What is a slip in women?

What is a slip in women?
What is a slip in women?

The word "prosak" has become quite widespread in films thanks to the catchphrase "to sit in a trap", which is interpreted as "to get into a quandary". However, the word "prosak" is used only in everyday slang and the tacit language of he alth workers. This term does not exist in the medical literature. There is no unambiguous interpretation of the word "prosak", the meaning of the word in women is associated with the reproductive system. Let's consider this question in more detail.

External structure of the female reproductive system

The female reproductive system has a complex internal and external structure. To have an idea about certain processes occurring inside the body, and to find out where the leak is in a woman, you should familiarize yourself in general terms with the physiology of the female genital organs.

Prosak women
Prosak women

The external structure of the female genital organs is as followsway:

  • pubis;
  • clitoris;
  • large labia;
  • labia minora;
  • urethra;
  • hymen or its remains;
  • crotch.

Where is the leak in women?

It is located within the crotch. It is the perineum in the generally accepted meaning that means a slip in women. It is located between the entrance to the vagina and the anus of the rectum.

Slip in women is a complex formation of soft tissues with muscles and fascia that overlap the pelvic floor.

The length of the perineum is the distance from the pubic bone to the tip of the coccyx. To figure out where the drawdown is in women, let's turn to anatomy. Traditionally, the term "slump" refers to the muscular septum from the vagina to the anus, the length of which rarely exceeds one centimeter. This term is not used in medical manuals and materials, but can be used by a doctor in private communication with patients or among colleagues.


The perineum is conditionally divided into two parts:

  • front;
  • rear.
  • Uterine prolapse
    Uterine prolapse

The front of the perineum is medically referred to as the urogenital diaphragm, the back is called the pelvic diaphragm.

The anterior perineum is located between the back walls of the vagina and the anus. The back part originates from the anus and ends at the tip of the coccyx.

Anterior perineum and its importance in obstetrics

If a gynecologist or obstetrician usesthe term "prosak in women", the connection is exclusively with the anterior part of the perineum, since the posterior part does not apply to gynecology and its terminology.

During labor, as the baby moves through the birth canal and reaches the pelvic floor, the baby's head can stretch the muscles of the perineum or cause tissue rupture.

To prevent injury to the perineum, a vertical surgical incision is made from the entrance to the vagina to the anus. This operation is called an episiotomy.

The need to incise the gap in women occurs during natural childbirth in most cases. In a special risk zone are future women in labor with a large fetus or those who give birth again. You can get up immediately after the incision, but sitting is not recommended for several weeks until the scarring of the suture.

How to avoid a perineal tear

To avoid rupture of the perineum during childbirth and not resort to surgical intervention, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, a number of manipulations should be carried out, adhere to the advice of an obstetrician and generally accepted norms.

  1. During childbirth, despite the pain, you should relax the muscles of the perineum.
  2. Recommended daily perineal massage with emollients. Often used for this baby cosmetic oil.
  3. Pregnant women in the last stages are advised to walk more often so that the pressure of the weight of the fetus gradually stretches the muscles of the perineum.
  4. Uteruslocation. This painting is part of the drawing. So there is no point in removing it, it means the authorship of the photo. Similar markings from Netter
    Uteruslocation. This painting is part of the drawing. So there is no point in removing it, it means the authorship of the photo. Similar markings from Netter

If you can’t avoid an episiotomy, then you should know that a leak in women heals quickly enough, and its incision usually does not cause severe pain.

The condition can be aggravated when lifting heavy objects, bags, so you should be extremely careful.

Back Crotch

The muscles of the posterior perineum envelop the anus and the nearby area of the rectum with a ring of longitudinal fibers, which allows compression of the anal sphincter, forming a longitudinal gap.

In women, the muscles of the posterior perineum also dig into the vaginal wall and allow the uterus to contract and press the back wall of the vagina. With this contraction, the muscles of the posterior perineum and vagina are strengthened.

Prosak women
Prosak women

Basically, this function of leakage in women does not carry important processes for the life of the body, but is able to prevent cervical prolapse.

There are a number of exercise techniques designed to involve the posterior perineum, but designed to strengthen the walls of the vagina. Regular exercises to contract the muscles of the vagina will strengthen its walls and make the entrance significantly narrower, which also prevents infections from entering from the outside.

Intimate functions

Prosak has an important role in sexual life, both for men and women. Distance from the entrance to the vagina to the anusconsidered one of the most sensitive erogenous zones for a woman, and the contraction of the vaginal muscles by compressing the back of the perineum helps to achieve a quick orgasm.

Reduction of the slip
Reduction of the slip

In the male body, under the surface of the leak, there is a seminal canal, the stimulation of which can cause ejaculation even without touching the rest of the penis.

Especially these techniques are popular in India and among many Asian peoples.