Climax is a certain period in a woman's life, during which the reproductive function fades. It also has another name - menopause. How menopause begins can be determined by the symptoms that are listed below. The main thing is not to confuse it with pregnancy, because the signs are similar.

Symptoms of menopause
Every woman should know that during the transition to a wonderful period of life called "golden autumn" she will have to go through a condition such as menopause (menopause).
The symptoms of menopause in women are as follows:
- Tides. They are manifested in the fact that a woman sharply feels a strong heat in the upper body, while the neck, face may turn red, sweating appears. The duration of this state is about a minute, the frequency is from 1 to 50 times a day.
- Insomnia. Hot flashes may occur during sleep. This is the cause of insomnia in a woman.
- Headache. This is the so-called pain of tension, when a woman cannot relax,feels internal negative emotions. Migraine symptoms may also occur.
- Sharp change of mood. Also a sign of the onset of menopause. A good mood is abruptly replaced by tension, tearfulness, anxiety, as a rule, for no apparent reason. Depression also often accompanies menopause.
- Forgetfulness and distraction. Occurs as a result of a decrease in concentration in women during menopause.
- Itching and dryness in the vagina. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes thinner, the amount of lubrication decreases.
- Urinary incontinence, frequent urge to urinate. The tone of the bladder and its sphincters decreases.
These symptoms of menopause in women appear at the age of about 40-50 years, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Stages of menopause
How do you know that menopause has begun? This can be done in 3 consecutive steps:
- Perimenopause - at this stage, there is a decrease in estrogen production, menstruation has different intensity and different regularity. A woman is overcome by signs of an imminent menopause: mood swings, frequent hot flashes, weight fluctuations, etc. Usually, perimenopause occurs at 47-49 years old or even a little earlier. Duration is 1-1.5 years.
- Menopause occurs when there is no period for more than 6 months. The production of estrogen at this point practically stops, the performance of the ovaries fades, but there is an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. The risk of a woman developing osteoporosis, diseases of the genitourinary organs, heart and blood vessels, as well as the appearance of a depressive state, increases. The average age of menopause is 49-51 years.
- Postmenopause - this period occurs one year after the date of the last menstruation. But about 3 years after the end of the previous stage, the woman feels her signs, which are gradually minimized. During postmenopause, vascular and bone diseases develop, since at a younger age their work is regulated by estrogen, which is produced in a minimal amount during menopause. Women enter the postmenopausal stage at about 55 years of age, and it lasts until the end. Thus, it becomes clear at what age menopause begins. However, there are some more nuances.
This is the time for a complete restructuring of the hormonal background. Women are interested in whether menopause can begin at 38 years old. Already at the age of 37-38, the work of the ovaries is inhibited in a woman, and the number of eggs decreases. The onset of menopause in a woman at the age of 40 should not be expected, but with such a course, it is considered premature.
The average age at which menopause begins is 47-48 years. This is due to a gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones, the cessation of ovulation and the unlikely occurrence of conception.
At the beginning of menopause, the amount of progestogens that regulate the course of menstruation decreases: in 60% of cases they become shorter and rarer, but in 35% of cases, menstruation can, on the contrary, become more abundant. Some womenmenstruation may disappear altogether suddenly. Due to a decrease in estrogen production, a woman may experience increased night sweats, hot flushes, depressed mood, headaches, irritability, tearfulness, and generally reduced performance.
But in some cases, deterioration in well-being can also be caused by obesity, vascular disease, heart or digestive system.

Can I get pregnant with menopause?
With menopause, the reproductive function of a woman's body fades away gradually, so the likelihood of pregnancy remains. The period in which fertilization is possible is two years from the onset of menopause. And this is not so little.
Is it possible to get pregnant with the onset of menopause? Yes, it is possible, but only under certain conditions:
- the ovaries should produce follicles in which the maturation of the egg will take place;
- should produce hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.
Signs of pregnancy with menopause
To determine the symptoms of pregnancy in this case is a difficult task for a woman. After all, they are similar to the symptoms of menopause.
However, the following signs are distinguished:
- dizziness and malaise;
- fatigue;
- increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
- mood swings.
It is worth noting that when trying to establish an offensivepregnancy tests can give a false result.
This is due to the fact that the fact of pregnancy is established due to the reaction of the test to the hormonal background, its changes. During menopause, hormone levels are unstable, making the method ineffective.
Risk of pregnancy
Risks of pregnancy during menopause:
- Delayed development in a born child - physical or mental.
- Great blood loss and the possibility of infectious diseases in case of abortion.
If pregnancy is undesirable for a woman, it is recommended to continue using contraceptives after menopause.
The term is set by the gynecologist.

Flashes during menopause
Flushing in women during menopause is a problem that is familiar to most women. The appearance is due to a decrease in the level of sex hormones and age-related changes in the body. Hot flashes reduce a woman's quality of life, causing a lot of discomfort.
The question of when hot flashes begin during menopause cannot be answered unambiguously: some women get rid of them after six months, and in special cases, hot flashes bother a woman for 10-15 years! To combat them, it is necessary to take into account the mechanism of appearance and their nature.
Seizures provoke such factors:
- pronounced changes in the functionality of the ovaries and hormonal levels;
- taking certain medications;
- bad habits;
- poor diet, consumption of spicy or hot foods;
- frequent stressful conditions, nervous strain;
- drinking a lot of coffee and tea;
- being in a poorly ventilated and stuffy room.
During a hot flash, body temperature can rise sharply, and then return to normal. The skin of the neck and face turns red, the heat covers the arms and even the chest. The number of heartbeats increases, the woman has headaches and dizziness, anxiety, nausea and weakness.

To get rid of hot flashes, you need to use an integrated approach:
- to make a balanced diet;
- give up bad habits;
- regularly examined;
- also take your prescribed medications.
Swimming, daily walks, invigorating massages, hardening and exercise therapy are quite effective as auxiliary ways to get rid of hot flashes.
Strengthening the body will enable it to more easily endure such changes.
During the onset of menopause, a night's rest is important for a woman, she needs to consume enough fruits and vegetables, sour-milk and whole grain foods daily.
Calcium, vitamins and fiber help a woman get rid of the problems caused by menopause:
- thinning of bone tissue;
- constipation;
- hypovitaminosis.
Treatmenthot flashes involves the use of non-hormonal pills with the onset of menopause (including sedatives) or hormonal drugs.
Hormone replacement therapy is based on additional production of hormones not produced by the ovaries.

How to deal with hot flashes during menopause without drugs?
With frequent symptoms of menopause, in particular hot flashes that can cause discomfort, you should start fighting them.
What to do if menopause begins? To manage hot flashes without medication, there are the following ways:
- Drink less coffee and other caffeinated drinks.
- Restrict alcohol intake.
- You should give up the bad habit of smoking. Adjust the diet, give preference in favor of proper nutrition. This will reduce the frequency of hot flashes and make you feel better.
- It is worth including more plant-based foods in the diet, and, on the contrary, reduce the amount of meat and proteins. Cereals, fruits, nuts are useful for the female body during menopause. Follow your drinking regimen.
- Drink about two liters of water a day. This need is due to the fact that during hot flashes the body loses a lot of fluid during the release of sweat.
- Control your breathing. When an attack occurs, in no case should you panic. Special breathing exercises are recommended, in which air must be inhaled by the stomach, and not through the diaphragm. Each breath should be deep and done slowly. The inhaled air is retained for 5-6 seconds. This procedure will delay the next high tide.
- Try to avoid stressful situations. Excitement provokes frequent hot flashes. Stick to an active lifestyle. Exercise can help fight hot flashes. Swimming is especially effective, thanks to it, muscle tone increases, and the load on the spine is reduced.
- Also, walks in the park will also have an effect. Following these recommendations, women solve the problem of hot flashes during menopause without resorting to medication.

Pills for menopause
Pills for menopause are taken by women during menopause, which lasts from a year to ten years.
It is worth taking them in order to make this difficult period easier, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
List of pills to take:
- "Proginova" - the drug normalizes hormonal levels and improves well-being. Price - from 500 rubles.
- "Divina" - the drug is a prophylactic against osteoporosis and hyperplasia. Reduces the production of estrogen. Price - from 650 rubles.
- "Angelik" is primarily a hormonal drug that stabilizes the functioning of the ovaries. Eliminates hot flashes, cardiovascular disorders and hyperhidrosis. Aligns the psycho-emotional state. Prevents hair loss. Restores firmness, elasticity andthe functionality of the mucous surface in the intimate area. The price of the drug is from 1300 rubles.
- "Estrovel" - biologically active food supplement. Corrects various hormonal disorders, reduces the negative symptoms that accompany premenstrual and menopausal syndromes. The price of the drug is from 425 rubles.
- "Climacycline" - the drug supports the female body and functions in the menopause. An additional source of vitamins A and E, magnesium, selenium and triterpene glycosides. The price of the drug is from 400 rubles.