Why do cysts form on the ovaries? Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

Why do cysts form on the ovaries? Treatment methods for ovarian cysts
Why do cysts form on the ovaries? Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

The female body cannot function normally if there are any abnormalities in the reproductive system. Any failure in the work of one or another organ can lead to a series of unpleasant diseases. Moreover, they can affect both mental well-being and physical. Most often, neoplasms such as cysts occur and are asymptomatic. They are localized, as a rule, in the ovaries (in one or both at once). Many of them do not cause any harm and do not require medical intervention. But if alarming symptoms appear - pain, discharge - it is worth finding out why cysts form on the ovaries. It makes sense to take a closer look at their varieties, as well as to study the methods of diagnosis and treatment.


A thin-walled cavity filled with liquid - this is the cyst (cystadenoma). In some cases, it may be serous fluid or blood. It looks like a pouch that sticks out. Its dimensions can be very small, for example, a few millimeters, or impressive. In medical practice, there were cysts twenty centimeters in diameter. Despite the advanced technologies used in medicine, there is still no exact answer to the question: why cysts form on the ovaries. There is also no clear definition at what age women are most at risk of developing this pathology. One can only trace the pattern in the factors that cause its development.


cyst on ovary
cyst on ovary

Before studying the methods of treatment, it is necessary to understand why cysts form on the ovaries in women. Medical practice divides them into the following types:

  • functional cyst;
  • paraovarian is formed from ligaments located in the appendages;
  • follicular occurs as a result of an unruptured mature follicle, it is filled with a clear liquid.

Since the inside of the cystadenoma is filled with liquid, it is worth considering its properties and composition separately. If, as a result of its opening and examination of the contents, it turns out that it contains a dark brown liquid, and the internal cavity is lined with endometrium (epithelial tissue of the uterus), then this is an endometrioid cyst. The nature of the neoplasm is associated with monthly menstrual bleeding. The serous cyst contains a light yellow liquid inside, and the capsule consists of serous epithelium.

Mucinous type cystadenoma consists of several chambers. It can be impressive in size compared to previous species. Its inner layer is made up of glandulartissue that produces mucus (mucin) that fills the capsule. If this kind of cysts are constantly formed on the ovaries (why this happens, only a doctor can say after a thorough examination), then it is worth honestly answering the question, does the woman adhere to the selected treatment regimen? Such a neoplasm cannot be ignored, since it belongs to the true type of cystadenoma, which threatens to turn into a cancerous tumor.

In the event of a failed pregnancy, a cystic capsule may also form from the rudiments of the embryo. Inside, it consists of fragments of tissue and fat. Such a cyst is called dermoid.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

As a result of ovulation, the rupture of the follicle, the release of the egg occurs. At this point, a corpus luteum is formed. As a result of successful fertilization and implantation of the cell into the body of the uterus, it helps the embryo develop and maintains the pregnancy. This happens due to the production of progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum ceases to function and resolves. However, sometimes everything goes according to a completely different pattern, and inside the cyst is filled with fluid and blood. This neoplasm is called a corpus luteum cyst. What causes and why do ovarian cysts form in women? Most often, their appearance is associated with disruption of the hormonal system.

Paraovarian neoplasm

paraovarian cyst
paraovarian cyst

The development of a paraovarian tumor can occur for several reasons:

  • pathology in the development of the follicle;
  • violationfunctioning of the ovaries, as well as malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • pelvic surgery, abortion for medical reasons;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

These are the main reasons why cysts form on the ovaries, and knowing this, you can prevent their occurrence. It is enough to control the state of your he alth at least once every six months. Paraovarian cystadenoma is formed in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In medical practice, such neoplasms can reach large sizes, which can cause significant discomfort. They rarely turn into malignant tumors. However, if the cyst becomes large (greater than 10 cm), the risk of rupture increases.

Follicular cyst

If the rupture of the follicle has not occurred, then this may cause the formation of a follicular cyst. The fact is that the unopened capsule gradually begins to fill with liquid, which leads to an increase in its size. The most favorable outcome is that they resolve on their own. It is only necessary to control their number and frequency of occurrence. Hormonal failure is the main reason why a cyst forms on the ovary. It is noteworthy that the place of its formation is possible both on the left and on the right. That is, from the side where the maturation of the dominant follicle occurred.

Why are formed

Unfortunately, there is no consensus on why cysts form on the ovaries. There are several risk criteria that contribute to the development of this disease. To the most commoninclude: hormonal imbalance, malfunctions of the reproductive system, sexually transmitted infections. There is a pathology among young girls, the reason for this may be the early onset of the menstrual cycle. Previous abortions have an adverse effect.

If a woman constantly forms cysts on the ovaries of the mucinous or endometrioid type, then there is a risk of their transition to a malignant formation. However, it is not worth making a diagnosis ahead of time. It is first necessary to conduct a diagnosis and pass a series of tests that will determine how likely it is to develop a cancerous tumor.

Surgical interventions are also the cause of neoplasms. In medical practice, there were often cases when, after the removal of the tube, cysts formed on the ovaries. It should be understood that any surgical intervention is fraught with the development of adhesions, cystadenomas and other pathologies of the pelvic organs.

How to determine if you have a cyst

diagnosis of cysts
diagnosis of cysts

Having figured out what causes a cyst on the ovary, you should determine which symptoms you need to pay more attention to. Despite the fact that pain symptoms are characteristic of cystadenoma, it does not always make itself felt in this way. On the contrary, for a long time it may not appear at all. Acute pain may occur due to twisting of the legs of the cyst, which connect it to the surface of the ovary. Increased pain occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle and the period of heavybleeding.

The development of the adhesive process leads to the fact that a woman is more likely to develop constipation and problems in the intestines. The larger the cyst, the greater the pressure on nearby organs. It can also cause frequent urination if she is in close proximity to the bladder.

The doctor can use any available diagnostic methods that will allow you to get a clear picture and determine the degree of neglect of the disease. The main method is ultrasound. It shows in real time what is happening inside the body. With the help of the data obtained, the doctor has the opportunity to follow how a cyst is formed on the ovary in a woman (in particular, a follicular one), to assess the size and structure, and the internal contents. Based on this, a treatment regimen is built and its duration is determined.

In the process of diagnosis, a study is also carried out to exclude the development of a neoplasm into a cancerous tumor. For this, a test for the oncomarker Ca-125 is given. In case of exceeding the indicators (more than 35 U / ml), it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the further treatment regimen.

Consequences of leaving untreated cystadenoma

pain in cysts
pain in cysts

In fact, it is not enough to know why cysts form on the ovaries, it is also important to understand that it is highly undesirable to leave the problem unattended. Any neoplasms must be under control. And even if it does not cause inconvenience, it is important to undergo an examination every six months for a timely response in caseincrease in its size. It is especially important to eliminate endometrioid cystadenoma in time. For a woman planning a pregnancy, its presence can lead to problems with conceiving and carrying a baby in the future.

Functional cysts left unattended contribute to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Also, such neoplasms lead to a change in its duration and the nature of the discharge. As a rule, in such a situation, a woman does not know what to do. Have you got a cyst on your ovary? The first thing to do is to see a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment can stop its growth or help it resolve.

Rupture of cystadenoma

signs of exacerbation
signs of exacerbation

Often, the presence of a cyst is not felt in any way. But if it has become more than 8-10 cm and its growth continues, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations and remove it surgically. If the situation is left unattended, it can break at any moment. If a woman feels severe pain in the abdomen, which fetters the whole body, then it is urgent to call an ambulance. In addition, an increase in body temperature is possible, which cannot be reduced with antipyretic drugs.

Bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, dizziness (up to loss of consciousness) are also a reason for an urgent consultation with a doctor. Leaving symptoms unattended can lead to peritonitis and sepsis. Internal bleeding must be urgently stopped and it is not worth delaying calling an ambulance. Any delay is fatal.outcome.


hormonal treatment
hormonal treatment

Having determined the nature of the disease, it remains to decide how to treat a cyst on the ovary. As a rule, the course is stretched for 5-6 months. The result also depends on the psychological mood of the woman. The main thing in this matter is to follow the recommendations of the doctor and, if possible, exclude unprotected intercourse for the first three months. This is the risk of infection, which can aggravate the picture of the pathology. In addition to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, it is separately necessary to monitor the microflora in the vagina. It is necessary to eliminate the signs and symptoms of vaginosis (including bacterial). At the same time, a course of immunostimulating drugs is prescribed. These can be special vaginal suppositories, tinctures, tablets, biologically active food supplements, vitamin injections.

The non-surgical method of therapy also includes the use of oral contraceptives for three to six consecutive cycles or their exclusion for this period and replacement with hormone-containing pills (for example, Duphaston, Utrozhestan). This option is resorted to in the case when, before the detection of a cyst on the ovary, a woman has already taken a hormonal contraceptive for a long time.

psychology and treatment
psychology and treatment

If stress is the cause of the failure in the body, it is necessary to include drugs that reduce the level of anxiety in the treatment regimen. In the case of a depressive state, you can not do without a specialist who understands psychology. Why do cysts form on the ovaries, one has only to be nervous? Is it possible to do something with thisstruggle, and what treatment is suitable for worsening during periods of a nervous breakdown? These questions can only be answered by a specialist. The positive effect of the treatment is also achieved as a result of the woman's awareness of the whole picture of what is happening. The more positive the attitude, the faster the recovery.

As ancillary therapies, the following can be prescribed:

  • physiotherapy (effective for pain relief);
  • hirudotherapy (improves blood circulation).

The radical way to eliminate the cyst is laparoscopy, which is a surgical method of treatment. Not the easiest method in terms of psychological perception, but one of the most effective. It is resorted to when diagnosing significant true cystadenomas. If the risk of its transition to a malignant tumor is established, it is possible to remove the ovaries and appendages. In this case, we are talking about 8 cm or more in diameter. Also in the absence of positive dynamics as a result of long-term treatment (more than six months).
