Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women is the use of many tools. This disease often occurs along with pathologies of the fallopian tubes. Appears mostly in girls of childbearing age. Symptoms can be both overt and covert. Treatment of ovarian inflammation also includes anti-infective agents, since the disease can be caused by a harmful bacterium (streptococcus, staphylococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.).
Inflammation of the ovaries occurs as a result of ingestion of staphylococcal, streptococcal or other aggressively pathogenic microbacteria and rods.
The route of entry into the ovary will depend on the type of microbacterium or coli. For example, the microbacterium tuberculosis enters the ovary in a descending way, from the respiratory organs to the ovaries, and cocci bacillus - ascending, namely, through the fallopian tubes to the ovaries themselves.
Main causal factors in the development of ovarian inflammation:
- overwork;
- hypothermia;
- immunity weakening;
- presence of a common infectious disease;
- poor-quality abortion;
- promiscuity;
- unbalanced diet.

Symptoms of the development of inflammation of the ovaries of the uterus are numerous and depend on the type of bacteria involved in the inflammatory process, as well as the stage of the disease.
Therefore, the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women are interrelated. There are such manifestations of the disease:
- Pain in the lower pelvis. In this case, the pain can be both constantly aching and throbbing.
- Bleeding or mucous discharge.
- Temperature increase.
- Persistent headaches.
- Nervousness.
- Sexual dysfunction.
In order for the inflammation of the ovaries not to go sad, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. Since the symptoms can vary, it is quite difficult to distinguish at what stage the course of the disease is. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to modern methods for diagnosing such inflammations.
Diagnosis can be reliably determined using the following data:
- presence of previous pelvic inflammatory disease;
- laboratory indicators of blood condition;
- urine tests for bacteria;
- testing vaginal discharge;
- ultrasound diagnostics;
- examination by a gynecologist;
- presence of hepatitis, syphilis or HIV viruses.
The following methods of instrumental diagnostics for the presence of inflammation are distinguished:
- Ultrasound diagnostics. With this method, the diagnosis is made by assessing the state of the structure and size of the ovaries.
- Ultrasonic hysterosalpingoscopy. The method consists in assessing the changes occurring in the fallopian tubes.
- Laparoscopy. This method is informative, as the uterus, tubes and ovaries are examined.

When antibiotics are prescribed
Treatment of the inflammatory process in the ovaries is necessary to minimize the intoxication of the body with pathogenic bacteria, as well as to reduce the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.
The tactics of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity and duration of the disease. With the right selection and systemic use of antibiotics, a complete recovery is possible.
If incorrect therapy was carried out in the treatment of ovarian inflammation in women, then this will definitely lead to a chronic course of the disease.
The type and type of drugs is prescribed based on their tolerance and the reaction of bacteria to their use. Therefore, it is natural that the symptoms of ovarian inflammation and antibiotic treatment of this disease are interrelated. The dose and duration of use will depend on the severity of the disease. General antibiotics are used. In the presence of acute inflammation, a combination of antibiotics of general and local action is prescribed.
Local antibiotics can be administered with medical suppositories, and general antibiotics are taken orally. Since the use of a combination of several antibiotics leads to the development of dysbacteriosis, inthe diet is prescribed regular use of probiotics. Also, when dysbacteriosis is detected, the introduction of lactobacilli into the vagina with the help of medical suppositories is prescribed.

Types of drugs
Antibacterial therapy with antibiotics is indicated only with clear signs of acute or chronic development of the disease. Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries with pills until the type of pathogen is detected.
For effective antibiotic therapy of ovarian inflammation, the following series of antibiotics are used:
- Penicillin.
- Metronidazole.
- Moxifloxacin and others.
As mentioned above, the symptoms and treatment of ovarian inflammation are interrelated, so before you start therapy, you should pay attention to the manifestations of the disease in order to identify its pathogen. This is important because in most cases, antibiotic treatment is effective against gonorrhea bacteria. The efficacy of moxifloxacin has been documented in the treatment of acute forms of ovarian inflammation. But despite this, it does not ensure the complete destruction of pathogenic microbacteria, which causes repeated relapses. Which type of antibiotic to use depends on the presence of a particular type of pathogen.
Moxifloxacin - a substance for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries. It differs from other drugs in its rapid absorption and prolonged concentration in the tissues of the ovaries.
In Russia, the trade name of the antibiotic is Avelox. In monotherapy, the useone tablet per day for two weeks. However, complex treatment with the drug is also possible. Your doctor will tell you more about therapy.

The effectiveness of azithromycin is to inhibit the growth of bacteria. The antibiotic is effective in the presence of an acute course of the disease. An effective treatment regimen is the introduction of azithromycin intramuscularly in an amount of 500 mg or the use of one gram orally. The therapeutic efficacy of this scheme is confirmed by studies and led to recovery in 95 percent of cases. At the initial stage of the disease, a single application of azithromycin can lead to a significant decrease in the number of pathogens. Combination with general antibiotics such as amoxicillin is also an effective regimen.
Antibiotic treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women is carried out with the help of cephalosporins, which, when monotherapy, suppress pathogenic microflora better than quinols and azithromycins. Cephalosporins are effective against gonorrhea and cocci bacteria. Therefore, they are prescribed in conjunction with moxifloxacins. An effective treatment regimen is a single injection of the drug intramuscularly in an amount of 400 or 500 mg. If the signs of the disease have not gone away, then a combination of cephalosporin with other antibiotics is prescribed, since resistance may develop during the second use. In this case, the cephalosporin is prescribed in conjunction with azithromycin.
Previously, aminoglycosides were used totreatment of severe abscesses. But now their effectiveness is gradually decreasing. Therefore, patients with a severe form of the course of the disease and the presence of abscesses are prescribed aminoglycosides with clindamycin. Aminoglycosides, without losing their effectiveness, are able to maintain their concentration for a long time, which significantly exceeds the norm for the destruction of a pathogenic agent.
In the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, the antibiotic of this group effectively penetrates into leukocytes and microphages, and also gives a high concentration in the blood and at the site of inflammation. However, in recent years, more and more cases of strain resistance to antibiotics have been detected. Studies have shown resistance in 17 percent of cases, and those who used this antibiotic without testing for susceptibility of the bacteria, this figure was 50 percent. Against this background, a combination of clindamycin with ceftriaxone is immediately prescribed.

Medical candles are used in the treatment of various diseases in women. There are vaginal and rectal types. Candles are also divided according to their purpose. Vaginal suppositories are used to treat inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
The following names of suppositories are most often used:
- "Terzhinan" is a drug for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, which has antibacterial properties. The composition of the drug includes ternidazole (it is an aminoglycoside antibiotic, the main substance is effective against the fight against anaerobicbacteria), nystatin (an antifungal drug whose action is aimed at the final extermination of fungi such as Canida). Treatment with candles is prescribed for a period of 10 to 20 days. The daily dosage is agreed with the doctor.
- "Klion-D" is a suppository used for the local treatment of infectious inflammation of the pelvic organs. The composition includes the substances metronidazole and miconazole nitrate. The first substance is active against Trichomonas vaginalis, and the second has an antifungal effect. Apply suppositories for 10 days.
- "Gynomax" are vaginal antiparasitic suppositories for topical use. The active ingredients are thioconazole and tinidazole. Thioconazole is effective against yeast, and tinidazole is designed to increase cell permeability. The effectiveness of treatment with candles is 85 percent. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 7 days.
- "Binoform" is a vaginal suppository with bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria will be useful in dysbacteriosis of the body. When using "Binoform", a qualitative change in the composition of the microflora of the mucous membranes is observed. It is prescribed when using antibiotics of general action, for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis.
- "Dalacin" is a vaginal suppository used for bacterial inflammation of the pelvic organs. Clindamycin is the active ingredient. The substance has a pronounced antibacterial property. Scheduled for use within 3 days.
- "Polygynax" are candles containinga combination of substances that have a systemic antibacterial effect. Indicated for use in infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to active ingredients. The composition includes 3 active substances: neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate and nystatin. The dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor after examining the pathogen.
- "Laktonorm" is a suppository designed for the treatment and prevention of bacterial vulvitis, as well as for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications. The composition of suppositories includes lactobacilli of different strains. Apply within 7 days.
- "Fitoraxin" is a suppository containing polyphenolic compounds of plant origin, as well as vitamins and minerals of different groups. The action is to stop the growth of the tumor. The drug can be used for 20 days.
- Diclofenac is a suppository used to relieve inflammation in large affected areas. The composition includes diclofenac sodium. Use no more than 14 days.
- "Geksikon" - a suppository designed for local treatment of genital infections. In most cases, it is prescribed for children. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Also, the above actions are able to provide the following candles: "Betadine", "Movalis" and "Pimafucin".

Folk remedies
Folk treatment of inflammation of the ovaries is carried out using the means described below, but notremember to consult your doctor before using them.
- Dried and crushed St. John's wort flowers in a pair of teaspoons pour 200 grams of hot boiled water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer the medicinal collection over low heat for fifteen minutes. This drug should be taken in three doses of fifty grams at a time.
- Treatment of ovarian inflammation with folk remedies can be done as follows. Dry the walnut leaves and grind into a powder. Then pour two dessert spoons of this composition into a two-hundred-gram glass and add hot water to the full volume. It is desirable to prepare such a drug by insisting for about four hours. It is recommended to drink the finished medicine during the day.
- Freshly made pumpkin juice also helps with illness. You can drink at any time and in any quantity. It is also called the best way to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women with folk remedies.
- Juice from freshly cut leaves of medicinal aloe should be used in the amount of one teaspoon, but strictly in the amount of three times throughout the day.
- Dried coltsfoot leaves, as well as sweet clover grass, take in a ratio of ten to one. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 200 grams of boiling water. It is recommended to boil this infusion for fifteen minutes using a water bath. Strain the resulting composition through gauze and allow to cool to room temperature. It is advisable to drink such a prescription infusion within ten days. In this case, the daily three-time norm should beone hundred grams of drink.
- An effective method of treatment is local heating of inflammation with hot vapors of bitter wormwood infusion. To do this, you need to boil two liters of water in an iron bucket, then throw a handful of medicinal collection of bitter wormwood into the boiling water. Bringing the infusion to a boil, remove the bucket from the stove, lowering it to the floor. Then sit as low as possible over the bucket and try to sit in that position for twenty minutes. Be careful not to get burned. Six procedures are enough for a complete cure.
- One onion is boiled until completely softened in one liter of water. In the future, when the liquid has cooled to a normal temperature for washing, it should be filtered and douched. After such a session, try to wrap up warmer and in no case sit on cold surfaces.
- Several cloves of garlic need to be crushed and pour settled warm water. You should get a solution that, when tested on the tongue, tingles slightly. Then take a small swab and soak in this liquid. Next, insert the prepared tampon into the vagina for a period of no more than three hours. It is advisable to do such actions once a day until complete recovery.
Infusion recipes
Depending on the symptoms, alternative treatment of inflammation of the ovaries is carried out with the help of special decoctions. You can prepare an infusion consisting of equal parts of the following roots: brittle buckthorn, wormwood, tree peony, elecampane. It is recommended to pre-grind the roots. The resulting powder in the amount of fiftygrams pour half a liter of boiling water. Boil the resulting mixture for at least thirty minutes over low heat. Subsequently, cool to a comfortable temperature for drinking. Then strain and take orally two glasses a day, previously divided into four parts. Knowledgeable people advise adding a teaspoon of honey to it when taking the infusion.
In a liter of boiling water, goose cinquefoil grass is brewed (four tablespoons). This tea is infused for one hour in a thermos. Then it is filtered from the infused herb and poured back into the thermos, already filtered. Drink this medicine should be before meals and at least one glass at a time. Use a similar infusion as a medicine for douching.

Prevention of ovarian inflammation is to follow simple rules:
- Do not get cold, avoid stress, genital infections, give up bad habits.
- Use only quality contraceptives.
- Do not have sex during your period.
- If pregnancy is not desired, abortion should only be done in a specialized clinic.
- If inflammation of the pelvic organs occurs, immediately carry out adequate therapy.
- Regularly observed by a gynecologist (optimally - once every six months).
Depending on the cause, the symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women are determined. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. You should see a doctor.