Causes of nipple discharge

Causes of nipple discharge
Causes of nipple discharge

Discharge from the nipples is the most common reason for women to visit a mammologist. Unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to the he alth of the mammary glands and does not pay attention to the fluid that has appeared. What can provoke the appearance of discharge from the nipples? Why is it dangerous?


Women's breasts are made up of tissue whose primary purpose is to produce milk and feed babies. The gland normally consists of 15-20 lobes. They are separated by connective tissue. In addition, the breast is made up of fat, which determines its size. From each lobe to the nipple there is a duct that provides transportation of milk.

Normal glandular tissue is uniform when probing. Any changes in the structure of the breast indicate pathological processes. In addition, in some diseases, liquids of various colors and consistency can be released from the nipple. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the pathology and subsequent treatment.


What is normal?

Nipple discharge is not always a sign of pathology. What cases can be considered the norm? In somesituations, a small amount of clear discharge from the nipple is allowed. They can come out both on their own and with pressure on the chest.

A cause for concern may be a sharp increase in the amount of secretion secreted or a change in its consistency. It should also alert an increase in body temperature at the same time, chest pain or headache. This may be due to the following factors:

  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • mammography;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • great physical activity;
  • physical impact on the chest;
  • before menstruation, a few drops of colostrum may be released (however, with the active release of colostrum without pregnancy, this is a pathology);
  • when aroused, women may have 1-2 drops of clear liquid from their nipples;
  • lower pressure.

If the discharge from the mammary glands is not associated with the listed reasons, then this is a good reason to contact a mammologist.

discharge from the nipples
discharge from the nipples

White highlights

White discharge from the nipples is most often associated with pregnancy, during which hormones are produced that are responsible for breast milk. If a liquid of this shade is not associated with motherhood and feeding a newborn, then it may indicate the presence of galactorrhea. This is due to excessive production of the hormone prolactin. Normally, it is produced by the body during the lactation period, but sometimes in women who have not given birth or during menopause.

Except directbreast diseases white discharge can signal malfunctions of the kidneys, liver, ovaries, thyroid gland. In rare cases, fluid may be a sign of a pituitary tumor.

Brown highlights

Black or dark brown discharge from the nipple is most common in women over 40 years of age. They may be associated with ectasia - the expansion of the milk ducts. As a result, inflammation of the channels may occur and the production of dark-colored fluid may begin. This condition requires medical intervention to stop the inflammatory process. Unfortunately, ectasia is not completely curable and requires periodic monitoring of the condition.


Purulent discharge from the nipples in women can appear when an infection enters the body. They can accompany diseases such as mastitis, abscess. Most often, along with purulent discharge, a woman feels weakness, fever, pain in the chest and an increase in its size.

breast examination
breast examination

Green highlights

Nipple fluid that is green in color may occur with galactorrhea. This is also indicated by highlights and a white tint. However, most often such phenomena indicate the presence of mastopathy or fibrous neoplasms in the chest.


Discharge from the nipples when pressed with blood impurities can occur with mechanical injuries of the chest. If she was not injured, then the production of red fluid may signal a benignneoplasm in the milk duct. In rare cases, spotting can be a sign of cancer. In this case, they are accompanied by the appearance of nodular formations that are felt when probing the chest.

Common causes

Discharge from the nipples of the breast, which is not associated with mechanical injuries or bruises, may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. Infectious diseases are provocateurs of discharge from the chest in most cases. Normally, bacteria live in the breast duct. With stress or illness, when the level of immunity decreases, the bacteria become aggressive and provoke inflammatory processes. They are manifested by purulent or yellow discharge from the nipples, chest pain, areola redness, fever, general poor he alth.
  2. Abscess is a collection of pus that occurs due to the development of bacteria. Breastfeeding mothers are most susceptible to abscess.
  3. Mastopathy, or dishormonal hyperplasia, develops when the hormonal balance is disturbed and provokes the appearance of discharge from the nipples. With mastopathy, benign neoplasms often develop, which can provoke pain in the mammary gland.
  4. Galactorrhea - increased production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of a liquid that resembles breast milk in characteristics. Most often, the disease is not associated with pregnancy and feeding the newborn.
  5. breast cancer
    breast cancer
  6. Neoplasms ortumors can cause bleeding. Most often they are provoked by papillomas. In rare cases, such discharge can be a signal of the presence of breast cancer.
  7. Paget's disease is a form of breast cancer, in which, in addition to discharge, you can notice peeling of the nipples, their retraction, redness, itching, burning in the chest.
  8. Chronic or acute forms of pelvic disease.
  9. The consequences of an abortion or miscarriage in early pregnancy.
  10. Mastitis is an infectious disease that is typical for nursing mothers. In this case, the chest becomes inflamed, enlarged, becomes very painful when pressed and touched. Purulent discharge from the nipples may appear.

The thoracic ducts contain a physiological secret. Normally, it can be released in a small amount when pressing on the nipple. With frequent squeezing, the physiological secret begins to form much more. In most cases, it is a clear discharge from the nipple.

Pregnancy Discharge

In this state, the woman's body begins to actively prepare for the upcoming motherhood. At the same time, the mammary gland increases significantly in size, and the hormone prolactin also begins to be produced. As a result, small amounts of a white or clear, odorless liquid may be discharged from the chest.

pregnant woman
pregnant woman

Most often this happens after the 20th week of pregnancy. After childbirth, colostrum production turns into milk production. Whereina young mother needs to carefully monitor the he alth of her breasts in order to avoid possible difficulties when feeding her baby. In addition, poor personal hygiene during this period can also cause infections.

Disease Diagnosis

To determine the disease, it is necessary to undergo a set of examinations, which begins with a visual examination and palpation of the breast by a mammologist. This is necessary to detect seals, neoplasms, tissue swelling.

The following diagnostic methods are used to make an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Mammography is a diagnostic method using an x-ray machine. It makes it possible to examine in detail the structure of the milk ducts and the condition of the breast as a whole. Mammography can detect cysts, calcifications, fibroadenomas.
  2. Ultrasound is one of the safest and most informative methods for diagnosing breast diseases.
  3. Complete blood count indicates the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  4. Ductography is a method of breast examination with the introduction of a contrast agent into the milk duct. This diagnostic method allows you to identify papillomas, ectasia.
  5. mammography procedure
    mammography procedure

If there is a suspicion of the hormonal nature of the disease, then additional tests for sex hormones or thyroid hormones are prescribed.

Prevention of pathologies

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent this or that disease by 100%. However, you can significantly reduce the chances of occurrence. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid stressful situations and emotional overstrain, as they negatively affect the immune system.
  2. Exclude or limit bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
  3. Monitor body weight.
  4. Eat quality food.
  5. Perform monthly breast self-examination.

Such simple tips will help prevent not only the development of breast diseases, but also other pathologies.

Discharge from men

Despite the fact that discharge from the nipples is considered exclusively a female problem, a small percentage of men are also prone to diseases of the mammary glands. From the point of view of anatomy, the female breast differs from the male only in the thickness of the fat layer. They also have a mammary gland, although not as developed as that of the fairer sex.

male breast cancer
male breast cancer

If nipples hurt and discharge from the chest in men, these are signs of breast cancer in 75% of cases. According to statistics, it occurs only in 1% of men with cancer. In other cases, discharge from the nipples is caused by hyperprolactinemia - an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which, in turn, is caused by a pituitary tumor.

In any case, discharge from the male breast is not normal and is subject to medical examination and treatment of the disease that caused it.


Almost allcases of discharge from the nipples signal the presence of a problem, especially if they have an uncharacteristic color, smell and texture for physiological. Detection with pressure or in a calm state of fluid secretions is a reason for seeking medical help. It is important not to self-medicate, as precious time can be irretrievably lost.
