Nipples hurt when feeding, what to do?

Nipples hurt when feeding, what to do?
Nipples hurt when feeding, what to do?

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother is waiting for the moment when she can put her baby to her breast. However, this process is not always smooth and without difficulties. Quite often, new moms have sore nipples when feeding. The reasons for this may be different. This article will tell you about why nipples hurt when feeding and how you can deal with it.

sore nipples when breastfeeding
sore nipples when breastfeeding


It's no secret that lactation is a completely natural process. The baby receives essential nutrients through mother's milk. Also, the immunity of the crumbs in the first months after birth is very weak. Mom can feed the baby and thus give him her immune protection.

In the first days after the birth of a child, a woman may not have milk. At the same time, colostrum begins to stand out in small portions. Do not worry that the baby is not enough. Nature has thought of everything. Already2-4 days after birth, milk begins to arrive. This is where the first difficulties arise, which are manifested in the fact that a woman's nipples are very sore when feeding. How to deal with this phenomenon?

Pay attention to the amount of milk

If your nipples hurt while feeding, this may be an indirect sign that the baby is not getting enough nutrition. Watch your baby during the sucking process. Listen to his swallowing movements. Perhaps there is no milk in your breast at all? Because of this, the baby is irritated, begins to suck more intensely, but the effect does not occur.

sore nipples while breastfeeding
sore nipples while breastfeeding

In this case, the only way out will be temporary complementary foods. Attach the baby to the breast as often as possible. Stimulation of the nipples will lead to increased lactation. You can also try drinking special teas to increase the amount of milk. To prevent your baby from becoming hungry during this time, give him a small amount of adapted formula.

Teach your baby how to latch on properly

If your nipples hurt while breastfeeding, then the reason for this may be improper attachment of the baby. In the normal position, the baby should completely capture the areola. Its tongue is placed over the lower jaw and may even extend beyond the mouth. Baby's lips should be relaxed and turned outward.

If the baby pinches his tongue and tightens his lips, then such a grip is wrong. In this case, he gives mom severe pain and simply flattens the nipple. Show your baby the correct grip. Gently twist his lips with your fingersand bring them to a relaxed state. It will be more convenient for the child to eat in this position. After a few days, you will be able to notice that the pain has begun to subside.

Use chest pads

If your nipples hurt while breastfeeding, the reason may be their irregular shape. At the same time, breasts in women are most often small. Flat or inverted nipples can develop over time. However, in this case, you will need to be patient.

The way out of this situation is quite simple. Purchase silicone breast pads. With their help, the baby will be fed, and the discomfort of the mother during the process will disappear.

sore nipples while breastfeeding
sore nipples while breastfeeding

Use medication when needed

Nipples often hurt when feeding due to infection. In most cases, it is a fungal infection. Thrush can be not only on the nipples of the mother, but also in the baby's mouth. In this case, you can not self-medicate. It is worth contacting a specialist for help and a qualified appointment.

The only thing you can do in this situation yourself is to treat the chest with a soda solution. However, before the next feeding, you need to thoroughly wash off the applied composition. Otherwise, the baby will feel a bitter taste and completely refuse natural nutrition.

Use healing ointments

Often, women have sore nipples when breastfeeding in the first weeks after childbirth. In this case, we are not talking about any pathology. The child simply learns to suck and somewhat injures the tenderbreast skin.

why do nipples hurt when breastfeeding
why do nipples hurt when breastfeeding

Correction in this case is to use healing ointments. Most of them require subsequent rinsing from the nipples before the next feeding. Means "Bepanten" is the best option. It does not need to be washed off, it is absolutely safe for the baby. The drug quickly heals cracks and abrasions. Within a few days after regular use, mommy feels much better.

Do not take your baby's breast while feeding

Pain in the nipples during and after breastfeeding may occur due to the fact that the mother forcefully takes the breast from the crumbs. At the same time, the insatiable baby protests and tries to grab the nipple with his gums. All this causes discomfort and pain to a woman. What to do in this case?

There can be two options. You need to give the baby plenty to pump. When he gets tired, the baby will let go of your breast. If you need to urgently stop the process, then proceed in the following way. Place your little finger between the baby's tongue and the nipple. The baby will immediately open his mouth and let go of your breast.

sore nipples when breastfeeding
sore nipples when breastfeeding

Stop (wind down) breastfeeding

The latest way to get rid of nipple pain during lactation is to simply stop breastfeeding. In this case, the baby will eat milk formula from a bottle. It is worth noting that most pediatricians and experienced professionals do not welcome this method. However, some mothers are stillenjoy.

Remember that the best food for a baby is mother's milk. Only in this way can the baby receive all the nutrients and vitamins. Not a single modern adapted mixture can replace natural feeding for a baby. Doctors and experts advise to continue the established lactation at least until the child reaches six months. Feed your baby properly and for as long as possible. In case of difficulties and problems, contact lactation specialists and experienced pediatricians. Easy and enjoyable breastfeeding!
