Although it is believed that the body is a complex self-regulating system, sometimes surgery is indispensable. In the animal world, the rule of natural selection operates - the one who is stronger, more enduring, he althier survives. Human life is expensive to carry out such experiments. Therefore, people with serious malfunctions of the body decide on surgical intervention in order to correct the disease state. Before doing surgery, the pros and cons are weighed, taking into account the chances for improvement and the risks of negative consequences.

The decision to perform a surgical intervention is made taking into account the indications. They can be relative in nature - to address issues of correction of a disease state that are not urgent - and absolute - a response to threats associated with a real and obvious danger to life. Postponement of such operations is possible only in the presence of agony in the patient.
When determining the indications, the justification for the urgency of the intervention is usually immediately given. At this stage, it is determined with the possibility of its implementation. Conditions are taken into accountoperating room, the availability of the necessary equipment and tools, the possibility of additional examination, taking biomaterials for analysis.
Even if the doctor is sure that it is necessary and possible to perform the operation, he must obtain permission from the patient or persons representing his interests (unconsciousness, limited legal capacity). In some cases, if the patient's life is threatened and if it is impossible to establish his identity, the doctor may not wait for official consent.

Ideally, each patient should undergo a detailed medical examination to understand whether the operation can be performed according to the indications. In general cases, a standard commission survey is carried out. At the appointment, the patient declares the presence or absence of complaints about well-being.
In case of existing he alth problems, additional examinations are prescribed. In some cases, a complete blood count and x-ray will be sufficient. In others, the results of additional tests, data from electrocardiography, ultrasound diagnostics, MRI, specific tests may be needed.
Regardless of the quality of preoperative preparation, the patient is examined by an anesthetist before the intervention using general anesthesia. Additionally, they check the absence of contraindications associated with the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, mental disorders.

Any interference in the activity of systems and organs of a living organism beforeto a certain extent borders on the risk of irreversible consequences or critical violations of their functions. Modern diagnostics and operating methods reduce them to a minimum, but such options should also be considered before deciding whether to perform an operation or limit yourself to conservative treatment methods.
The principle of surgery - separation of tissues - implies the presence of physiological and psychological trauma. It can be expressed more or less, but still a certain period for recovery will definitely be needed. And although when determining risks, they try to follow the principle that the operation should not be more dangerous than the consequences, sometimes you have to grab at every opportunity to get rid of the disease.

Types of intervention
Under the operation is understood a complex medical effect on the patient's body (his tissues and / or organs) in order to correct his disease state or additional diagnostics. In most cases, such an intervention occurs after opening the outer skin with a special tool. Recently, it has become possible to operate using new high-tech equipment. Electrocoagulation, wave radiofrequency, laser radiation, cryosurgery, ultrasound can be used.
Distinguish between simple operations that can be performed on the basis of outpatient departments, and complex ones that require a special room (operating unit). In different cases, the number of medical staff will be different (surgeon,assistant, anesthesiologist, nurse, nurse).
How do operations to reduce dislocations? In such cases, tissue separation is not necessary. Correction of the condition is carried out without the help of a surgical instrument (manual aid).

How many do the operation
Surgery can take minutes or hours. It all depends on the type, purpose, complexity of the procedure. When you have to operate for several hours in a row, teams of surgeons work in shifts so that doctors have the opportunity to rest. In special cases, additional specialists from related fields may be involved if a highly specialized consultation is required during the implementation of the main procedure.
Some operations are done under general anesthesia, others under local anesthesia. If the impact is insignificant and transient (pulling out a loose tooth), the anesthetic can be completely abandoned. The total duration of the intervention also depends on the time of preparatory and final procedures. There are times when the main impact takes a minute, but it takes much longer to provide access to the focus.
Also the duration can be affected by how the operations are done. The fundamental principle is that the incision is made as minimal as possible, but so that it provides operational space. If everything goes according to schedule, this is one thing, but often there are unforeseen situations, complications (bleeding, shock). There is a need to prolong the action of anesthesia or anesthesia to remove the patient fromcritical condition, wound relief, completion of the operation.

There are three main points in the course of surgical intervention. First you need to expose the organ or focus (provide access). This is followed by the main procedure associated with various kinds of manipulations with the instrument or equipment (operational reception). It can be different in complexity, nature, type and method of exposure. At the final stage (operative exit), the integrity of damaged tissues is restored. The wound is sutured tightly or a drainage hole is left.
The organization of the surgical operation begins with the placement of the prepared patient (sanitary treatment) on the operating table. The expediency of the location is determined by the surgeon, he also chooses the instrument, the option of operational access, admission and exit. Depending on what operations are performed, the procedure can be carried out in any suitable position and not necessarily on the table. The anesthesiologist provides anesthesia, the assistant helps during the intervention, the operating nurse is responsible for the tools and materials, the nurse ensures the proper level of cleanliness.
From how operations are performed, they distinguish among them primary and repeated (after complications). Surgical intervention can be radical, aimed at completely eliminating the causes or consequences of pathologies, or palliative (partial solution of the problem). If it is not possible to solve the problem, intervention is carried out,aimed at alleviating the patient's condition (symptomatic intervention).
According to the term, they can be urgent (immediately when making a diagnosis according to indications), urgent (within the first hours after admission to the hospital), planned against the background of a normal general condition (without a specific deadline, according to the patient's readiness). It is also possible to single out interventions associated with violations in the integrity of tissues or organs (bloody), and bloodless (crushing stones); purulent (abscesses) and aseptic (clean).
From the nature of localization are distinguished: cavity (peritoneum, chest, cranium) and superficial (skin). And also: on soft tissues (muscles) and bone (amputations, resections). From the type of tissue over which the surgical procedure is performed: neurosurgical, ophthalmic, plastic, and so on.
The name of the surgical operation is determined by the type of organ on which the impact is made and the surgical procedure. For example, appendectomy - removal of the appendix; thoracoplasty - elimination of defects and more.

What to do after surgery
Depending on the complexity of the intervention, the surgeon decides whether further monitoring of the patient is appropriate. With a mild degree, he can be released home or sent for observation by a local therapist. They can be transferred to a regular ward or intensive care, delivered to the intensive care unit. In any case, a rehabilitation period is necessary for a full recovery.
Depending on the complexity of the intervention, he mayhave a different length and include a wide range of procedures: physiotherapy, massage, preventive physical education. This stage is aimed at restoring the tone of atrophied muscles after prolonged bed rest or, for example, at increasing the motor activity of the damaged joint. In each case, a specific task is set, which can be achieved by various methods. The main goal is to restore body functions that provide a normal lifestyle.