Interrupted intercourse and pregnancy. The likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Interrupted intercourse and pregnancy. The likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act
Interrupted intercourse and pregnancy. The likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Currently, manufacturers of contraceptives offer partners a variety of ways to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Such methods are divided into two types: male and female. In the first case, condoms are very popular. It is with the help of them that a man protects a woman from the penetration of spermatozoa into her genitals. Women, on the other hand, use hormonal formulations (oral contraceptives, spirals), vaginal tablets and suppositories, caps (made like condoms), and so on.

Quite often, couples use an interrupted act for protection. How safe is it? That is exactly what this article will tell you. You will learn about the opinion of doctors on this matter. You can also find out what is the probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act in one case or another.

interrupted act
interrupted act

What is this?

Interrupted intercourse is a kind of way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It is often used by young people who do not have the funds for more expensivecontraceptives. However, this practice can result in a much higher cost.

Interrupted intercourse involves the removal of the penis from the vagina even before the onset of ejaculation. In other words, the sperm does not enter the woman's organs. At the same time, the partner must control himself all the time and remember that only one sperm is needed for conception.

Medical point of view

Gynecologists say that the probability of getting pregnant with an interrupted act is quite high. They explain this by the fact that male gametes intended for fertilization are contained even in the lubricant that is released before and during sexual contact. That is why often interrupted intercourse ends with conception.

Doctors also remind that the lack of barrier methods of contraception leads not only to pregnancy. Such negligence can cause consequences in the form of sexually transmitted infections. If you do not plan to have children in the near future, then you should not use the described method. Doctors say that about 60 percent of all abortions occur after an interrupted contact.

the likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act
the likelihood of getting pregnant with an interrupted act

Disclaimer by scientists

Great minds of modern medicine say that if you practice coitus interruptus, you can get pregnant. However, conception does not occur due to the fact that the pre-ejaculatory fluid contains spermatozoa. There are no such cells in the lubricant of the sexual partner. This is the conclusion that bright minds have come to after recent research.

Scientists say that pregnancy with this method of protection occurs because a man can not always stop in time. In such a situation, as described above, everything is decided by a split second. If just a drop of ejaculant gets into the woman's vagina, then the probability of conception increases several times.

Contact during menstruation

What do those people who practice interrupted intercourse say? Reviews report that conception absolutely will not occur during menstruation. Indeed, the probability of getting pregnant during this period decreases several times. Even if sperm enters the vagina, all sperm subsequently come out along with bleeding. Also, during menstruation, there is no favorable microflora that would allow the cells to exist for some time.

Experts remind that interrupted contact during menstruation can provoke the development of pathologies such as endometriosis, endometritis, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages. If only for this reason, doctors urge partners to refrain from sexual intercourse during the period of monthly bleeding.

interrupted intercourse and pregnancy
interrupted intercourse and pregnancy

Midcycle: fertile days

If coitus interruptus occurs during ovulation, you can become pregnant with a high probability. Around the middle of the cycle in the body of a woman, the hormonal background changes dramatically. At the same time, the mature follicle ruptures, releasing the egg from itself. The microflora of the vagina also undergoes changes. An enabling environment is being developed forthe presence and movement of spermatozoa. All this is necessary for conception.

If sexual intercourse occurs at this moment and a drop of seminal fluid still enters the vagina, then there is a high probability that pregnancy will occur. At the same time, a woman and a man may not even notice the fact that the sperm was in the body of the fairer sex.

interrupted intercourse get pregnant
interrupted intercourse get pregnant

Probability of pregnancy: end and beginning of the cycle

As you can see, interrupted intercourse and pregnancy are closely related. The chance of conception decreases slightly at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and after ovulation. If evaluated on a ten-point scale, then on fertile days a woman can “fly in” with a possibility of 9. At the beginning of the cycle, this probability is 7. After ovulation, it is about 5. During the period of bleeding (menstruation), the probability of pregnancy decreases to 3. It is worth paying your attention that in no case is it equal to 0.

To visually and as clearly as possible imagine the possibility of pregnancy at the beginning and end of the cycle, it is worth talking a little about spermatozoa. Male gametes are the cells that fertilize the female. Only one sperm cell is needed for this process. Under good conditions (which occur in the middle of the cycle), these cells can remain in the woman's vagina for up to 10 days. At the same time, they are waiting in the wings to fertilize. During sexual contact, which occurs immediately after menstruation (at the beginning of the cycle), gametes can live in the partner's body for up to one week. If it so happened thatsperm still got into the vagina, and a week later ovulation occurred, then the probability of pregnancy is very high.

Somewhat different is the situation at the end of the cycle. The viability of male germ cells remains the same. However, fertile days are usually more than three weeks away. At the same time, menstruation is also expected. The probability of pregnancy in this case is low, but it is.

interrupted act reviews
interrupted act reviews


As you already know, with interrupted sexual intercourse, pregnancy can occur. The advice of gynecologists suggests that it is worth using other means of protection. However, if you are determined to stick to your habits, then you should follow some additional rules. They will help you protect yourself from unwanted conception as much as possible.

  • Do not practice more than one contact per day. In the urethra of a man, gametes may remain, which will enter the vagina during the next intercourse.
  • Use ovulation tests. This method will help you track your fertile days, which increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Abstain from alcoholic beverages before sexual intercourse. Under the influence of intoxicants, it is more difficult to control yourself.
  • Calculate dangerous days using the calendar method.
  • If you miss your period, see your doctor immediately to rule out pregnancy.
coitus interruptus can cause pregnancy
coitus interruptus can cause pregnancy


You have learned the relationship between an interrupted act andpregnancy. If you use this method of protection, be sure to visit a gynecologist. Perhaps the doctor will select the most suitable, reliable and cost-effective contraceptive option for you. He alth to you!