Platelets are small, colorless plates that are responsible for the ability of blood to clot. A significant decrease in the number of these bodies should alert any attending physician. After all, low platelets in the blood or thrombocytopenia usually indicate that a person is developing a serious illness. Most often, this deviation is found in lupus erythematosus, liver cirrhosis, sepsis, and also in the formation of malignant tumors. That is why, if a medical examination revealed a low platelet count in your blood, you should immediately consult a doctor who will make a more accurate diagnosis and then prescribe an effective treatment.

Most likely reasons for rejection
There are several reasons why the number of platelets in the blood decreases significantly. Consider them in more detail.
- "Interesting" position of women. Quite often, low platelets in the blood are found precisely inpregnant women. This is because their blood becomes thinner due to too much plasma.
- Taking "thinning" drugs. With such a deviation from such pills, it is better to refuse, as they can lead to disastrous consequences.
- Eating foods that also have a "thinning" effect.
- A low number of platelets in the blood can also be associated with poisoning by any toxins, including alcohol.
- Infectious diseases.
- Disturbances in the immune system.
Reduced platelets in the blood: treatment options
1. Diet. The most effective method of treating thrombocytopenia is considered a regular diet, in which foods are saturated with vitamins (K, C and P) and trace elements. To do this, it is recommended to include more dairy products in your diet, namely:

- cheese;
- cottage cheese;
- milk;
- yogurts;
- kefir.
Also ingredients with fatty acids:
- hazelnut;
- almonds;
- peanuts.
Potassium meals:
- leaf vegetable salads;
- nettle soup;
- stuffed cabbage from vine leaves, etc.
In addition, low platelets in the blood can be increased with the help of those foods that contain a large amount of iron. Among them, the following stand out: calf meat, beef liver,buckwheat porridge, ground wheat, fresh apples, pomegranates, pasta, peas, fish, beets, dill, parsley, rice, etc.

2. Pharmaceutical preparations. The proposals of traditional medicine to normalize the level of platelets in the blood are much more modest than folk recipes. Among the drugs that can increase the level of colorless bodies, we can distinguish Derinat, Prednisolone and Sodecor.
It is also worth noting that the most effective method of treating thrombocytopenia is platelet suspension transfusion, carried out only in a hospital setting. This method is extremely expensive, and therefore it is resorted to only when the patient's life is endangered due to heavy bleeding.