Why does vaginal varicose veins occur? Symptoms and treatment

Why does vaginal varicose veins occur? Symptoms and treatment
Why does vaginal varicose veins occur? Symptoms and treatment

Varicosis (translated from Latin - swollen veins) is a disease, a characteristic feature of which is the uneven thickness of the venous wall and the expansion of the veins. The predominantly affected area of the disease are the lower limbs, as well as the organs of the small pelvis. Varicose veins most often affect women, and mainly during the period of bearing a child.

varicose veins of the vagina
varicose veins of the vagina

Pelvic Varicose Veins

Very often, varicose veins can form not only in visible areas of the body, where it is easy to diagnose and start treatment, sometimes this disease affects areas that are not visible to the eye, and it is not so easy to detect the disease. Only a specialist, a phlebologist, can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Pelvic vein disease can be divided into several types. So, there are varicose veins:

  • vagina;
  • womb;
  • cervix.

What is vaginal varicose veins?

Vaginal varicose veins is a disease of the vessels of the reproductive system, leading to a lot of unpleasant symptoms and complications in advanced cases.

varicose veins photo
varicose veins photo

Primary, usually an acquired or hereditary disease characterized by insufficient patency and poor functioning of the ovarian veins. Often occurs with hormonal failures or is inherited. Secondary - a painful condition caused by previous female diseases, such as endometriosis, etc.

According to studies, more than half of women suffer from certain diseases of the venous system. A gynecologist can determine the presence of problems and help prevent their development during the initial examination and palpation.

Causes of disease development

The causes of vaginal varicose veins can be divided into two main groups:

  • impaired blood flow, which contributes to the formation of knots and obstruction of the veins;
  • obstruction of the venous trunk, which leads to changes in blood flow.

Such phenomena can be caused by a number of diseases, such as:

  • curvature of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • development of thrombosis;
  • pregnancy (especially the second and subsequent, multiple pregnancy);
  • hormonal changes in the body.

Venous varicose veins can also be caused by hereditary predisposition, abortion, use of oral contraceptives and hormonal treatment. The condition of the veins is also reflected in the way a woman lives: how much she moves, what sexual dysfunctions and preferences she has (for example, coitus interruptus).

Varicosis and pregnancy

Vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy are very common. Bearing a child is even attributed to the main cause of the disease.

varicose veins during pregnancy
varicose veins during pregnancy

It's all to blame - an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone in the blood. It causes changes in the work of the cells of the body, in addition, the uterus increasing in size from day to day has a strong effect.

Varicosis of the vaginal wall is a disease that cannot be started, because during childbirth there is a risk of rupture of the vein, and the disease itself can cause fetal hypoxia. Sometimes pregnant patients, in addition to local methods, are prescribed minimally invasive methods of treatment.

Vaginal varicose veins: symptoms

Varicose veins of the vagina is a disease that can bring a lot of inconvenience, as well as serious consequences. You can determine the presence of a disease of the veins of the pelvic organs yourself, focusing on the appearance of the labia. They may have a bluish tint, the veins are slightly dilated. At a more serious stage of the disease, nodules and dilated vessels can be seen.

varicose veins of the vaginal wall
varicose veins of the vaginal wall

The main symptom is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which often resonates in the lumbar region or groin area. The disease state may worsen, unpleasant sensations may intensify after an additional load on the body, when lifting weights and walking for a long time. Pain can be caused not only by physical activity, but also by stress, problems at work, as well as overwork or hypothermia.

Another manifestation of varicose veinsvaginal veins is discomfort or even soreness of intercourse (dysparenia). Unpleasant sensations can occur both during and after it.

Women with vein problems may suffer from heavy bleeding during menstruation, which is accompanied by a painful condition (dysmenorrhea). You may experience urinary problems (dysuria).

varicose veins of the vagina
varicose veins of the vagina

Thus, the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nodules and stars on the labia, which can even lead to a change in their shape and appearance;
  • dry skin and age spots in the intimate area;
  • itching of the skin;
  • dysuria - urination disorder;
  • dysmenorrhea - pain during menstruation;
  • cycle failures;
  • painful or uncomfortable sensations during intimacy;
  • weakness, fatigue, irritability.

Disease diagnosis

Determining the presence of the disease can be very difficult, since its symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases and inflammation of the pelvic organs.

symptoms of vaginal varicose veins
symptoms of vaginal varicose veins

The simplest and most effective way to diagnose a disease is an examination by a gynecologist. In the presence of external manifestations and formed nodes, the doctor will be able to detect the disease during the initial examination and palpation.

When the doctor has doubts, as well as in order to determine the stage of the disease, the patientreferred for additional ultrasound examination. It helps to detect changes in blood vessels, the presence of nodes and other consequences of the development of the disease. After an examination by a gynecologist, a woman is recommended to visit a doctor specializing in vein diseases (phlebologist). He will be able to prescribe phlebography to identify clots and nodes in the veins.

Treatment of disease

Varicosis of the veins of the vagina is a disease accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms that cannot be started. Only a specialist can choose the right treatment. To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to achieve several goals:

  • toning the veins;
  • getting rid of congestion;
  • preventing disease progression.

Vaginal varicose veins treatment involves either therapeutic or surgical. The choice of method depends on the severity of the disease.

Therapeutic treatment includes daily exercises, diet, specialized venotonic drugs (Diovenor, Endotelon, Aescusan), as well as antiplatelet agents (Fraxiparine, Trental, Curantil, Aspirin)).

It is possible to single out such measures to prevent the development of the disease, as well as its treatment in the first stages:

  • changing diet (eliminating fatty, fried, spicy and s alty foods, including more fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and cereals in the diet);
  • use of compression underwear (it will help prevent further development of the disease);
  • giving up bad habits (excessive alcohol consumption,smoking);
  • reconsider your methods of contraception;
  • do not lift weights;
  • do a daily five-minute sports session.

Exercise is a must for all doctors. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and speed up blood flow. It is very useful to visit the pool.

Drug treatment involves the appointment of one of the venotonic drugs that are taken in courses. Painkillers can be used to relieve painful conditions, but only when necessary.

When a disease is detected in a pregnant woman, treatment is prescribed sparingly. It is recommended to wear compression underwear, and also select the appropriate preparation.

varicose veins of the vagina
varicose veins of the vagina

Vaginal varicose veins (a photo schematically representing a vascular lesion is presented above) is a disease that is difficult to treat, but if all the recommendations of the attending physician are followed, most of its unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated.

Prevention of disease occurrence

Sickness can be avoided by following a few rules:

  • do not stay in a sitting position for a long time;
  • do gymnastics at work and in any free time;
  • put your feet on a hill before going to bed;
  • do not overload the body;
  • avoid constipation;
  • introduce more fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils into the diet;
  • stay away from heels and uncomfortable shoes;
  • use a daily contrast shower - it's a great workoutvessels;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • during pregnancy, prefer to sleep on your side.


Thus, vaginal varicose veins is a disease that brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman, and sometimes can cause serious harm to he alth. The disease should not be started, and if the first symptoms are detected, you should consult a doctor who will help you choose the appropriate method of treatment.