Medicine 2024, October

How to insert candles correctly: step-by-step instructions for use, features, tips

How to insert candles correctly: step-by-step instructions for use, features, tips

Suppositories can be designed for insertion into the rectum or into the vagina. This form of medication is often prescribed to patients today because suppositories are effective and do not have a harmful effect on the digestive system. But not all patients know how to properly insert suppositories into the rectum or vagina

HPV diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention

HPV diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention

Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Some forms of it can cause cancer, such as cervical cancer. That is why the diagnosis of HPV is extremely important, because timely treatment can prevent many unpleasant consequences. You can read more about how to diagnose and treat HPV in this article

Indications for caesarean section during pregnancy

Indications for caesarean section during pregnancy

The birth of a little man is not always amenable to clear planning. Few babies appear at the time calculated by the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. Some decide to meet with their parents earlier than planned: already from 38 weeks the child is considered full-term, and becomes viable at 28 weeks. Other crumbs are delayed, being born at 42 weeks

Common urinalysis: norm, interpretation of results

Common urinalysis: norm, interpretation of results

Complete urinalysis or OAM for short is a laboratory test that is carried out in any medical institution. In the process of its implementation, the physical and chemical characteristics of urine are studied, and a microscopic examination of the sediment is also carried out

What is the effect of alcohol on the human body?

What is the effect of alcohol on the human body?

Experts from various branches of science have been talking about the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body for a very long time. Research scientists confirm that this product has a devastating effect on the human psyche, causes organ damage, and also negatively affects the functioning of the immune system. What else is the effect of alcohol on the human body?

Polymorphism - what is it? Genetic polymorphism

Polymorphism - what is it? Genetic polymorphism

Genetics began to develop rapidly in the 60s of the last century, it was then that protein or enzyme gel electrophoresis began to be used, which made it possible to determine genetic polymorphism. What is this method? It is with the help of it that the movement of proteins is caused in an electric field, which depends on the size of the moved protein, its configuration, as well as the total charge in different parts of the gel

Pathology or norm - total protein will tell

Pathology or norm - total protein will tell

All changes in the body will certainly affect the blood counts, and total protein is no exception in this list. This indicator, along with the rest, will help the doctor figure out where the pathology is and where the norm is. The total protein is examined in the blood serum, but more of it in the blood plasma. For different ages, there is a norm for this indicator, and this is also a criterion for diagnosis

130 over 80 - blood pressure is normal during pregnancy

130 over 80 - blood pressure is normal during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman, during which a new life matures in her body. It is during this period that it is important to monitor your pressure, changes in which can be the result of formidable complications. Timely consultation of a specialist, as well as constant monitoring, will help to achieve the optimal indicator - 130 to 80, while the pressure is considered normal and will allow pregnancy to pass without complications

Important to know what kind of doctors you need to pass for a driving school?

Important to know what kind of doctors you need to pass for a driving school?

Before you enter law school, you should undergo a medical examination. This is a mandatory circumstance for admission, therefore, before you come to your clinic, it will not be superfluous to find out which doctors you need to go through for a driving school. After receiving a medical certificate of fitness, you can safely get behind the wheel and comprehend all the intricacies of driving

In breast cancer, resection is the only way to salvation

In breast cancer, resection is the only way to salvation

It's no secret that cancer today takes a large number of lives, it ranks first among female mortality. It is worth checking and undergoing oncological examinations regularly, so you can reduce the risk of progression of the disease, as well as prevent it in time. But it happens that oncology has affected the mammary gland, and then resection is the only way to maintain he alth

Rh factor is a factor of what? And how can it be useful?

Rh factor is a factor of what? And how can it be useful?

The Rh factor is a specific protein that is found in the blood on the surface of the erythrocyte - the blood carrier. Some inhabitants of the planet have it, and some do not have this protein

Vishnevsky Institute: history and modernity

Vishnevsky Institute: history and modernity

Everyone knows what the Vishnevsky Institute is, whose achievements in the field of modern surgery are simply innumerable. Today it is a major research center, whose task is to develop and implement advanced achievements in the field of treatment and prevention of various diseases. As the flagship of domestic medicine, the institute copes with its task one hundred percent

For more than a hundred years, the Kashchenko hospital has been guarding the he alth of the population

For more than a hundred years, the Kashchenko hospital has been guarding the he alth of the population

Mental illnesses are difficult to cure today, and only a competent specialist is able to help a mentally ill person. The most famous place in Russia where this category of patients is treated is the Kashchenko Hospital. Highly qualified staff and modern diagnostic and treatment methods in combination help even in the most severe cases

Correctly applied splint on the arm ensures the correct union of the fracture

Correctly applied splint on the arm ensures the correct union of the fracture

Gypsum bandages are the most widely used in modern traumatology for conservative treatment of fractures. It is not difficult to prepare them, and the material is relatively inexpensive, and it is not difficult to get it

A pregnant woman's legs swell: cause, treatment, symptoms

A pregnant woman's legs swell: cause, treatment, symptoms

Often during pregnancy, a woman begins to pay attention to the fact that her legs swell. The reason, the treatment of such a condition of a pregnant woman is known, and the most important thing is to take action in time

Proper sterile table setting

Proper sterile table setting

During various medical procedures, sterility is of great importance. Proper covering of the sterile table can ensure it at the proper level

If you stepped on a nail, what to do

If you stepped on a nail, what to do

If a person stepped on a nail while doing housework, what to do in such a situation? Not everyone knows the answer, but it is timely measures that can prevent many complications. A stab wound with a nail can become inflamed or cause tetanus

How many vertebrae a person has is not difficult to find out

How many vertebrae a person has is not difficult to find out

Scientists have long figured out how many vertebrae a person has. The spinal column consists of departments that support the body in space. In addition, internal organs and muscles are attached to the column

What to do with high blood pressure, identified for the first time

What to do with high blood pressure, identified for the first time

High blood pressure is not uncommon today, and if earlier this disease was characteristic mainly for people over 60, now hypertension is common in those over 40. There are cases of hypertension in younger people. Often attacks develop at home, and not many people know what to do with high blood pressure at home

Which doctor treats joints in the clinic?

Which doctor treats joints in the clinic?

There are many doctors in the clinic, but few people know which doctor treats joints. That's when the real ordeal of the patient begins in search of the right specialist. In fact, everything is much simpler, and you should not worry about it

It is important to know the name of the movable joint of the bones

It is important to know the name of the movable joint of the bones

It is not a secret for any person to know the name of the movable connection of bones. Joints are important in the life of every person, and the biomechanism of movements in them is thought out to the smallest detail. Knowledge of these biomechanisms helps to diagnose diseases and perform certain physical activities

Segments of the lung. Reed segments of the lungs

Segments of the lung. Reed segments of the lungs

The lungs are the main respiratory organs. They fill the entire chest cavity with the exception of the mediastinum. Next, we consider the main tasks of these bodies. The article will also describe the lobes and segments of the lungs

Shuvarsky's test sample. Description of the procedure

Shuvarsky's test sample. Description of the procedure

Currently, there are cases when a couple plans to have children, but nothing comes of them for a long time. There may be several reasons why this happens. First of all, you should conduct an examination of the body for a state of he alth

Syncope drowning: signs, emergency care

Syncope drowning: signs, emergency care

Syncope drowning is a type of drowning in cold water. It is associated with an excessive response of the nervous system to irritation of cold receptors

Allergen-specific immunotherapy: description, features and reviews

Allergen-specific immunotherapy: description, features and reviews

Allergen-specific immunotherapy is a special technology that allows not only to stop the symptoms of allergies, but to cure them. Such treatment can be prescribed to patients aged 5 to 50 years

Blood in urine in children: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and features

Blood in urine in children: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and features

Detected blood in the urine of children is a serious reason to go to the hospital for a consultation with doctors specializing in pediatrics and urology. As a rule, parents immediately go to medical institutions for help. Any deviation from the norm in the condition of the child is a threat of the occurrence of any disease, maybe a serious one

What determines reverse intestinal peristalsis?

What determines reverse intestinal peristalsis?

Reverse peristalsis is a pathological condition of the intestines. In a simpler sense, it is defined as the reverse movement of the content, instead of the correct forward

What is a tendon: definition, functions, examples

What is a tendon: definition, functions, examples

What is a tendon? This is the portion of the muscle that attaches it to the bone. It consists of dense collagen fibers and is able to withstand enormous loads

On how to get rid of a cough

On how to get rid of a cough

Unfortunately, with the onset of cold weather, people are increasingly concerned about the question of how to get rid of a cough. It is important to know the nature of such a phenomenon, that is, to understand what is the cause of the cough. After all, this will depend on the method of treatment

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise? Description of symptoms

How to distinguish a fracture from a bruise? Description of symptoms

How can you tell a fracture from a bruise? This is one of the most difficult questions for those who are learning to give first aid. Let's try to find the answer

The child hit his head: what to look for, which doctor to contact. Sequelae of a head injury

The child hit his head: what to look for, which doctor to contact. Sequelae of a head injury

What to do if a child hits his head? What to pay attention to first of all? How to help? Which doctor to visit? Parents begin to frantically look for answers to these questions, especially if the baby lands unsuccessfully

Carbohydrate metabolism in the human body: features, description and meaning

Carbohydrate metabolism in the human body: features, description and meaning

Carbohydrate metabolism in the human body is a subtle but important process. Without glucose, the body weakens, and in the central nervous system, a decrease in its level causes hallucinations, dizziness and loss of consciousness. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the human body manifests itself almost immediately, and long-term failures in blood glucose levels cause dangerous pathologies. In this regard, it is necessary for each person to be able to regulate the concentration of carbohydrates

How to choose an oxygen concentrator for home use?

How to choose an oxygen concentrator for home use?

Oxygen concentrator for home use - a device that allows you to improve the he alth of all family members. Medical equipment of this type can have different dimensions, performance and cost. When choosing it, among other things, you should pay attention to the manufacturer

Mitotic cycle: features of this process

Mitotic cycle: features of this process

The article tells about an important process in cells - their division. Features of the stages of the mitotic cycle and factors affecting the size of the cell population are described

Scarifier: what is it and how to use it?

Scarifier: what is it and how to use it?

Getting tests, especially blood tests, causes unpleasant anxiety for many people. Doctors say that the right scarifier will help reduce pain. What it is, you will understand as soon as you get it in a pharmacy. A scarifier is a special device for taking blood, and the sensations that you get when taking an analysis depend on its type

Fractional laser: advantages and disadvantages

Fractional laser: advantages and disadvantages

Fractional laser is able to combine simultaneous facelift and eyelid surgery. The device performs a point effect. With the help of a beam, an area of sagging skin is removed, as it were. At the same place, cells begin to regenerate. Due to the point effect, an accelerated synthesis of collagen and elastin is caused, which is able to completely renew the epidermis. Why sessions are so effective

Description of the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): features and consequences

Description of the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD): features and consequences

The method of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is used to assess the he alth status of an embryo obtained through in vitro fertilization before implantation into the uterine cavity. The method allows not only to choose a he althy future baby, but also to increase the chance of pregnancy

Ankle bandage: types, indications, reviews

Ankle bandage: types, indications, reviews

What is an ankle brace? What types of ankle brace are there? In what cases is it possible, and in what cases it is impossible to wear such a bandage? Features of choice

Vaccination against chickenpox "Varilrix"

Vaccination against chickenpox "Varilrix"

The first varicella vaccine was created and approved for use in Japan in 1974. The vaccine is produced using a live attenuated strain

How does shockwave therapy treat? Shock wave therapy (SWT): indications, contraindications and reviews

How does shockwave therapy treat? Shock wave therapy (SWT): indications, contraindications and reviews

The most effective and safe procedure in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system is wave shock therapy, which has proven itself on the positive side. Let's talk about the physiotherapy method in more detail