her sexual partner, it is worth using a barrier method of contraception - condoms.

Sterilization in women does not cause menopause, does not affect a woman's sex drive or enjoyment of sex. After the operation, the ovaries will continue to work normally, as before, menstruation will occur.
Sterilization in women isexclusively voluntary.
In conclusion

Whatever the benefits of female sterilization, before making such an important decision, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. It is important to remember that this method is not reversible. Subsequent pregnancy is possible only with the use of reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization) or the creation of artificial fallopian tubes. You should not make a decision to get sterilized if a woman is depressed, especially in cases after a recent miscarriage, abortion or childbirth. Before conducting voluntary sterilization of women, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages, disadvantages of the operation, the risks and possible complications after it.