Cooper's Bundle - what is it? Compacted Cooper's ligaments

Cooper's Bundle - what is it? Compacted Cooper's ligaments
Cooper's Bundle - what is it? Compacted Cooper's ligaments

The female breast is a complex organ with an important function. This is where milk is produced to feed the baby. In the past, it was a sweat gland, but during evolution it changed and began to produce milk.

In this article, let's look at what Cooper's bond is.


cooper bundle
cooper bundle

The anatomy of the female breast can be represented as follows:

  • chest wall;
  • chest;
  • glandular tissue;
  • milk share;
  • milky way;
  • areola nipples;
  • nipples;
  • adipose tissue;
  • skin.

Age-related changes in the female breasts

First, the breast develops in the same way in boys and girls.

Cooper's ligaments are compacted what is it
Cooper's ligaments are compacted what is it

But then things change. The breast in girls increases due to the fatty layer, lobules and milk ducts are formed in it. The nipples stand out and become swollen. Over the course of several years, the mammary glands grow, then become fully formed.

The breast undergoes the greatest number of changes during pregnancy. The glandular tissue increases, the alveoli and ducts too. Breast milk is produced. The mammary glands noticeably increase in size. During breastfeeding, a woman's breasts continue to grow and become very large. By weight, it is quite heavy, especially when poured with milk. Immediately, as soon as the child has eaten, it decreases a little, but then pours again. This process is very interesting. After the end of the period of feeding the child, their size becomes the same. Glandular tissue becomes smaller, replaced by fat.

During menopause, the body of the mammary gland disappears, it is completely replaced by fat and connective fibers.

The structure of the nipple and areola

Cooper's ligaments of the mammary gland
Cooper's ligaments of the mammary gland

The shape of the mammary gland is a symmetrical hemisphere, which is attached to the pectoral muscle approximately at the level of the 2nd and 6th ribs. The chest is divided into four quadrants, the upper two and the same number of lower ones. If lines are drawn vertically and horizontally through the nipple, then four areas of equal size are formed. This is used for breast examinations.

In the central part of the female breast there is a nipple and an areola. The breast nipple can be considered a small protrusion of tissue with holes. The tissue of the nipple is pigmented. From the holes, the baby sucks breast milk. In a woman who has not yet had a child, the nipple looks like a cone, its color is pinkish. After childbirth, the nipple resembles a cylinder in shape, its color darkens, becomes brown. There are flat nipplescan be very uncomfortable while breastfeeding. But the baby's efforts may cause the nipple to stretch.

Areola is the delicate skin around the nipples. Usually it is pink or brown, it depends on the pigment. The areola is covered with small wrinkles. These are the tubercles of Montgomery. The sebaceous glands in the areola are of a certain type, and the Montgomery tubercles serve as protection against drying out. After all, they have a secret. Areolas and nipples are not necessarily symmetrical about the center and each other. This is not abnormal.

What breasts are made of

Mostly in the breast of a woman there is a glandular component. It consists of small shares. There are about twenty of them in each breast. They have a cone shape, they are located with the tip towards the nipple. The share consists of alveoli, that is, small lobules. They produce breast milk. Between the alveoli are Cooper's ligaments, with which the breast is attached to the skin, connective tissue and fat.

From the milk lobe are the milk ducts. They lead to the nipple. If you carefully feel the chest, you can feel them. They resemble tubercles and ligaments.

The structure of the female breast is unique. It can be compared to a vine and grapes. Outside, it is covered with skin, under it there is a layer of fat.

What is Cooper's bond

Cooper's ligaments are thickened
Cooper's ligaments are thickened

These links are of great importance. They got their name in honor of Astley Cooper, who was an English scientist. These are thin fibers that pass through the chest and connect the deep layers of tissues. Thanks to the Coopersthe ligaments maintain the shape and elasticity of the bust. Cooper's ligaments of the mammary gland are under greater stress, especially if the breast is large and with a lot of fat. With age, they become weak, and the chest sags. Her form is lost. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use good corrective underwear, especially when playing sports. The bra should be supportive. Ligaments are not recoverable after sprain.

Cooper's ligament is made up of connective tissue. You can determine the presence of a tumor by its condition. If there is a tumor, then the ligaments become compacted. The skin over the tumor becomes retracted. If an oncological process in the mammary gland is suspected, they say that there are signs of wrinkling or umbilization. This is of great importance in the diagnosis of cancer. Cooper's tight ligaments are very dangerous.

Cooper's ligament fibrosis
Cooper's ligament fibrosis

Main causes of breast cancer

1. genetic factor. If any of the relatives had breast cancer, this significantly increases the risk of a woman developing the same type of cancer.

2. Hormonal changes in the body. Often this happens at the onset of menopause, when progesterone and estrogen are produced in smaller quantities. But pregnancy and breastfeeding, on the contrary, normalize the hormonal background, so it reduces the risk of oncology.

3. A large number of abortions. During abortion, the female body experiences severe hormonal stress, for this reason, cancer cells can form.

4. badecology, malnutrition, bad habits contribute to the development of oncology.

5. Inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, such as mastitis.

6. Frequent chest radiation.

7. Being overweight can also lead to cancer. Adipose tissue can trigger an overproduction of hormones, which can lead to cancer.

All women are advised to have regular breast exams with a mammologist or gynecologist. But you can also independently make diagnostics at home. If there is the slightest suspicion of any lumps in the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Many women, unfortunately, do not carry out any diagnosis and go to the doctor when the stage of the disease is already too severe. But successful treatment directly depends on how timely it is started. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist or mammologist regularly.

Cooper's ligament fibrosis

Often there are fibrotic changes in the mammary gland. These are dense, clearly contoured, stringy shadows on a mammogram, localized in separate areas or spreading throughout the gland. The glandular triangle has an indistinct contour due to fibrosis of the Cooper ligaments. The formations are located near the lobules and along the milk ducts.

In addition, cystic changes in the mammary gland may predominate. On the mammogram, this is indicated by the deformation of the pattern, rounded, oval, merging shadows are present on it. This shows that Cooper's ligamentsthickened.

Mammography for mastopathy

hardened cooper ligaments
hardened cooper ligaments

Hyperplasia of the glandular component (adenosis) is easy to identify with mammography. This is a lot of irregularly shaped uneven small-focal shadows merging with each other, with uneven, fuzzy contours. This is a kind of motley zone with uneven density. Shadows are grouped in the outer quadrants, and can be scattered throughout the gland.

This is what happens when Cooper's ligaments are tight. What is it, we discussed above. They can merge, become like a continuous seal of the entire gland. Its triangle is wavy, polycyclic. The area where hyperplasia is present resembles a lacy pattern.

Changes can be mixed. Then the appearance of a chaotic mosaic pattern with a pronounced density is possible. There are indistinctly defined focal seals. Cooper's ligament in this case is also compacted.

How to take care of your breasts

Choosing the right bra is very important. Its size should fit perfectly. The fabric must be natural. Proper underwear will help fix the chest, which will keep its shape. She will not be susceptible to injury or hypothermia.

But there should not be too much foam rubber in the bra, otherwise the breasts may overheat. It's bad for her.

Breast cream should not contain hormones. It must be of good quality.

fibrosis of Cooper's ligaments
fibrosis of Cooper's ligaments


It is recommended to visit a mammologist once every six months. And from a young age. If aIf you have swelling or changes in the appearance of your breasts and nipples, see your doctor immediately.

We examined in detail the structure of the female breast, as well as possible seals in it. What is Cooper's ligament fibrosis is also described.