It is known that blood plays one of the main roles in the body, because it is used to transport nutrients to all organs and tissues of the body. Delivery of water-soluble substances is quite simple, since they are in the blood plasma in a liquid state. But the transportation of fats and fat-like substances in this way is impossible, because they are almost completely insoluble in water. In order for the body to receive the required amount of fat, special carrier proteins are used, which, together with lipids, form a special compound - lipoproteins. What this definition means and what functions it performs, we will analyze in the article.
Lipoproteins are complex protein complexes, the main function of which is the delivery of lipids from the liver to peripheral organs and back. They contain phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids and neutral fats. Despite the widespread opinion about the dangers of lipids, their role in the normal functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate.
The importance of lipoproteins
Lipoproteins are complex compounds that play a very important role in the functioning of the body. They perform a number of important functions. Consider the most significant of them:
- Participate in cholesterol metabolism.
- Perform a transport function, delivering fats to other organs.
- Are sources of energy.
- Participate in the formation of hormones.
- Help the nervous system.
- Stimulate the immune system.
- Activate blood clotting.
- Deliver iron to tissues and organs.
- HDL removes excess cholesterol, thereby cleansing the blood vessels. This is a prevention of the development of many diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Using the ultracentrifugation method, a classification of lipoproteins by density was developed. The more lipids in a molecule, the lower its density. The following forms of connections are distinguished:
- Chylomicrons. The largest particles that contain lipids. They are produced in the small intestine. Deliver fats to the liver. Getting into the blood indicates serious violations of metabolic processes.
- Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) - composed almost entirely of fat.
- Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) - a compound that contains a uniform content of protein and substances similar to fats. Abnormalities may indicate the development of atherosclerosis.
- Intermediate Bond Density (ILPP) - inthe diagnosis of their blood level is practically not used.
- High-density lipoproteins (HDL) - deliver cholesterol to tissues and organs.
Name of compounds | Men, mmol/l | Women, mmol/l |
VLDL | 0, 25 - 1, 04 | 0, 25 - 1, 04 |
LDL | 2, 25 - 4, 08 | 1, 92 - 4, 05 |
BOB | 0, 21 - 0, 4 | 021 - 0, 4 |
HDL | 0, 7 - 1, 7 | 0, 8 - 2, 28 |
The norms of values for men and women are slightly different due to the fact that under the influence of estrogen in women, the elasticity of blood vessels is increased, which lowers the coefficient of atherogenicity. After the age of fifty, the norms of indicators become the same.

Low density compounds are called beta-lipoproteins. In their composition, the amount of fat prevails over proteins. The main function is the delivery of fats. Also, this type of compounds is involved in the work of hormones and the construction of cell membranes.
With elevated low-density lipoproteins, the development of various diseases is possible, one of which is atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that with an excess of LDL, they settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. Because of this, this type of lipoprotein is called "bad".
It is worth noting that the decoding of LDL indicators is carried out based on the level of otherblood components.
Reasons for high and low LDL cholesterol
Increased low-density lipoprotein can be triggered by the following factors:
- Thyroid disease.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Pathological conditions of the kidneys and liver.
- Stagnation of bile.
- Kidney stone formation.
- Obesity.
- Improper diet, which contains a large amount of fatty foods and useless carbohydrates.
The following conditions may be the causes of a pathological decrease in the level of low density lipoproteins:
- Frequent depressions.
- Predisposition to low cholesterol.
- Anorexia.
- Frequent diets.
- Wrong diet with a lack of fat.
- Heavy metal poisoning.
- Anemia.
- Insufficient physical activity.
- Infectious diseases.
Significant deviations from the norm can cause serious complications.
Indications for LDL analysis
An analysis for the level of beta-lipoproteins is prescribed if the following symptoms occur:
- Weight gain.
- Memory deterioration.
- Delayed reactions.
- Pain and discomfort in the sternum.
- The feeling of "goosebumps".
- Feeling of numbness of limbs.
Alpha lipoproteins

Alpha lipoproteins are high density compounds,characterized by high protein content. The main function of "good" compounds is the absorption of excess fats from the bloodstream and cells and their further transportation to the liver. The higher the level of HDL in the blood, the lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Causes of HDL increase and decrease
Since high-density lipoproteins protect the body from the occurrence of atherosclerosis and other similar diseases, an increase in their level in the blood in most cases does not pose a serious threat to human he alth. But still, there are pathological causes of increased values, which may require corrective treatment. It is important to know all the factors that can lead to an imbalance of substances:
- Chronic alcoholism.
- Genetic diseases in which the excretion of "good" cholesterol is impaired or hyperproduction of this substance occurs.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Primary cirrhosis.
- Pregnancy. In the later stages, HDL levels can double.
Lowering the level of "good" cholesterol is a more dangerous condition than its increase. The causes of the pathological decrease are:
- Development of atherosclerosis.
- Cardiovascular disease.
- Obesity.
- Stroke.
- Ischemic heart disease.
- Emotional and physical exhaustion.
- Heart attack.
- Age.
- Infection of a viral and bacterial nature.
HDL imbalance symptoms

Signs that may indicate pathological high-density lipoprotein values will depend on which disease caused this.
In most cases, symptoms do not become noticeable immediately and begin to appear when complications develop. The following signs can indicate the presence of diseases that provoked deviations from the norm:
- Shortness of breath.
- Dizziness.
- Headaches.
- Overweight.
- Pain behind the sternum.
- Impaired breathing.
- Decrease in performance, weakness.

The main diagnostic method for determining the level of blood lipoproteins is a lipidogram. For analysis, venous blood is used, which is taken on an empty stomach. This analysis reveals lipid metabolism disorders and determines the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and other pathological conditions.
In order for the analysis result to be as accurate as possible, certain rules must be followed.
- Do not eat 12 hours before testing.
- Don't drink alcohol a few days before your procedure.
- Do not smoke before blood sampling.
- Avoid stressful situations and strenuous exercise.
- Do not eat fatty foods the day before the test.
It is necessary to take an analysis for the level of lipoproteins every five years. After 40 years, an annual check-up is recommended.

Therapy aimed at normalizing the level of lipoproteins in the blood should be prescribed by the attending physician based on the results of the tests. Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition to drug treatment, diet is mandatory. Without proper nutrition, therapy for this pathological condition will not bring positive results, or they will be short-lived.
Drugs are prescribed based on the cause of the violation of the level of lipoproteins. The following medications may be used at higher values:
- B vitamins.
- Drugs that lower cholesterol and help remove it from the body. For example, "Cholestan", "Cholestyramine".
- Statins. These are drugs that lower the amount of cholesterol, reduce its production by the liver and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Diet therapy is prescribed individually, but there are general recommendations that allow not only to get rid of the signs of a pathological condition, but also to prevent their reappearance.
Let's look at the key rules of the diet.
- It is necessary to exclude foods containing animal fat from the diet.
- Eat more vegetables and fruits.
- It is recommended to consume dietary fiber and vitamins.
- When choosing a cooking method, you should refuse to fry, smoke and bake with a lot of oil.
- Shows eating lean fish.
Cholesterol-lowering foods include:
- Bran.
- Green tea.
- Red vegetables and fruits.
- Almonds.
- Garlic.
- Olive oil.
The increase in the level of lipoproteins is affected by:
- High fat cheese.
- Sausage.
- Margarine.
- Butter.
- Cream.
- Shrimp.
- Fatty foods.
- Smoked meats.
- Soda drinks.
- Sweet pastries.
Meals should be fractional and served in small portions.
In addition to the above methods of treatment, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and engage in moderate physical activity.
Possible consequences and prognosis

Prognosis for violation of the level of lipoproteins will depend on what provoked the pathological condition, and how much the deviation from the norm occurred.
- Slight changes do not indicate dangerous diseases and can be corrected by a special diet.
- Medication and diet may be required for moderate disturbances. It is also recommended to check the vessels for constriction.
If the treatment started is not timely or in the absence of results from the prescribed therapy, serious complications may develop.
For example, with advanced atherosclerosis, there is a complete blockage of the vessel by the formed plaque. This can cause hypoxia of the organ to which the affected vessel led.
There are also cases of tissue death, which, if left untreated, can lead to irreparable consequences.
Lipoproteins are very important blood components that perform important functions in the body. But with a pathological violation of their level, dangerous conditions can occur that require immediate treatment. You need to listen to your body and take timely check-ups. It is very important to eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle. The implementation of preventive measures can minimize the risk of deviations in the production and functionality of lipoproteins.