When women have problems with urination, this is a reason to seriously worry about their he alth. As a rule, this worries the elderly of the fair sex, but it can also appear in young girls, for example, after a difficult birth. Incontinence is one of the symptoms of menopause, when the production of the female hormone estrogen, which is responsible for tissue elasticity, is significantly reduced. This leads to a deterioration in the tone of the urethra, uncontrolled leakage of urine during minimal exertion, for example, when coughing, sneezing or lifting weights. This article will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment of this condition.

Doctors divide urinary problems in women into three types, which differ depending on how the body behaves. Scientifically, this state is called incontinence:
- StressfulUrinary incontinence occurs solely due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. In most cases, this is caused by exercise and sports, lifting weights, having sex, even minor stresses such as coughing, sneezing or laughing.
- Urge incontinence occurs when a woman experiences an unbearable urge, as a result, in some cases, she is simply unable to respond to it. Moreover, in such a situation, the bladder itself may be almost empty.
- The mixed form of this problem combines the conditions characteristic of both the first and second types.
The main thing to remember: whatever the problems with urination in women are, it is always additional stress and worries. In addition, the condition can turn into a serious pathology. A vicious circle is formed, from which it is not at all easy to get out.
Typical symptoms

Symptoms of urinary problems in women, which manifest themselves in different types of this condition, is a strong or frequent urge to urinate. As a rule, they become more frequent at night.
When urinating, there is a burning sensation, the urine itself becomes red or pink, which indicates the presence of blood in it, it has an unpleasant odor and a cloudy tint.
When women have trouble urinating, they are regularly bothered by tension in their lower abdomen. In some cases, these disorders may not manifest clinically, they can be diagnosedonly in laboratory studies.
Reason for condition
The causes of urinary problems in women can be very different. Often, several factors are at fault. In most cases, overwork and nervous tension are the basis. It is very important to know how to treat urinary problems in women. The reasons must also be well known so that the necessary measures can be taken in a timely manner.
Traumatic or difficult childbirth often leads to stress incontinence. Injuries during childbirth may consist in stretching or damage to the muscles of the pelvic floor, rupture of perineal tissues. Being overweight is often cited as one of the triggers for stress incontinence.
The consequences of gynecological operations also lead to similar conditions. In particular, removal of tumors on the ovaries or uterus, cysts. Often, incontinence occurs against the background of hypothermia.
Features of anatomy

Often the reason may lie in the anatomy of the fairer sex. It has already been proven that women experience incontinence more often than men, especially when stress is involved.
This is because a woman's urethra is only three to four centimeters long, while a man's is 24 to 30 centimeters long. In addition, if the width of the urethra in men reaches four to seven millimeters, then in women it is six to ten millimeters.
All this leads to the fact that women need the most durable musclespelvis to control urination. Otherwise, through a wide and meek channel, urine will flow easily and almost unhindered from the bladder.

Problems with urination in women over 50 are often rightly associated with menopause.
Due to the reduction of estrogen hormones, the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the pelvic floor weakens. Weak muscles greatly increase the likelihood of urinary incontinence.
In this state, the sphincter can relax significantly due to the fact that it will not have enough muscle elasticity. With age, they become very weak due to hormonal changes. That is why urinary problems are so common in menopausal women.
Overactive Bladder Syndrome

This syndrome provokes a special type of urinary incontinence. It may also be associated with neurogenic bladder syndrome in a woman.
This type of incontinence provokes the fair sex to be constantly within walking distance of the toilet. She is internally afraid to move away from him as far as possible, the desire arises too often, at least once every one and a half to two hours.
This condition can occur due to neurological problems, such as damage to the spine or traumatic brain injury. Similar deviations are typical for patients who have recently suffered a stroke. The reason may also lie in the development of a dangerous, once even cured genitourinary infection.
Treatment of urinary problems in women should begin when the cause of the problem has been identified by experts. There are many options here - complications after childbirth, hormonal disruptions, infections and even tumor diseases. If the situation is not running, exercises for the pelvic muscles can help, but in most cases it is ineffective.
In this case, it is important to know which doctor to go to with a urinary problem in women. For help, you should contact a urologist. The doctor will conduct a detailed examination, accurately establish the diagnosis, discuss the methods of treatment, and the assistance you need. Now you know which doctor to contact with urinary problems in women.
Non-drug methods
Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, bladder training should be attributed to gentle ways to deal with this ailment.
Besides, do not forget about physical therapy. This will help you make your muscles stronger, achieve elastic ligaments, improving blood circulation in the pelvis. In these cases, as a rule, heating, microcurrents, electromagnetic pulses are used.
The training itself consists in the formation of a urination plan and its careful implementation. It is best to train under the supervision of an experienced doctor. It is recommended to gradually increase the intervals between urination. In women who suffer from incontinence, over time, a certain stereotype begins to develop when visiting the toilet. They tend to go there, even if the urge was very weak, barely noticeable. Working according to plan,hold them back.
The interval between each visit to the toilet should be increased every week by thirty minutes until it reaches a duration of three to four hours. In most cases, training is accompanied by drug therapy.
Pay attention to the training of the pelvic muscles. For some, this is the key to successful treatment of this problem. But only a few consciously work on this. It is considered to be the best prevention of urinary incontinence problems.
Medicated methods

Such funds have proved to be especially effective in case of an urgent type of problem. For the treatment of this type of disease, antidepressants and antispasmodics are used. For example, Driptan helps a lot, which can dampen impulses sent by the nervous system. Also, the drug has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the bladder.
Under the influence of this drug, the woman's bladder relaxes as much as possible, increasing in volume. As a result, the imperative urges that the fair sex could not cope with on their own disappear without a trace. As a result, she begins to go to the toilet much less frequently.
It is worth noting that the drug has a cumulative effect, so you will feel the improvement only after a few weeks. It should be emphasized that only a doctor prescribes the necessary dose, focusing on your condition and body characteristics.
In some situations, onlysurgical intervention. The surgeon's help is effective when the patient has a stressful form of incontinence. In some cases, the operation is also prescribed for the urgent form of incontinence.
Currently, there are more than a hundred different methods of surgical intervention, with the help of which it is possible to eliminate urinary incontinence in a woman.
Most of these methods are successfully used in Russia, including minimally invasive operations. As a result of these sparing procedures, the time for rehabilitation is minimal, most often the patient can go home the next day.
The vast majority of women after such operations live a full life. The only thing is they have to watch out for hypothermia as they become susceptible to cystitis.
Hygiene rules

When a similar problem occurs, experts advise you to adhere to certain hygiene rules in order to minimize the negative consequences for yourself. For example, urological pads will greatly facilitate the quality of life of the fair sex and their socialization.
There are quite a lot of high-quality models on the market that can not only reliably absorb liquid, but also neutralize unpleasant odors.
There are a few guidelines that these pads should follow. They need to absorb moisture well to hold all the secretions, fit anatomically to your features, keep dry on the surface to prevent skin irritation, andalso be bacterial safe.
Often, women are embarrassed by this problem, use urological pads, constantly postponing their visit to the doctor. It is strongly not recommended to do this, because complications are possible. If you turn to a specialist as soon as possible, then there is a chance of eliminating the negative consequences of this type of ailment.