Women's he alth 2024, October

Douching with soda for thrush: preparation of the solution, features of the procedure

Douching with soda for thrush: preparation of the solution, features of the procedure

Bouts of itching and burning can be so strong and frequent that you want to find a faster way to get rid of this torment. There is a proven way to alleviate the condition - to douche with soda for thrush

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy: causes and treatment features

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy: causes and treatment features

The nature of the liquid is affected by the period of its appearance: before menstruation, whether dark brown discharge has gone in the middle of the cycle, after menstruation, during pregnancy, during intimacy

Serous mastitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Serous mastitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Serous mastitis in women's medical history is not uncommon. Many young mothers face this disease, usually in the first months of a child's life. With serous mastitis, inflammation of the mammary glands of a nursing woman occurs. Pathogenic microorganisms are the main cause of the disease. How to diagnose and subsequently cure serous mastitis in a woman? This will be discussed in the article

Postpartum psychosis in women: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Postpartum psychosis in women: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Without the help of specialists, postpartum psychosis is extremely rare. The condition of a woman can worsen every day. It is often difficult for relatives to convince a newly-made mother of the need for treatment

Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and treatment

Painful ovulation: causes, symptoms and treatment

Nature has created women as amazing creatures. Their body is too finely tuned and finely tuned, which is why even minor failures can lead to serious pain. But it should be noted that not always uncomfortable sensations along with painful ovulation can be signs of a disease

Ureaplasma in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ureaplasma in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ureaplasma in women is a rather unpleasant disease. It carries a significant risk, especially during pregnancy

Inflammation of the cervical canal: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammation of the cervical canal: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs occupy a leading position among the main causes of infertility in women. They are accompanied by uncharacteristic vaginal discharge and discomfort in the lower abdomen

Frigidity in women: treatment and causes

Frigidity in women: treatment and causes

There are situations when a woman treats her sexual partner well, but the desire for intimacy does not arise at all. What is the problem, why is this happening? What is frigidity in women, treatment and causes of it - you can read about it in this article

Consequences of a ruptured ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment

Consequences of a ruptured ovarian cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment

The consequences of a ruptured ovarian cyst can be quite dangerous if a woman does not seek medical help in time. It is very important to consult a gynecologist at the first signs of a violation, as this will save the patient's life

Intermenstrual bleeding why do they occur?

Intermenstrual bleeding why do they occur?

Being a woman is not easy at all, and the point is not only that a modern lady should be active, always cheerful, fit and sexy. It's not even about childbirth and all kinds of tales about this time. The point is that a woman is monthly tested for the right to be considered as such. This test is menstruation, monthly discharge, sometimes painful and very unpleasant. Ladies are used to this, but intermenstrual bleeding always causes anxiety and even panic. What is the reason?

Mucus during ovulation: causes and nature of secretions, types and functions

Mucus during ovulation: causes and nature of secretions, types and functions

By mucous changes it is possible to recognize ovulation, to determine any pathological changes in the entire reproductive female system. They are simply necessary in order to protect the genital tract from various pathogenic bacteria by creating an acidic environment there, as well as maintaining the he alth of the entire reproductive system. Below you can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of mucus during ovulation, as well as its varieties and possible causes of changes

Mucus during ovulation: causes, norm and deviations, character, color

Mucus during ovulation: causes, norm and deviations, character, color

Various discharge often causes anxiety for many women. In order not to worry in vain, you need to understand which of them are considered the norm, and which signal the occurrence of a pathological process in the body

Cervical erosion: types, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Cervical erosion: types, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Although all women are afraid of the appearance of such a pathology as cervical erosion, it is one of the benign processes in the female body. The place of its localization is the cervical mucosa, on which a rounded formation up to two centimeters in diameter is formed. There are several types of erosion, and each of them has its own characteristics

Cervical erosion, moxibustion: reviews. How to treat cervical erosion?

Cervical erosion, moxibustion: reviews. How to treat cervical erosion?

According to medical data, every fifth girl at least once in her life faced such an ailment as cervical erosion. Cauterization is an effective solution to the problem that has arisen

How are women giving birth? The difference between the first and second generations

How are women giving birth? The difference between the first and second generations

From time immemorial, women have given birth, give birth and will give birth - such is their nature. There is no such representative of the weaker sex who at least once did not think about how the birth goes, and whether she can cope with it

Ovary apoplexy: causes, symptoms, forms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Ovary apoplexy: causes, symptoms, forms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Ovarian apoplexy is a very serious condition that is accompanied by rupture of ovarian tissue. As a result of this process, blood enters the ovarian tissue and the abdominal cavity. The disease requires immediate treatment, as otherwise hemorrhagic shock may develop

Early ovulation: causes and signs

Early ovulation: causes and signs

The most important function of the female body is the procreation, the reproductive function. And such a process as ovulation is responsible for this important function. But sometimes unexpected failures can occur when ovulation occurs earlier than expected

Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich, obstetrician-gynecologist

Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich, obstetrician-gynecologist

Shabalin Dmitry Valerievich - obstetrician-gynecologist from God. Works in the Regional perinatal center of the city of Vladimir. Reviews and brief information about the doctor, as well as a shocking story about how the doctor saved the patient - in our today's article

Cervical length by week during pregnancy

Cervical length by week during pregnancy

The length of the cervix by week of pregnancy is an indicator that has a significant impact on the correct flow and effectiveness of the whole process. The establishment of any deviations requires mandatory treatment. Every woman should know the signs of this disorder

Manual breast pumps. Usage Guide

Manual breast pumps. Usage Guide

Breastfeeding is a natural process and milk is constantly produced in the breast. However, there are times when a mother must stop breastfeeding for a while - separation from the baby, illness, forced to go to work, taking medication, and so on … Breast pumps - manual and electronic - have become an integral part of the life of a woman who has given birth, and they are recommended to be taken with you already in the hospital

Ovarian adnexa: definition, structure, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Ovarian adnexa: definition, structure, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Female reproductive organs play a crucial role in the he alth of the whole organism. What are appendages? Where are the ovarian appendages located? Why are the paired sex organs of the female reproductive system important? When is diagnosis and treatment needed?

What is the norm for late periods?

What is the norm for late periods?

Regular menstrual cycle is evidence of the he alth and normal functioning of the female body. Every woman who is attentive to herself and follows the cycle can accurately name the day the next discharge begins. At the same time, even a slight deviation (for 1-2 days) can seriously disturb. What is the rate of delayed periods and when should I worry?

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a common problem in many women today, so each of them should know what the symptoms and causes may be that contribute to the onset of the disease

Progesterone when to take, on what day of the cycle? Hormone 17-OH-progesterone how to take?

Progesterone when to take, on what day of the cycle? Hormone 17-OH-progesterone how to take?

Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for many physiological processes in a woman's body. In a small amount, it is also produced by male organs (testicles, adrenal glands). Insufficient concentration of the hormone in women can cause inflammation of the genital organs, uterine bleeding, miscarriages. How to donate blood for progesterone, and, most importantly, when is a question that interests many. But it is especially relevant for couples planning a pregnancy

Puncture of follicles in IVF. Preparation for follicle puncture

Puncture of follicles in IVF. Preparation for follicle puncture

It is hardly possible to imagine a full-fledged family without children. As they say, “people meet, people fall in love, get married”, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds with offspring. Modern medicine successfully solves this problem. One of the methods is in vitro fertilization. Follicle puncture during IVF in this case is a mandatory procedure

Ureaplasma in women: consequences, symptoms, treatment. Ureaplasma in women: the norm

Ureaplasma in women: consequences, symptoms, treatment. Ureaplasma in women: the norm

Sometimes the most harmless diseases and infections can cause serious complications. These include ureaplasma in women, the consequences of which often lead to infertility. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the risks to the body

Where can I find the answer to the question of what day ovulation occurs?

Where can I find the answer to the question of what day ovulation occurs?

For conception to occur, or to avoid it, a woman must follow her menstrual cycle. With certain knowledge, it is possible to determine with a high probability what day ovulation occurs

What does it mean if 2 days delay? Delay of menstruation

What does it mean if 2 days delay? Delay of menstruation

Delaying your period by 2 days does not necessarily indicate pregnancy, it can signal some problems in the body. Find out about which

Milk stagnation: what to do to deal with the problem

Milk stagnation: what to do to deal with the problem

Breast milk is not only the first food for a baby, but also a whole complex of incredibly useful trace elements, as well as a set of mother's antibodies that help to quickly cope with illnesses. In addition, breastfeeding is a very touching moment for a woman and important for the mental and physical development of the crumbs. Unfortunately, young mothers often face certain difficulties. The most common problem is milk stasis. What to do in this case and how to help yourself?

A delicate question: can a virgin use tampons?

A delicate question: can a virgin use tampons?

The main stage of puberty in girls is the onset of menstruation. This is a step into adulthood, the main step in turning into a girl and a reason to brag to your friends. However, the onset of critical days is also associated with certain difficulties. For example, it is not easy for a young girl to choose hygiene products for herself. Today we will talk about whether a virgin can use tampons and which tampons to choose

How to distinguish bleeding from menstruation on your own

How to distinguish bleeding from menstruation on your own

Discharge in the early stages of pregnancy with an admixture of blood has absolutely nothing to do with menstruation. How to distinguish bleeding from menstruation?

How do you know when a girl's period starts?

How do you know when a girl's period starts?

How do you know when your period starts? What are the signs of menstrual bleeding? How to calculate the approximate start date? You will find answers to these questions in this article

Basal temperature during ovulation^ how to measure correctly?

Basal temperature during ovulation^ how to measure correctly?

If a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, then doctors recommend measuring the temperature in the rectum. Many people know that the basal temperature rises during ovulation, and it is at this moment of egg maturation that the chance of getting pregnant increases several times

Bacterial vaginosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Bacterial vaginosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Bacterial vaginosis is a problem faced by women of all ages and nationalities. What is it and how is this problem treated? Consider this further

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy: the norm or a symptom of the disease?

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy: the norm or a symptom of the disease?

Can there be discharge during pregnancy? If you have already asked yourself this question, but do not know the answer, then the information provided below will explain how, what and why

What to do if the stomach turns to stone. 40 weeks pregnant: ready to meet your baby?

What to do if the stomach turns to stone. 40 weeks pregnant: ready to meet your baby?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman pays special attention to her he alth, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn baby. A great concern for many ladies is the condition when the stomach turns to stone. 40 weeks pregnant is a reason for them to panic, as many think they were carrying a baby

Female breast sizes: how to figure it out?

Female breast sizes: how to figure it out?

The breast is an important organ in the life of every person, both men and women, because it not only attracts attention, but also gives he alth to babies. Information that explains the size of the female breast may be interesting, because there are funny classifications of them. Interesting? Look for information in the article

Suture after caesarean section: types, features of care, healing time, possible complications

Suture after caesarean section: types, features of care, healing time, possible complications

The upcoming meeting with a child brings a lot of excitement to every woman. Most expectant mothers are worried about the process of delivery. Sometimes, for medical reasons, the doctor prescribes a caesarean section. The seam after this operation always remains on the body. Therefore, some women are interested in the question of how to process it correctly. Others worry about possible postoperative complications. Such excitement is understandable, but most of the fears are far-fetched

How is the patency of the fallopian tubes checked and which method is better?

How is the patency of the fallopian tubes checked and which method is better?

Poor patency of the fallopian tubes (popularly referred to as the oviducts) can lead to undesirable consequences such as tubal pregnancy or infertility. To determine the exact causes of this phenomenon, a woman is sent by a gynecologist for a special examination. What it is, what it is for and how the problem can be fixed - read in this article

The best remedies for PMS: a list of drugs, folk methods

The best remedies for PMS: a list of drugs, folk methods

Premenstrual syndrome includes neuropsychiatric disorders, various metabolic manifestations. Today, there are many remedies for PMS that will alleviate the condition of women. In order to get rid of the disease, an integrated approach is needed