Women's he alth 2024, October

Uterine cavity curettage: why and how is it carried out

Uterine cavity curettage: why and how is it carried out

Uterine cavity curettage is the operation most often performed in gynecology. This procedure is also called curettage. With the help of a curette (a special surgical instrument), the mucous layer of the uterus is removed. In this case, only the surface (functional) layer of the mucosa is removed

Intrauterine development of the fetus: the main stages

Intrauterine development of the fetus: the main stages

The article describes the intrauterine development of the fetus, indicates the main stages and critical periods of the formation of the embryo, the role and main functions of the placenta

What to eat to make milk fat and nutritious?

What to eat to make milk fat and nutritious?

The most joyful event has happened in your life. There was a baby in it. Now his life depends on you, and you feel and understand it. Of course, any woman, having become a mother for the first time, is worried, nervous and worried that she can somehow harm her baby because of ignorance. Very often these moments are connected with the nutrition of the child. There are questions about what to do if the milk is not fat, what to eat, etc

How to understand that menstruation will begin soon: the main signs

How to understand that menstruation will begin soon: the main signs

We are all very often upset by such a sweet surprise as the first day of menstruation. And there is just so much cuteness in it: why now ?! How to understand that menstruation will begin soon so that there are as few such surprises in our calendar as possible ?! We will talk about the most striking and reliable signs of the imminent start of critical days

Hormone replacement therapy for women: pros and cons, drugs, reviews

Hormone replacement therapy for women: pros and cons, drugs, reviews

Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for women whose hormone levels in the body are not properly balanced. This usually happens at an older age with the advent of menopause. But it happens that early menopause and secondary infertility occur in women under 40 years old. So is hormone replacement therapy necessary?

Contraceptive cap: advantages and disadvantages. Types of contraceptives

Contraceptive cap: advantages and disadvantages. Types of contraceptives

Currently, there is a large selection of contraceptives, so every woman who is sexually active can independently choose the most suitable means to prevent unwanted pregnancy

Inflammation of the urethra in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease

Inflammation of the urethra in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease

Urethritis is usually considered a male disease, but it is not. The disease can also affect the fairer sex. Fortunately, inflammation of the urethra in women is not life-threatening for the patient, and with timely treatment, it will not cause complications. But still, the disease can deliver a lot of inconvenience, which means that it is very important to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and get rid of it

Antenatal care: purpose, features, timing

Antenatal care: purpose, features, timing

Pregnancy is an important and responsible period in the life of every woman. At this time, the expectant mother and her child need increased attention from medical professionals

Natural water birth: advantages and disadvantages

Natural water birth: advantages and disadvantages

The birth of a child is always a great joy for new parents and their relatives, and, of course, for doctors. There are many different birthing techniques. Also recently it has become popular to use another technique. It is about her that will be discussed in this article. You will learn what childbirth in water is, you will be able to get acquainted with the pros and cons of this manipulation

Ovarian fibroma: symptoms, causes, treatment

Ovarian fibroma: symptoms, causes, treatment

What is an ovarian fibroma? The article discusses the main signs of the disease and the causes of its development. We will study how ovarian fibroids are treated, as well as find out what the prognosis of this disease is and how to prevent it

Early menopause at 30-40 years old: causes and consequences

Early menopause at 30-40 years old: causes and consequences

One of the inevitable stages in the life of any woman is menopause. This period is inextricably linked with the processes in the body leading to the inability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. At the same time, monthly bleeding becomes weaker, and then completely stops

Mammary glands in women: types, structure and functions

Mammary glands in women: types, structure and functions

This article will tell you about what a woman's breasts are. What is its internal structure. What are the types of bust according to the scientific classification. How to properly care for the mammary glands, and is breast plastic surgery as dangerous as they say

Dark discharge instead of menstruation: causes

Dark discharge instead of menstruation: causes

Women's he alth is fraught with many secrets and uncertainties. Any woman throughout her life is faced with a number of gynecological problems that can be easily solvable troubles or carry the prerequisites for the development of serious diseases. The first signs of malfunctions in the well-established system of the body are non-specific discharge

What is Schiller's test in gynecology?

What is Schiller's test in gynecology?

Timely gynecological preventive examinations, medical procedures, tests helps to prevent the development of the disease or cure it with the least damage to the he alth and general condition of the patient. Schiller's test in gynecology is considered a simple, but effective and fast method for detecting pathological epithelial cells

"Milana": pads for feminine hygiene

"Milana": pads for feminine hygiene

The modern market for feminine hygiene products offers a wide selection of different products. There are a lot of samples of pads for critical days, daily hygiene, and in order to make the right choice, you will have to correlate their characteristics and your requirements and preferences. Milana menstrual hygiene products are considered one of the most affordable options for girls and women. These are the best budget pads for every day

Preeclampsia. What is this disease?

Preeclampsia. What is this disease?

Preeclampsia is a disease that occurs during pregnancy, provoked by the pathological development of the fetal egg. About 20% of pregnant women suffer from this complication. Pathology of this kind is very dangerous for the life and he alth of the fetus and mother

Late reproductive age, perimenopause

Late reproductive age, perimenopause

Reproductive age is primarily a period of fertility, during which a woman retains the ability to conceive and bear children. The duration of the fertile period always depends on the boundaries of the reproductive age. The fertile period in the life of every woman begins with the onset of the first menstruation and ends with menopause. Based on the demographic analysis, it has its limits: the lower one is the age of 15 years, the upper reaches the mark of 50 years

Hydatida ovary - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Hydatida ovary - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatments

Wishing to become pregnant, many women face such unpleasant diseases as tumors in the ovaries. In medicine, they are called hydatids

Internal os of the uterus: role in the body of a woman

Internal os of the uterus: role in the body of a woman

The internal pharynx acts as a hole in the lower region of the main female genital organ - the uterus, which connects its cavity with the cervical canal. Thus, the uterus ends with this very pharynx. It is simply impossible to see it with the eye, and it is not felt by the woman herself

"Molimed" (gaskets): description and reviews

"Molimed" (gaskets): description and reviews

"Molimed" - pads that help people with such a delicate problem as urinary incontinence. The manufacturer took care and developed several options for this product, depending on the degree of the disease

When will my period start after cleaning the uterus? Timing and nature of discharges

When will my period start after cleaning the uterus? Timing and nature of discharges

Whatever cleaning, diagnostic or abortive, it negatively affects the female body. Even if the doctor did everything right, you should listen to the slightest alarm signals, since complications often appear. Women who have undergone this procedure are interested in the question: “When does menstruation begin after scraping?” You really need to know the approximate dates so as not to confuse menstruation with bleeding

Removal of the uterus: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

Removal of the uterus: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

In gynecology, various conservative methods are used to treat bleeding from the uterus. But all these methods do not always give the desired result, therefore, they recommend a planned or emergency operation to remove the uterus

Discharge in women: symptoms and causes

Discharge in women: symptoms and causes

Discharge in women has a different nature and meaning. Many are very mistaken, trying to get rid of them with the help of various hygiene products. If you have begun to notice vaginal discharge, it is best not to put off going to the doctor. Since only a gynecologist will be able to tell you everything about the causes of their appearance and the safety of the phenomenon that has arisen. The causes of discharge in women can be very diverse, and they also manifest themselves in different ways

Clogged milk duct: causes, symptoms and treatment

Clogged milk duct: causes, symptoms and treatment

Clogged milk duct is very common in breastfeeding babies. Moms who have de alt with such a delicate problem know how painful it is. How to deal with lactostasis, as well as what are its causes and first symptoms, we will tell further

How to treat chronic adnexitis

How to treat chronic adnexitis

Adnexitis is a unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which form appendages. Of all gynecological diseases, this pathology occupies one of the first steps

Curdled discharge in women: causes, treatment and consequences

Curdled discharge in women: causes, treatment and consequences

Vaginal discharge is an absolutely normal situation for the female body, but it also happens that unusual, with a curdled consistency, replaces moderate and non-disturbing discharge. What do they mean? What are the reasons for their appearance, and is it worth sounding the alarm? Answers to all your questions in the article

Seal in the mammary gland: types, causes

Seal in the mammary gland: types, causes

The number one problem of the female body is a seal in the mammary gland. We are not talking about the fact that there is nothing more to worry about for the representatives of the weak half of humanity. Simply, noticing a nodule in the chest, many women do not pay attention to it, thinking that everything will resolve itself. Time passes, nothing changes, but it gets worse. Tip - visit a mammologist, do not leave everything as it is

Hypotonic bleeding in the early postpartum period

Hypotonic bleeding in the early postpartum period

The significance of the problem caused by obstetric bleeding is due to the fact that this pathology acts as the main and immediate cause of death in 60-70% of women. It follows that postpartum hemorrhage is one of the most important places in the system of maternal mortality. By the way, it is noted that the leading role among obstetric hemorrhages is occupied by hypotonic ones, which opened after childbirth in the first 4 hours

How to increase lactation correctly?

How to increase lactation correctly?

What could be more beautiful than your baby's happy face? When he feels great and fed, he is comfortable to be near his mother, to feel the warmth of her body. But sometimes this whole idyll is broken by a very negative moment when a young parent does not have enough breast milk in the right amount. From this she falls into a panic, which further exacerbates the situation. But do not be so upset, you should just know some little secrets on how to increase lactation

IVF according to CHI - a chance for happiness! How to get a referral for free IVF under the MHI policy

IVF according to CHI - a chance for happiness! How to get a referral for free IVF under the MHI policy

The state gives you the opportunity to try to do free IVF on CHI. From January 1, 2013, every person who has a compulsory medical insurance policy and special indications has this chance

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in women: preparation and procedure

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in women: preparation and procedure

Regular preventive examinations are very important and help to avoid many diseases and identify possible risks. Some ailments that are asymptomatic can lead to sad consequences. And with the help of the ultrasound procedure, you can detect the disease in a timely manner or even prevent it

The shape of the female nipple: types, norm, pathology and possibilities of plastic surgery

The shape of the female nipple: types, norm, pathology and possibilities of plastic surgery

The shape of the nipples of the female breast is formed when the child is still in the womb. During adolescence, as the breasts grow, the nipples take on their final shape, becoming more prominent. At the same time, 10% of the fair sex have complaints of deformation, an unusual shape of female nipples. Often they are drawn into the glands or located at the level of the areola

After menstruation, the chest hurts: possible causes and consequences

After menstruation, the chest hurts: possible causes and consequences

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is worth worrying about your he alth when your chest hurts after menstruation? Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can have a different character: burning, squeezing, tingling. They often result from the accumulation of fluid within tissues. In the case when, after the completion of critical days, a woman notices such a phenomenon in herself, one can suspect the development of several pathologies

Deciphering the results of histology: features

Deciphering the results of histology: features

Most of the tissues removed during surgery are sent for a special additional examination called histology. The interpretation of the results of this analysis will be covered in this article

Mastopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Mastopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

The causes of mastopathy are mainly related to hormonal disorders that occur in the body. It is very important to recognize the signs of the disease at the initial stage and carry out treatment in order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications

Causes of tachycardia in women of different ages

Causes of tachycardia in women of different ages

When the heart suddenly starts beating strongly and quickly, the head is spinning, sweating, shortness of breath, tinnitus, weakness, panic begins. What could be the causes of tachycardia in women and why it can appear even in young people, we will consider further

What high progesterone signals in women

What high progesterone signals in women

Elevated progesterone in women may indicate the presence of a number of diseases that need to be diagnosed and treated. The only thing that is not included in the category of diseases is pregnancy, in which there is also an increase in the blood level of this hormone

The main symptoms of syphilis in women

The main symptoms of syphilis in women

The first symptoms of syphilis in women can manifest themselves both a few days after intercourse with an infected partner, and a few months later. An untreated disease can progress in the body for a very long time, affecting the internal organs, nervous system and human skin

How to stop menstruation if they have already begun: folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations

How to stop menstruation if they have already begun: folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations

Menstruation is a natural occurrence in every woman's life. Regular menstrual flow indicates a woman's he alth and the absence of any pathologies or unwanted pregnancy. Sometimes menstruation lasts too long and abundantly, which negatively affects the general condition and he alth. Therefore, girls periodically wonder how to stop menstruation if they have already begun

Causes of cervical erosion and treatment methods

Causes of cervical erosion and treatment methods

Cervical erosion is a very common disease among women, which is associated with a violation of the natural microflora of the cervical mucosa. Erosion is a benign formation, which only if left untreated can lead to cancer. To protect your he alth and reduce the numerous costs of its restoration, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist once a year