How to do breast massage correctly: technique, procedure

How to do breast massage correctly: technique, procedure
How to do breast massage correctly: technique, procedure

Beautiful women's breasts are the pride of the beautiful half of humanity and a coveted object for men. To maintain or correct the shape of the bust, give your body at least an hour a day, and you will see what results can be achieved. Daily care for this area will make the skin smooth and supple, and protect against the unpleasant consequences of breastfeeding. Consider how to properly massage the breasts in one case or another.

Breastfeeding advice

Doctors advise massage in the following cases.

When expressing. There are times when, after giving birth, you are with the baby separately and you need to express milk. To ensure the desired degree of lactation, make soft and light touches, then the glands will be more willing to give milk.

With lactostasis. This is stagnation in the region of the glands, and feeding the baby will be the best help. But a light, gentle massageacts on the seal, which will be easier to dissolve with such touches.

With increased tissue tone. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, breasts can double or even triple in size. This leads to muscle dysfunction. It becomes harder for the muscles to hold the chest, so it sinks. In this case, proper breast massage is necessary.

Prophylactic massage

massage movements
massage movements

It will help when the chest hurts, it can also stimulate the tone of the tissue. So, how to do breast massage for prevention:

  • Place your palm on the upper part of the mammary gland just below the collarbone.
  • Make light, no pressure, massaging movements in a circle.
  • Slowly move your hand closer to the nipple.
  • It is recommended to rinse the chest with warm water and repeat the movement again.

To be effective, no pressure is needed, light touches are enough, and do it before feeding to make milk flow easier.

Healing technique

During breastfeeding, many women experience difficulties. For easier pumping and resorption of lactostasis, therapeutic massage is recommended. Each mammary gland must be massaged with palms in a circle, starting from the collarbone, closer to the nipples with fingers in a spiral. Further, breast massage with lactostasis is carried out with fingers in a straight line from different parts of the mammary gland to the nipples, then, slightly squeezing them between the thumb and forefinger. To make the milk flow in the right direction, gently shake the toppart of the body. This must be done very carefully, being in a relaxed state. After that, it is recommended to repeat the massaging movements under a warm shower.

This breast massage for stagnation in problem areas should be done for at least three minutes, while not putting too much pressure on the lumps.

Recommendations for implementation

In order to perform therapeutic massage, it is not necessary to go to a specialist. Especially when the baby has just appeared, there is not enough time to go to the doctor. You can easily handle this task yourself. Remember that breast massage during feeding stimulates even more milk production, so do not abuse it to avoid stagnation.

massage technique
massage technique

It is important to maintain hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before the procedure, and your chest with just warm water. It is not worth lathering it again with various means, as you can wash off the necessary skin lubricant that protects the chest from external harmful effects.

A light breast massage for milk can be done during feeding, which helps to prevent congestion. If you have no problems with breastfeeding, then therapeutic massages are not worth it.

Massage for mastopathy

There is such a breast disease caused by hormonal failure, like mastopathy. It can be recognized by cystic seals in the mammary glands. Causes may include systemic disorders, miscarriage, bad habits, irregular sexual contact, breast trauma, constant stress or depression.

Massagewith mastopathy, it will help determine if there are seals in the chest, and also relieve swelling and painful discomfort. It is best to consult with your doctor before taking it. The procedure should not be performed if you have a fever, there are injuries, rashes or swelling on your chest.

Execution technique

For more effective results, lubricate your hands with massage oil. Essential oils of tea tree, fragrant mint, lemon balm, lavender, sage or eucalyptus mixed with a base (olive, almond, etc.) are suitable for this. They will help relieve pain, swelling, and stop the development of the inflammatory process. To begin with, use your fingertips to lightly massage your breasts from the nipples to the side. Then, with warming movements, gently rub the mammary glands in a circle with your palms. Then gently squeeze your chest to improve lymph flow and improve blood circulation. At the end, clasp your chest with your palms and gently shake, vibrating movements will relax the blood vessels. If you have a bad idea how to massage the breasts in such cases, it is better to consult a specialist so as not to aggravate the problem.

Qi massage

The history of qi technology originates from Taoist practice. It is based on the theory that prolactin is produced during puberty and when a child is breastfed. This hormone promotes breast enlargement. It is also produced when aroused, so a long course (more than six months) of such a massage will help you increase volumes a little.

movements in and out
movements in and out

Warm up firsthands, rubbing one against the other, take a comfortable position and relax. Spread your fingers wide, cover your chest with your palms and make gentle circular movements inward. This must be repeated a multiple of 36 times, but not more than 360. If you have one mammary gland larger than the other, then rotate the smaller one inward and the larger one outward. So over time you will achieve normalization in volumes. Smaller breasts will grow larger with massage, and outward movements for the larger half will help maintain size and prevent cysts.

Shiatsu massage

Another way to increase the volume of a seductive part of the body is a shiatsu breast massage. It differs in that it is not made directly on the mammary glands, but acts on certain points of the female body to produce a hormone that promotes breast enlargement. This happens by pressing with the pads of the thumbs. Do it right, touching only from top to bottom to avoid wrong impact.

breast augmentation
breast augmentation

Begins with eight points along the thyroid gland. Lower your head slightly forward and relax. With the pad of your thumb, gently press the lower point on the left in two counts. Repeat the movements for two seconds 5 times and rise higher, at the following points. Next, perform the same pressure, only on the right side 5 times on each point, rising from the bottom up. Having stretched all eight points in this way, you will complete one cycle, and you need to do three of them.

The next area is above the medulla oblongata. On the back of the head under the hairline isa small depression, you need to press on it gently, without causing discomfort, 5-7 times. Next, we feel for a point from the middle of the shoulders closer to the neck and back just above the collarbone, act for 5-7 seconds, take a break of 20 seconds and repeat the movement again. The last points are between the shoulder blades, where you yourself will not get it, so you will have to ask someone to help you. Press from top to bottom on each point, located 1 centimeter below the other, for 5-7 seconds. Such a massage is best done by a specialist, it is important not to have diseases of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland, seals in the mammary gland, and it is impossible during pregnancy.

Breast hydromassage

Breast massage with water has a pleasant and effective effect, as it gently affects the skin and increases muscle tone. With each bath or shower, you can devote a little more time to the chest area, thereby getting not only pleasure, but also a useful result. By acting with a jet of water, you can strengthen the muscles that support the bust. To do this, repeat the hydromassage at least 4 times a week, and if possible, preferably every morning. It improves blood circulation, tones the pectoral muscles, accelerates tissue metabolism and regenerates skin cells.

First, adjust the water pressure, it should not create painful or unpleasant sensations, and also choose a comfortable temperature for yourself. With a directed jet, make circular movements from the bottom up to each side 10 times. Particular attention should be paid to the areas under the chest and the intercostal part, these muscles are responsible for the height of the chest. Avoidimpact on the nipples, direct the jet smoothly up and then to the armpits. The duration of such a massage is no more than ten minutes, then rub the chest well with a towel and apply a special cream or oil.

massage cream
massage cream

Aqua massages

No less effective is breast massage with a scattered jet of water. It is enough for him to move the jet in a circular motion from the ribs to the shoulders for 15-20 minutes, capturing the décolleté area. After that, you also need to rub yourself with a towel and apply a nourishing balm. Such a breast massage for lactation will be no less useful.

Keep your breasts looking great with contrast showers or cold water dousing, which tones the muscles and improves blood circulation. Sea water is of great benefit. If it is not possible to swim in the sea, arrange yourself baths with sea s alt, in which massage your breasts with light circular movements. Such procedures will improve the general condition of the body.

Massage with special products

In the beauty market, you can find a huge variety of special products to improve the condition of the breast. The use of natural balms and oils during the massage will enhance the desired effect, the penetration of essential oils and biologically active substances into the skin will increase its elasticity and firmness. To do this, after applying the product, use the light tapping method. Careful short strokes with fingers dilate blood vessels and contribute to the heating of tissues, perfectly tone the skin. The blows should be soft and gentle, created byswinging the wrist, alternately, with several fingers. And in any case, do not commit painful and unpleasant actions.

oils for massage
oils for massage

Chest Gymnastics

To consolidate the effect of massage, it is recommended to do special exercises. Set aside some time each day for the following exercises. Sit on the floor with your legs folded in a lotus position and your hands palms facing each other in front of your chest. Inhale and squeeze your palms, exhale - relax them. These not at all complex movements to strengthen the pectoral muscles must be repeated 15 times every day. Stand up straight and raise your hands up above your head, interlacing your fingers, join your palms. After inhaling, squeeze your palms tightly, while exhaling, relax them. When repeated 10 times every day, the exercise increases muscle tone and prevents sagging breasts.

chest gymnastics
chest gymnastics

For whatever purpose you decide to do breast massage, preventive, therapeutic or to increase volumes, consult a specialist in advance and take into account all contraindications. Otherwise, instead of the desired effect, you will cause unnecessary harm, because the female breast is a very important organ that requires gentle handling.