During menopause, a woman experiences various changes related to the functioning of the whole organism. Due to a hormonal surge, sleep can be disturbed and overall well-being worsens. First you need to find out what is the danger of insomnia during menopause? And how to solve the problem?
Main reasons

There are several reasons why sleep may be disturbed during hormonal changes in a woman's body during menopause. Namely:
- Hormonal cause, which is associated with the biological metamorphosis that occurs in the depths of the female body.
- Due to the imbalance of the female sex hormone (progesterone or estrogen), insomnia occurs during menopause, which interferes with leading a full and familiar lifestyle. Discomfort often manifests itself in the form of palpitations, hot flashes, sweating.
- Due to the decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood, snoring may occur during sleep.
- If the level of progesterone falls, then the woman hasdifficulty falling asleep.
- Psychological factor. A woman is worried about her general he alth and is very afraid of the thought of old age. She is afraid of losing attractiveness and strength. Any negative thought affects a woman's overall well-being.
Quite often, insomnia during menopause occurs with overweight, unhe althy lifestyle, coffee abuse, lack of physical activity, systematic stress and anxiety, disruption of work and rest.
What is the danger?

Doctors say that insomnia is bad for a woman's he alth. In their opinion, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the psychological factors that provoke the named condition.
The first thing that night vigil threatens is a negative impact on the functioning of the nervous system, which already experiences increased stress. A woman at such a moment is more irritable, tearful, emotionally unstable. She may lack an internal reserve to complete the current business. Quite often, during menopause, working capacity and concentration of attention decrease. Women are lethargic during the day and keep their eyes open at night.
Due to systematic lack of sleep, a climacteric depressive state is manifested. In addition, these women have problems in the body's immune system. So, in order to resist many diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system - this will help prevent the development of many diseases. A person who sleeps little may experienceproblems in the work of the cardiovascular system. It could be hypertension, spasms, or a stroke.
If insomnia during menopause is systematic, it threatens the patient's he alth. Under such conditions, it is important to immediately solve the problem and take measures to improve the general well-being of the woman.
Changing lifestyle

In order to overcome the disease, it is important to see a doctor. There are several recommendations from experts that will help neutralize the problem of night activity. So, if you have insomnia during menopause, what to do:
- Pay attention to the temperature in the room. A person sleeps best in cool and well-ventilated rooms.
- Remove the factor that irritates sight and hearing. Dripping faucets, flashing indicators, flashlights and other things often provoke irritation of the nervous system, which becomes the main cause of insomnia.
- Eat right. It is important to include in your diet light foods that are quickly digested. Due to bloating and fermentation in the stomach, a feeling of heaviness may occur, so the woman cannot rest normally.
- Respect the regime. Falling asleep at the same time can help ease the symptoms of menopause.
- Requires moderate physical activity. Any kind of physical activity is good. It is recommended not to perform gymnastic exercises in the afternoon, as this can provoke an overexcitation of the nervous system.
- CommitHiking before bed.
- Keep a he althy lifestyle. You should be aware that alcohol, nicotine and coffee disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and provoke its overexcitation.
- Avoid physical and emotional overload before bed. This often causes insomnia. A crime brief, an action-packed movie, an overly emotional TV series - a guarantee that you can't sleep.
There are a few more tips on what to do with menopausal insomnia. You will need relaxing evening rituals: soothing teas, a bath, a few pages of your favorite book work wonders.
If these recommendations are ineffective, it is important to analyze in more detail the main factors that provoke the appearance of a restless night's sleep. You can carry out therapy with drugs or folk remedies - this will help overcome insomnia.
Climax in women is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, so the help of a qualified specialist is important. And before you carry out treatment with a drug, you should definitely visit a neurologist. He will prescribe those drugs that will help eliminate the cause of insomnia. Self-medication can be harmful and cause the development of serious he alth problems.
Effective folk remedies

Folk remedies for insomnia will help normalize sleep and improve overall well-being. What are the folk remedies for insomnia with menopause? In the process of folk treatment, it is recommendeduse herbal collection, which is based on the following plants:
- melissa;
- mint;
- chamomile;
- hops;
- motherwort;
- St. John's wort;
- valerian root.
These herbs help relieve fatigue and improve overall well-being. The prepared infusion relieves muscle spasm and stiffness, helps to relax after hard everyday life.
Soothing pillow
To fight insomnia during menopause, experts recommend making a pillow, which includes herbs that treat night sleep deprivation. Their aroma has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, relieves stress and provides he althy relaxation.
A relaxing bath with herbal decoction and aromatic oil will also help get rid of insomnia during menopause. You can use lavender, rosemary or sandalwood oil.
Milk and honey

A glass of warm milk with honey will not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the quality of rest in the afternoon. Milk needs to be warmed up a little, but not too much - otherwise the bee product will lose its beneficial properties.
Medication treatment
Of course, medications for insomnia during menopause can also be indispensable? But at the same time, it should be remembered that their use should be controlled by the attending physician, since self-medication can greatly harm and cause the development of serious he alth problems.
In frequent cases, a specialist prescribes a druga drug that aims to restore normal hormone levels. Combined preparations prescribed by a doctor, which contain vitamins, minerals, herbal components, have a positive effect on the synthesis of the sex hormone. Treatment is carried out with the use of medicines: "Mense", "Klimadinon", "Cy-clim", "Femin". In severe manifestations, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs.
To eliminate chronic lack of sleep, you should take sedatives. They calm the nervous system and help you fall asleep. Therapy, as a rule, is carried out with the use of Phenibut, Afobazol, Rozerem, Zopiclone. A sleeping pill should be taken as directed by a doctor, who determines the duration of the course and the dosage of the remedy for insomnia during menopause, depending on the strength of the symptoms and the physiological characteristics of the woman's body. It should be noted that quite often such drugs are addictive and cause side effects.
Folk remedy for headaches with menopause
Treatment of insomnia in menopause is often carried out by folk methods. So, with the help of chamomile, you can eliminate headaches and migraines with menopause. Often such unpleasant symptoms do not allow to fall asleep. This flower is a universal remedy that is used in the form:
- infusions;
- tea;
- powder.
Experts recommend using the plant to prevent headaches. And beforepeople also stuffed their pillows with chamomile grass, as it improves sleep and cures insomnia.
To prepare a chamomile headache remedy, you need 2 tbsp. l. dry grass pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Before drinking the remedy, you must add honey. Take it throughout the day. Keep in mind that too hot a drink can damage the mucous membrane of the throat. Women who are allergic to honey are prohibited from using such a remedy.
Why is it useful to take a bath with chamomile infusion for menopause
Due to its unique composition, the named plant has a positive effect on the overall he alth of a woman, soothes and disinfects the skin. Official medicine and cosmetology have proven the effectiveness of chamomile. Thanks to the bath with it, you can get rid of the symptoms that prevent you from falling asleep:
- to rid the skin of a rash;
- heal a wound or scar;
- whiten and moisturize skin;
- eliminate purulent rashes;
- make the skin supple and velvety;
- promote the active formation of new skin cells.
In order for the procedure to have a positive effect on overall he alth, it is important to properly prepare for it. First of all, you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, pour dry petals with boiling water and let it brew. Then you need to strain it. Draw water into the bathroom (37 ° C) and pour the infusion. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes.
How does chamomile tea affect the body

If a woman often gets sick with seasonal colds during menopause, she also needs to include this drink in her diet. Then many problems can be avoided. When the throat hurts, it is necessary to brew chamomile tea several times a day. Not only will it improve your overall he alth, but it will also boost your mood.
Thanks to flavonoids and azulin, which are contained in the plant, tea perfectly relieves the internal inflammatory process. In addition, it relieves stress, improves sleep, helps relieve tension and get rid of depression. Chamomile tea normalizes the functioning of the liver, so it should be drunk regularly for those people who like fatty and heavy foods. This is an excellent prophylactic for cirrhosis of the liver. If you often have a headache and muscle spasms, then this healing remedy will help eliminate discomfort.
When you can not take infusion
Despite the fact that chamomile tea has many beneficial qualities and actions, there are some contraindications to its use. In rare cases, a person after drinking tea had an allergic reaction or an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to take an infusion of chamomile and together with a sedative and diuretic medicine.
Note to women

Many women experience insomnia during menopause. Patient reviews indicate that in most cases, drugs help to normalize the nighttime regimen.recreation. But it is equally important, according to women, to have a positive attitude during treatment. Do not focus too much on the issue so that the problem does not become chronic. It is important to lead a fulfilling lifestyle and understand that this is temporary.
If the disease interferes with the usual way of life, you should definitely consult a specialist. Doctors do not recommend using herbs for insomnia without their prescription. With menopause, you should especially carefully monitor your he alth, and self-medication can only do harm.