Many people are interested in the name of a vascular doctor. Let's figure it out.
The existence of vein diseases was not a secret back in the days of Ancient Egypt, and there is even evidence that the Egyptians were quite successful in developing methods for treating these pathologies. Medicine has since stepped forward, and now there are modern methods used by specialists. But it turns out that for the treatment of different types of vessels, diverse doctors are required. In this article we will talk about a vascular doctor or a phlebologist, we will tell you who it is and what it does.
Which doctor should I contact?
To begin with, we will briefly talk about which doctors you need to contact for help in case of vascular pathologies. In diseases of the coronary vessels, the help of a cardiologist is necessary. If you have problems with arterial circulation, you should seek advice from an angiologist. In case of violations in the work of the vessels of the brain, an examination by a neurologist is necessary. In addition, many venous and arterial pathologies, as well asviolations of the functions of the lymph nodes require the intervention of a vascular surgeon. The inflammatory process of the vascular walls, which causes diseases of the connective tissues, is treated by a rheumatologist. But a specialist dealing with vein problems is called a phlebologist. Thus, the treatment of vascular disease may require the participation of a wide variety of specialists. In addition to those listed above, you may need to consult a specialist such as a dermatologist, immunologist, oncologist, allergist or surgeon. But today we will talk about a vascular doctor (or phlebologist) and vein diseases.
What diseases does a phlebologist treat and what does phlebology do?
Phlebology is a branch of medicine that studies the functional structure of veins and develops new methods for the treatment of venous diseases, as well as diagnostic and preventive measures. This is a very specific area in medicine, specializing in the pathology of the veins of the lower extremities. Recently, this direction has received a new impetus in development. The modern realities of our life in the form of regular stress, bad ecology, bad habits and overwork become the causes of many diseases.

But a few decades ago, some diseases were not known even to specialists, not to mention ordinary people. That is why, in recent years, doctors have noted a wide spread of diseases of various blood vessels, namely varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. For treatmentsuch pathologies there is a highly specialized doctor - a phlebologist. His competence includes the diagnosis of vein diseases, the treatment of disorders of various localization, as well as the prevention of vein diseases. In our country, more than 20 years ago, the Association of Phlebologists was created - a professional community of doctors whose practical and scientific interests relate to diseases of these vessels.
When do you need this specialist?
This doctor should be consulted if there are some symptoms expressed by swelling of the lower extremities, heaviness and fatigue of the legs by the end of the day, burning and pain in the legs, night cramps of the calf muscles, the appearance of a characteristic purple vascular network, protruding veins on the legs. All these are signs of varicose veins. Unfortunately, this disease is difficult to treat, progresses rapidly, so the help of a specialist is needed at an early stage.
There is also a pediatric phlebologist who treats children.

About varicose veins
It is very important if there is a history of such diseases, immediately consult a doctor so that he prescribes preventive measures to prevent the development of inflammatory processes that provoke the formation of blood clots. Varicose veins of the lower extremities is the most common, but by no means the only variety of this disease. The disease can also affect the vessels of the small pelvis, genitals, esophagus, intestines. It is extremely difficult to diagnose varicose veins of the small pelvis. This pathology is mainly found inwomen aged 17 to 45 years. Symptoms in most cases are not specific and may be characteristic of other diseases.
Main causes of illness
Varicose veins can occur because of:
- lifestyles or work that involve heavy workloads, staying in one position for a long time (standing or sitting) or constantly high ambient temperatures;
- significant weight gain;
- hereditary predisposition;
- hormonal influence (pregnancy and hormonal intake);
- obstacles in the outflow of blood (blood clots, tumors);
- stress and emotional disorders;
- arterial-venous fistulas (pressure in the flow of arterial blood cells);
- sport overload (weight lifting);
- uncomfortable clothes and shoes.
When to go to the doctor?
It is necessary to be alert and plan a trip to the vascular doctor in the following cases:
- For pain in the lower abdomen.
- For discharge from the genitals.
- For severe abdominal pain during menstruation.
- For urination disorders.
- For pain in the genital area.
- If you notice varicose veins in the perineum, thighs and buttocks.

In most cases, women attribute these symptoms to gynecological problems, it never occurs to anyone that the problem is varicose veins, and a consultation with a phlebologist is needed.
At the initial visit of the patient, the doctor visually examines him and prescribes a comprehensive examination, including laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostic methods. Based on the results of the studies, and after analyzing the patient's history, the specialist makes a diagnosis. Let's briefly talk about some specific activities for varicose veins.
Blood test
At the consultation, the phlebologist will definitely prescribe a blood test - a coagulogram. With it, you can get information about prothrombin time (factor activity and clotting rate); about the quantity and quality of fibrinogens; thrombin time (the rate at which fibrinogen is converted to fibrin); about the prothrombin index (the ratio of the prothrombin time of the patient's blood and the same indicator in the control plasma sample).

Hardware research
In addition, in this situation, hardware diagnostic studies are required. For example, conducting dopplerography of blood vessels, triplex scanning, contrast x-ray (it is also called phlebography). It is necessary to evaluate the venous blood flow. This is done using phleboscintigraphy (a very accurate and minimally invasive modern method). And also carried out a thorough measurement of pressure in the veins using a method such as phlebomanometry.
What else does a vascular doctor do?
Treatment methods
The method of treatment of venous diseases depends on a whole list of factors. The severity of the general condition of the patient is also taken into account,and the severity of the disease, as well as the volume of localization of varicose veins. In today's medical practice, there are several methods for the treatment of varicose veins:
- Conservative treatment. The patient receives medications and topical agents (cream, ointment or gel). The services of a phlebologist are now in great demand.
- Using compression stockings. Patients with varicose veins are prescribed to wear special elastic underwear, which helps to normalize blood flow and prevents edema from forming, alleviating the patient's condition.
- Sclerotherapy. This method is used to treat violations of the work of small veins. The procedure is carried out after careful research and only if there are no contraindications. It looks like this: a special medication is introduced into the vessel, gluing its walls together. The vein is thus removed from the circulatory system.

- Method of surgical intervention. In this case, surgical intervention means phlebectomy, as well as miniphlebectomy (this method is considered less traumatic). The operation is performed by a phlebologist surgeon and it consists in removing the affected area of the vein.
- Method of laser coagulation. This operation is performed without the use of a scalpel and can only be performed on perforating and superficial veins. With the help of the thermal effect of the laser beam on the inner walls of the vessels, the veins are closed or obliterated. The method is contraindicated inatherosclerosis, anemia, renal and heart failure, increased blood clotting.
According to reviews, Russian phlebologists are valued all over the world.
Self-medication is unacceptable
Regarding the methods of treatment, it should be said that many patients try to treat themselves before coming to a specialist, which naturally leads to disastrous results. Folk myth-making attributes miraculous properties to cabbage leaves, plantain, various infusions and decoctions, as well as urine therapy and hirudotherapy. In the case of vein pathologies, all this does not work and, at best, it simply will not cause harm, and at worst, it will greatly complicate the situation. If all these means of alternative medicine helped, then doctors would have used them long ago so as not to carry out surgery. But operations are still carried out, and phlebologists are constantly looking for new effective methods to alleviate the condition of patients. While experiments on one's own he alth continue, the disease develops and progresses further. Only the best phlebologists in Moscow with extensive experience can eliminate this ailment. Among such specialists, one should definitely mention experienced phlebologists, such as G. G. Chuiko, A. I. Danilov, A. V. Savina and others.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the presence of special doctors who deal specifically with vascular problems is certainly encouraging. However, we must not forget that the responsibility for the safety and he alth of blood vessels lies with the patients themselves. Anddoctors do not tire of repeating to us that even with a genetic predisposition to certain diseases, it is possible to correct the patient's condition through preventive measures. But the sooner you take up prevention, the more favorable the prognosis can be given by specialists regarding the development of pathology. Well, and, of course, we must not forget about the lifestyle that you lead. The habit of smoking and low activity will negate all preventive measures, and the treatment will not give the desired result.
Now we know the name of a vascular doctor.