Women's he alth 2024, October

How to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles?

How to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles?

Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles help to overcome dysfunction of the urinary organs, such as prostatitis, urinary incontinence. They allow you to regulate sexual functions such as ejaculation, erection, orgasm. And also help to get rid of diseases of the rectum, for example, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, etc

Laparoscopic ovarian cauterization: features of the procedure, reviews. Cauterization of the ovaries to stimulate ovulation

Laparoscopic ovarian cauterization: features of the procedure, reviews. Cauterization of the ovaries to stimulate ovulation

In recent years, more and more women are facing infertility. This diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints (absence of pregnancy), which are recorded within one year of regular sexual activity. Often in such cases, ovulation is stimulated. Reviews (who got pregnant in this way, they tell) are positive. But not for everyone, this method becomes a panacea. Some women require laparoscopic ovarian cauterization

How to do breast massage correctly: technique, procedure

How to do breast massage correctly: technique, procedure

Beautiful women's breasts are the pride of the beautiful half of humanity and a coveted object for men. To maintain or correct the shape of the bust, give your body at least an hour a day, and you will see what results can be achieved. Daily care for this area will make the skin smooth and supple, and protect against the unpleasant consequences of breastfeeding. Consider how to properly massage the chest in a particular case

Why breasts do not grow and how to increase them?

Why breasts do not grow and how to increase them?

Many young girls often compare their breasts with those of others. Their size is much smaller. Why are breasts not growing? Maybe you need to eat certain foods for this? Or maybe it's all about the genes? In this article, you will learn about why breasts do not grow (and how to increase them)

Cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding: treatment, reviews

Cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding: treatment, reviews

Many new mothers develop cracked nipples while breastfeeding. This is especially true in the first few weeks after childbirth. This is bad both for a woman who experiences unusual pains, and for a child who, feeling the mother's condition, becomes irritable and loses sleep. Cracks appear on the nipples during feeding for a reason, there are reasons for this, which will be discussed in detail in this material

Discharge after cervical biopsy: norm and pathology

Discharge after cervical biopsy: norm and pathology

A biopsy of the cervix is an invasive intervention necessary to make a correct diagnosis. After the procedure, there may be small spotting discharge, which quickly disappears with strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: symptoms, grades, diagnosis, treatment

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: symptoms, grades, diagnosis, treatment

Such a pathology as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix is not as rare as we would like. In addition, it is asymptomatic, which already poses a great danger. It is for this reason that every woman needs to be regularly examined by a gynecologist in order to identify changes in the epithelium of the mucous membrane. And if a mild degree of severity of the pathology can still be cured with the help of medicines, then with II and III degrees of neoplasia, only surgery is indicated

Mastitis: treatment of the disease in lactating women

Mastitis: treatment of the disease in lactating women

This diagnosis is more common in women who have recently been discharged from a maternity hospital. As soon as this disease is discovered in a woman, questions arise in her head: what caused the disease, and most importantly, is it possible to treat mastitis at home in a nursing mother

Mastitis: prevention and treatment

Mastitis: prevention and treatment

Mastitis (a disease also called "breast") most often develops in women during the lactation period. However, it happens that nulliparous women suffer from mastitis, and in rare cases even men. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the mammary gland. If you do not immediately take measures for treatment, you can hold out until surgery

Interrupted intercourse and pregnancy. The likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Interrupted intercourse and pregnancy. The likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Currently, manufacturers of contraceptives offer partners a variety of ways to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. However, often couples use an interrupted act for protection. How safe is it? That is what this article will tell you

Suture on the perineum: causes, description, surgical threads, overlay technique, healing and resorption time

Suture on the perineum: causes, description, surgical threads, overlay technique, healing and resorption time

During labor, it often happens that a woman has a rupture of the uterus, perineum or vagina. This condition does not pose a particular danger to the woman’s he alth, as the treating specialists quickly and professionally sew the gap without focusing on it

Can breasts hurt during ovulation: causes of discomfort, ways to relieve pain and recommendations from gynecologists

Can breasts hurt during ovulation: causes of discomfort, ways to relieve pain and recommendations from gynecologists

Breast pain during ovulation is something that many women feel. Doctors advise all women from 20 to 45 years of age to check their breasts at least once a year with an ultrasound. And also regularly in the shower to conduct a self-examination of the mammary glands for the presence of seals, redness and an increase in the temperature of any one area on the skin of the breast

Herbal preparations for menopause. Traditional medicine recipes

Herbal preparations for menopause. Traditional medicine recipes

The onset of menopause should not mean the end of a woman's life. A woman can be he althy and look beautiful even in such a difficult period. Traditional medicine aims to help overcome unwanted symptoms of menopause

Ovarian teratoma: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Ovarian teratoma: symptoms, causes and treatment features

An article about the causes of ovarian teratoma, the main symptoms that you should pay attention to, about the treatment. Varieties of pathology and their differences are considered

Cooper's Bundle - what is it? Compacted Cooper's ligaments

Cooper's Bundle - what is it? Compacted Cooper's ligaments

The female breast is a complex organ with an important function. This is where milk is produced to feed the baby. In the past, it was a sweat gland, but during evolution it changed and began to produce milk. In this article, we will consider what the Cooper's bundle is

The body after childbirth: changes in the female body, methods for restoring shape

The body after childbirth: changes in the female body, methods for restoring shape

Pregnancy is an unusual period in the life of every woman, at the end of which she can give birth to a new person. Not so long ago, literally in the last century, having as many children as possible was a great happiness and a reason for respect. However, in today's world, everything has changed. Women are trying at all costs to maintain youthfulness and beautiful appearance. After all, the body after childbirth looks completely different than before them

Diffuse FCM: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and prevention of the disease

Diffuse FCM: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and prevention of the disease

For some time now, mastopathy has ceased to be a threatening disease that needs to be urgently treated. It is believed that most formations in the mammary gland are benign. However, it is worth being vigilant and understanding which forms of mastopathy require a detailed study, and which supportive treatment

What is a slip in women?

What is a slip in women?

The word "prosak" has become widespread in films thanks to the catchphrase "to sit in a trap", which is interpreted as getting into a predicament. However, the word "prosak" is used only in everyday slang and the tacit language of he alth workers. This term does not exist in the medical literature. There is no unambiguous interpretation of the word "prosak", the meaning of the word in women is associated with the reproductive system

Menopause after removal of the uterus: symptoms, doctor's consultation, correction by treatment and recovery after surgery

Menopause after removal of the uterus: symptoms, doctor's consultation, correction by treatment and recovery after surgery

Menopause can be triggered by hormonal imbalances due to surgery. Menopause after removal of the uterus, in contrast to the natural process of extinction of reproductive cells that occur naturally without complications, occurs abruptly and can cause many problems

Symptoms and signs of ovarian cysts in women, reviews

Symptoms and signs of ovarian cysts in women, reviews

Signs of an ovarian cyst are quite noticeable. If a woman has at least some of them, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, you may lose the opportunity to become a mother

Inflammation of the ovaries: treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Inflammation of the ovaries: treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Treatment of ovarian inflammation involves the use of many remedies. The main thing is not to start treatment, because the disease can give complications, such as infertility

How menopause begins in women: symptoms and treatment of the main negative manifestations

How menopause begins in women: symptoms and treatment of the main negative manifestations

Climax is a certain period in a woman's life, during which the reproductive function fades. It also has another name - menopause. How menopause begins can be determined by the symptoms that are listed below. The main thing is not to confuse it with pregnancy, because the signs are similar

Candidiasis in women: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Candidiasis in women: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Probably, there is no woman today who would not know what thrush is. Unfortunately, more than 75% of all the fair sex have personally encountered it. The disease occurs due to the active development of the Candida fungus. Unpleasant sensations cause candidiasis in women. Symptoms of the disease may not appear for a long time, or they immediately let you know about the onset of thrush

Hydrosalpinx on the right. Its causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hydrosalpinx on the right. Its causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hydrosalpinx is a fairly common disease, but it creates the most problems for pregnant women, as well as for those who are planning a child. Fortunately, the disease is easily diagnosed using ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy. The most effective treatment for hydrosalpinx is surgery

How to deal with insomnia during menopause? Causes, treatment, what to do

How to deal with insomnia during menopause? Causes, treatment, what to do

During menopause, a woman experiences various changes related to the functioning of the whole organism. Due to a hormonal surge, sleep can be disturbed and overall well-being worsens. First you need to find out what is the danger of insomnia during menopause? And how to solve the problem?

Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years. Gynecologist's advice, preparations

Symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years. Gynecologist's advice, preparations

Sooner or later in the life of every woman comes menopause. The symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years are diverse, they all cause a lot of inconvenience. However, there are various drugs that significantly alleviate the condition

Why do cysts form on the ovaries? Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

Why do cysts form on the ovaries? Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

Any failure in the work of this or that organ can lead to a series of unpleasant diseases. Moreover, they can affect both mental well-being and physical. Most often, neoplasms such as cysts occur and are asymptomatic

Anovulation - what is it? Definition, treatment, causes, signs and symptoms

Anovulation - what is it? Definition, treatment, causes, signs and symptoms

Anovulation is considered one of the most common causes of infertility. The disease is characterized by failures in the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, thereby provoking infertility

Chlamydia in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chlamydia in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chlamydia is an infectious disease of the reproductive system. Very often, the disease also affects other important parts of the body - blood vessels, heart, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the skeletal system. Therefore, it is required to know the methods of treatment and symptoms of chlamydia in women in order to prevent the introduction of the disease in time

How to recognize ovulation yourself? How to determine ovulation by secretions

How to recognize ovulation yourself? How to determine ovulation by secretions

In this work you can find the answer to the most common question of girls who dream of having a baby: how to recognize ovulation? There are times when a couple is quite actively engaged in sex, but the long-awaited result does not come. How to be in this situation? Of course, you can sign up for rather expensive procedures and try to find out the reason there. But maybe it's because you're just having sex at the wrong time?

Analysis for hCG. MoM: norm, basic values and decoding

Analysis for hCG. MoM: norm, basic values and decoding

Testing is a mandatory procedure that every pregnant woman goes through. And, of course, having received a sheet with the results, he always tries to understand - well, what is there, is everything in order? But alas, in addition to numbers, the results contain only incomprehensible abbreviations. HCG, MoM, RaRR-A, ACE - all this says little to an uninitiated person. Let's try to deal with some of them

Uterine prolapse: symptoms and treatment, reviews, photos, exercises

Uterine prolapse: symptoms and treatment, reviews, photos, exercises

According to medical statistics, after 60 years, more than fifty percent of women have a history of a disease such as uterine prolapse. Symptoms and treatment, reviews of various methods can be found very different

Why does vaginal varicose veins occur? Symptoms and treatment

Why does vaginal varicose veins occur? Symptoms and treatment

Vaginal varicose veins is a disease of the vessels of the reproductive system, leading to a lot of unpleasant symptoms and complications in advanced cases. The disease most often affects women during the period of bearing a child

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

The uterus hurts a lot: causes and consequences

Different pathologies of the pelvic organs in women are almost always accompanied by pain. So the body informs its mistress that something is going wrong. Often, representatives of the weaker sex turn to the gynecologist with the same problem: the uterus hurts. The reasons for this will be presented to your attention in the article

Lower and chest pain: causes in women. Why do breasts hurt before menstruation?

Lower and chest pain: causes in women. Why do breasts hurt before menstruation?

Sometimes it happens that the pain syndrome spreads immediately to the chest and lower back. Any pain has its own reasons for the appearance. Due to the fact that the pain is located in the area of the chest, a person often has hypochondria. A person begins to worry and worry very much that he has developed diseases of the cardiovascular system

Psychosomatics of uterine fibroids: causes leading to the disease, options for correcting the emotional state

Psychosomatics of uterine fibroids: causes leading to the disease, options for correcting the emotional state

Fibroids are benign tumors in the muscle wall. One of its frequent manifestations is pain with bleeding. The tumor is formed from overgrown fibers of the muscular walls of the uterus. It is single, and sometimes grows in clusters. It often develops with a hormonal imbalance, for example, an increased level of the female hormones estrogen. In the article we will consider the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women

Cystitis, or inflammation of the lining of the bladder, is a common female disease faced by every second woman. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the body, it is quite easy to get sick with it, but in order to cure, it takes a lot of effort. In addition, this disease has a lot of unpleasant consequences, therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the better. You can read about the symptoms and causes of cystitis in women, the treatment of the disease in this article

Ovarian resection: indications and consequences

Ovarian resection: indications and consequences

In the event that, as a result of a hormonal disorder, a woman accumulates fluid under the outer shell of the ovary, a cyst may develop. Also, the detection of malignant cells is not ruled out. In this case, the gynecologist will recommend the removal of the pathological site. Doctors also choose an operative treatment option for polycystic ovary syndrome in the event that it is necessary to preserve the patient's childbearing functions

Nipples hurt when feeding, what to do?

Nipples hurt when feeding, what to do?

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother is waiting for the moment when she can put her baby to her breast. However, this process is not always smooth and without difficulties. Quite often, new moms have sore nipples when feeding. The causes of this symptom may vary. This article will tell you about why nipples hurt while feeding and how you can deal with it

Causes of nipple discharge

Causes of nipple discharge

Discharge from the nipples is the most common reason for women to visit a mammologist. Unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to the he alth of the mammary glands and does not pay attention to the fluid that has appeared. What can provoke the appearance of discharge from the nipples? Why is it dangerous?