Women's he alth 2024, October

Thyroid disease in women, symptoms of the disease

Thyroid disease in women, symptoms of the disease

As can be seen from the statistics, thyroid diseases are more common in women. The symptoms of the disease are as numerous as the conditions that lead to its development. Most diseases of the endocrine system are united by a common cause

Does the chest hurt with menopause: symptoms, causes, treatments, reviews

Does the chest hurt with menopause: symptoms, causes, treatments, reviews

Many people think that if the chest starts to hurt, then, most likely, an oncological disease develops. In fact, this is a big misconception, but a visit to the doctor should not be put off anyway. In the course of communication, the patient has the opportunity to talk about her feelings and, together with the doctor, the most suitable option will be selected to combat breast hypersensitivity

Obstetric bleeding: causes and principles of treatment

Obstetric bleeding: causes and principles of treatment

Obstetrical bleeding is a very serious disorder and a dangerous condition that requires competent complex treatment to avoid complications

Hormonal spiral "Mirena": review, instructions for use, composition, effectiveness and reviews

Hormonal spiral "Mirena": review, instructions for use, composition, effectiveness and reviews

Thanks to modern methods of contraception, a woman can not only protect herself from unwanted pregnancy, but also get rid of some diseases. One of the popular protection options that can give such a result is the hormonal spiral

Resistant ovary syndrome: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Resistant ovary syndrome: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Resistant ovary syndrome is the least understood form of female pathology. Most often, this disease appears in 25-35 years. It is characterized by a temporary absence of menstruation with an increased level of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland

Intrauterine contraceptives: types, features, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Intrauterine contraceptives: types, features, advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Within the framework of this material, we will highlight intrauterine contraceptives, talk about their advantages, features of use and feedback from those who have already used these means

Painkillers for hepatitis B: a list of permitted drugs

Painkillers for hepatitis B: a list of permitted drugs

Any painkillers for breastfeeding have an effect not only on the mother, but also on the child. However, there are situations when they simply cannot be dispensed with. In this article we will tell you what medicines can be taken by a nursing mother

Double ovulation: causes and signs

Double ovulation: causes and signs

With the concept of "menstrual cycle" should be familiar to every representative of the weaker sex. Indeed, thanks to this feature of the body, women have the opportunity to reproduce offspring. In addition, the control of the menstrual cycle allows you to plan pregnancy

Cause of failure of menstruation, symptoms and treatment

Cause of failure of menstruation, symptoms and treatment

The basis of women's he alth is a regular monthly cycle. There are times when it crashes. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. We will consider them further

Monthly one day: reasons, what does it mean?

Monthly one day: reasons, what does it mean?

A normal menstruation cycle, which lasts from three to seven days, is the main indicator of a woman's reproductive system functioning properly. If menstruation goes one day, is this a standard or a pathology? This question is asked by girls who are faced with this phenomenon and want to know how to act correctly

Tampons "Koteks": reviews, types, applications and features

Tampons "Koteks": reviews, types, applications and features

Critical days are a special event in the life of every woman. Foreign and domestic manufacturers make sure that these days of the month pass for women with comfort. Today, there are many products in the form of pads and tampons on the market, and it is extremely difficult to decide on the choice of a suitable intimate hygiene product

Low progesterone in the luteal phase: causes, symptoms, methods of correction

Low progesterone in the luteal phase: causes, symptoms, methods of correction

Reduced levels of this hormone is considered a symptom of incorrect functioning of the ovaries. This condition is medically referred to as a luteal phase defect (LPD). An insufficient level of progesterone in this period contributes to the creation of negative conditions on the surface of the inner layer of the uterus for the implantation of a fetal egg into it

Defloration cystitis (honeymoon cystitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Defloration cystitis (honeymoon cystitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

The hymen acts as a protective natural barrier that prevents infection from entering the genitourinary system in females. In the event of a violation of its integrity, a woman becomes vulnerable to any infectious agents. In addition, the first sexual intercourse may be accompanied by the release of blood, which can bring bacteria into the urethra from the external genital organs

What color should breast milk be: color indicators of colostrum and milk, causes of color change, photo

What color should breast milk be: color indicators of colostrum and milk, causes of color change, photo

Breast milk is a uniquely nutritious food that can change its smell along with color and taste during different periods of lactation. A change in the color of milk can be observed during the day, when certain physiological changes occur in the body of a nursing mother

Breakthrough bleeding when taking OK: causes, therapy. Contraceptive pills - which is better to choose

Breakthrough bleeding when taking OK: causes, therapy. Contraceptive pills - which is better to choose

Breakthrough bleeding when taking OCs is bleeding that occurs at the beginning or middle of the menstrual cycle while using birth control pills. Unlike the meager spotting of blood with addiction to such medications, breakthrough bleeding is very profuse

Pathology of the uterus: causes, consequences

Pathology of the uterus: causes, consequences

The uterus is the most important organ for women's reproductive he alth and outward beauty. Due to it, the work of the entire reproductive system is carried out. However, many girls may experience violations of the structure of this organ. In these cases, experts say that the patient develops uterine pathology

How to survive the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

How to survive the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

The woman herself does not understand what is happening to her. She is angry at the whole world, she feels sorry for herself and her miserable life, she wants to burrow under the covers and cry. And then she realizes: yes, this is the notorious PMS

Postpartum depression: symptoms, signs, causes. What is postpartum depression and how to avoid it?

Postpartum depression: symptoms, signs, causes. What is postpartum depression and how to avoid it?

In this article, we explained what postpartum depression is. Symptoms that characterize this condition most often appear after a few days after the birth of the baby

Fibroma of the uterus: the first signs and treatment

Fibroma of the uterus: the first signs and treatment

Uterine fibroids are among the most common gynecological diseases. This diagnosis is made annually to thousands of women around the world. The main danger of pathology is that it can cause a malignant tumor of the uterus, that is, cancer

Biomechanism of labor in anterior occipital presentation. Obstetric support during childbirth

Biomechanism of labor in anterior occipital presentation. Obstetric support during childbirth

During childbirth, the fetus passes to the exit from the birth canal, performing translational and rotational movements. The complex of such movements is the biomechanism of childbirth. Over 90% of births are occipital presentation of the fetus

Effective Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

Effective Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse

Kegel wanted to develop a technique to help pregnant women cope with urinary incontinence. What came out of this, how does his well-known exercises help with uterine prolapse?

Breast nipple correction: photos and reviews

Breast nipple correction: photos and reviews

The article will tell you about what is the operation of nipple correction, what features it has. Is it scary? Is it dangerous?

Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews

Women's consultation 5, Krasnodar: address, reviews

Women's clinic No. 5 of Krasnodar - a medical facility with a long history of work. In this article you can find the address, contacts, opening hours of the medical center. As well as a list of services provided and reviews about doctors

Symptom pupil in gynecology

Symptom pupil in gynecology

All about the concept of "pupil symptom" in gynecology. How does this phenomenon affect a possible pregnancy. Methods for diagnosing the phenomenon of the pupil

Useful information: how to express breast milk correctly

Useful information: how to express breast milk correctly

After feeding a baby, mommy always has milk in her breasts, so every woman needs to be able to express milk. How to properly express breast milk?

Causes of discharge after menstruation

Causes of discharge after menstruation

Monthly bleeding is a process that is characterized by periodicity. Each representative of the weaker sex needs to be attentive to this phenomenon. If you suspect any pathology, the best solution would be to consult a doctor. Sometimes a woman is faced with such a problem as discharge after menstruation. Their reasons are described in the sections of the article

Wide pelvis and its meaning for a woman

Wide pelvis and its meaning for a woman

Attractiveness of a wide pelvis of women for the stronger sex and its biological significance. Scientifically established features of a woman with wide hips

Why do breasts swell before menstruation?

Why do breasts swell before menstruation?

Approximately 70% of women are well aware - if the breasts are swollen, then it's time to stock up on feminine hygiene products and prepare for mood swings. This sign of approaching menstruation, along with a dramatically changing mood, discomfort in the lower abdomen and other signs, is included in the description of the classic premenstrual syndrome. In some women, the breasts begin to hurt and even immediately after the onset of ovulation

Menopause in women. What is it?

Menopause in women. What is it?

The time comes in the life of any woman when some changes begin to occur in her body. So that the menopause does not take you by surprise, you need to prepare for it

Ovulation during menstruation: causes, symptoms, the concept of ovulation, the menstrual cycle, the possibility of pregnancy, advice and recommendations from gynecologists

Ovulation during menstruation: causes, symptoms, the concept of ovulation, the menstrual cycle, the possibility of pregnancy, advice and recommendations from gynecologists

Sex drive is a completely unpredictable manifestation. For this reason, it is completely unrealistic to control this circumstance depending on the monthly cycle. Including during the period of menstruation, women feel attracted to a partner and strive to indulge in love joys. In such cases, you need to definitely know what the likelihood of pregnancy will be, should you use contraceptives?

It hurts the seam after caesarean section: possible causes

It hurts the seam after caesarean section: possible causes

Pain after caesarean section - women remember them for a long time after the operation. For some, they are still in the hospital, while for others they are stored for months, or even years. What to do if such a negative situation has affected you, and how long does the seam hurt after a cesarean section - 1 month, 2 months or more, what is considered the norm?

Delay 1 day, pulls the lower abdomen: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Delay 1 day, pulls the lower abdomen: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Delay is such a welcome occurrence for those who want a baby. And so undesirable, for those who by all means protect themselves from pregnancy. But does she always talk about an interesting situation? Or does it indicate the presence of pathologies?

Is it possible to lie in the bath during menstruation? Possible consequences, medical advice

Is it possible to lie in the bath during menstruation? Possible consequences, medical advice

Despite the fact that during menstruation you can take a hot bath, warm or cool water should be preferred. This procedure will perfectly calm and relieve stress. On hot summer days, it is better to take a cool bath to refresh and cheer up. The water temperature for a warm bath should not exceed 37-39 degrees. Such water will be optimal for swimming on special days. But the time of bathing with warm and cool water, unlike hot, can be increased to 15-20 minutes

Reason for delay in negative test. What is the danger of constant delays

Reason for delay in negative test. What is the danger of constant delays

Delayed menstruation is the absence of cyclical bleeding for more than thirty-five days. This phenomenon is observed among women who are in reproductive age. There can be many reasons for this disorder, they are usually explained by a physiological, organic and functional disorder

Placental abruption in early pregnancy: possible causes and consequences

Placental abruption in early pregnancy: possible causes and consequences

Placental abruption is a medical term that refers to a complication of pregnancy. Depending on a number of parameters, it leads to bleeding or spontaneous abortion. The consequences depend on the speed of contacting a doctor and the effectiveness of care. Therefore, the expectant mother should know the alarming symptoms and respond appropriately to them. Today we’ll talk in detail about what constitutes placental abruption at different times and what it threatens

Women's he alth: a symptom of mastitis, prevention and treatment

Women's he alth: a symptom of mastitis, prevention and treatment

A clear symptom of mastitis is swollen, hardened nipples that hurt to touch. Breasts seem overflowing with milk, swollen, but it is expressed with difficulty. Be sure to pay attention to body temperature - it rises sharply. Slight chills, a slight malaise in a short time develop into a strong fever and pronounced soreness

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy: signs

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy: signs

Dishormonal disease, in which there is excessive growth of tissues and the formation of cysts, is called fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands. Treatment, causes, symptoms of this pathology will be considered in the article

Why do breasts ache in women: reasons

Why do breasts ache in women: reasons

Why women's chest aches: types of pain, chest pains and aches during pregnancy, at the doctor's office, causes of mastopathy

Submucosal node in the uterus: signs and methods of treatment

Submucosal node in the uterus: signs and methods of treatment

Women often go to the gynecologist with complaints of prolonged menstruation. This disorder may indicate many disorders in the reproductive system

Chronic endometritis: symptoms and treatment, reviews

Chronic endometritis: symptoms and treatment, reviews

Chronic endometritis is an inflammatory disease that needs to be correctly diagnosed and treated. Most women who have problems conceiving and carrying a pregnancy are unaware that the problem may lie in the functioning of the endometrium