Total antibodies to Giardia

Total antibodies to Giardia
Total antibodies to Giardia

Giardiasis is one of the types of invasions that can affect people, mammals, and birds. Certain types of examinations, for example, a blood test for antibodies to Giardia, can help identify this problem. The article tells about what it is.

Microworld and people

Many representatives of the microcosm live in the human body, from bacteria to helminths, although some of the latter are very difficult to attribute to microscopic creatures, for example, the tapeworm. And if bacteria can be both useful, necessary for the implementation of certain processes in the structures of the body, and harmful, then helminths always bring only problems. They settle in many organs, tissues and fluids, using the intestines and other human organs as a source of substances they need for existence and reproduction. At the same time, the person himself receives less useful components that enter and are produced by the body, and is poisoned by the waste products of parasites. So it is necessary to get rid of all helminths in a timely manner, and it is best to prevent infection with them.

Giardia - what is it?

In some cases, patients during examinationtests are prescribed to establish total antibodies to Giardia. But what is Giardia, where can they be found and what harm can they cause to the human body? These microorganisms belong to the species of eukaryotes, more precisely, to the genus of flagellated protists. There are several species that parasitize in the intestines of humans, mammals, and birds. These parasites got their name by the name of the anatomist from the Czech Republic, Wilem Dusan Lambl, who discovered these micro-pests in 1859.

By the structure of their body, Giardia resemble an inverted pear, equipped with four pairs of flagella, with which they move. These parasites are anaerobes, meaning they thrive without oxygen. In the small intestine, they attach to microvilli and feed on digested food. Once in the large intestine, they transform into the form of cysts and go out with feces. Then the cycle repeats, because Giardia is not affected by chlorine, and therefore they can safely exist until a favorable moment even in chlorinated water. Boiling alone kills them instantly.

what does lamblia look like
what does lamblia look like

Danger of giardiasis

Antibodies to Giardia are an indicator of their presence in the human body. It is necessary to get rid of these pests because they cause great damage to the body. For invasion by these parasites there is a specific name for the disease - giardiasis. It is expressed in the violation of these helminths, especially parasitic in large numbers, the motor function of the intestine, the deterioration of the absorption of nutrients from food. Large accumulations of lamblia fixed on the walls of the small intestine can even cause mechanical irritation of the intestine. At the same time, the treatment of helminthiasis, which causes mass death of Giardia, is associated with intoxication with their decay products.

Children get sick most often with giardiasis, from about three months. But for adults, this disease is not uncommon, because these parasites are not affected by chlorine and short-term heating to 60 ° C. Therefore, in the form of cysts, they are quite tenacious in a free environment, and even chlorinated, but not boiled water can cause Giardia infection. An analysis such as blood for antibodies to Giardia allows you to identify the cause of disturbances in the work of the intestines and deterioration of well-being.

where do lamblia live
where do lamblia live

Invasion symptoms

Like any helminthiase, giardiasis causes many he alth problems. Experts have identified four main forms of this disease:

  • Intestinal, manifested by bowel dysfunction, gastroenteritis, duodenitis, duodeno-gastric reflux and enteritis.
  • Biliary-pancreatic characterized by biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis and/or reactive pancreatitis.
  • Extraintestinal, characterized by conditions such as astheno-neurotic syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia, toxic-allergic reactions.
  • Mixed form.

By prescribing an analysis that can show total antibodies to Giardia, the specialist determines the cause of malfunctions in the patient's body.

signs of giardiasis
signs of giardiasis

How to recognize giardiasis?

The establishment of any diagnosis includes a patient interview, the appointment of traditional and additional tests, instrumental and hardware examination. Complaints of malaise, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be symptoms of a huge number of diseases, including all helminthiases. The following examinations help determine their type and identify a specific problem:

  • fecal analysis, since most helminths live in the intestines;
  • blood test to identify the direction of the search for the problem;
  • examination of duodenal contents.

Stool analysis if giardiasis is suspected, the patient will have to take it at intervals of 5-7 days, since these parasites leave the small intestine to reproduce with a certain regularity, and not constantly. A blood test that determines antibodies to Giardia antigens helps to confirm the preliminary diagnosis. This is a necessary procedure that helps to determine not only the presence of Giardia, but also the degree of infection, and the area of their distribution.

He alth indicator

Testing for helminthiases should be taken regularly, because parasitic diseases can create a lot of he alth problems. One of the types of examinations is antibodies to Giardia. A blood test is a standard procedure that helps determine the direction of further examination for an accurate diagnosis.

All blood components must be in a certain balance. Failure in one direction or another of specific components, as well as their combinations, helpa specialist to diagnose a disease or an existing pathology. So a blood test for antibodies to Giardia helps to establish exactly the cause that caused disturbances in the work of some body systems and its intoxication.

blood test for antibodies to Giardia
blood test for antibodies to Giardia

What are antibodies?

These are special protein compounds - immunoglobulins, resulting from the body's reaction to the penetration of all kinds of pathogens into it - bacteria, viruses, helminths, fungi, perceived by the body as something alien. These substances serve as a kind of markers of the diseases that a person encounters throughout life. Scientists have identified several types of blood antibodies that characterize the cause of the disease. Antibodies bind to antigens that have entered the body using special centers, then block the reproduction of pests and work as one of the components of humoral immunity. So the role of blood antibodies is very significant.

For many patients with giardiasis, the question of what it means is antibodies to giardia is interesting and important. In this case, we are talking about a substance that arises from the presence in the body of unwanted guests - helminths from the order Diplomonadids.

what are antibodies
what are antibodies

How do I get tested for antibodies?

Any analysis is carried out in order to compare it with the normal indicators of the same substance. It is through such an analysis that total antibodies to Giardia antigens are determined.

This study can showimmunoglobulins of two types M (IgM) and G (IgG), which will serve as eloquent proof of giardiasis. Correctly it is called enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Blood for this study is taken from a vein. During the appointment of the examination, the patient is indicated on how to properly prepare for it. For 8 hours before visiting the laboratory, you should not eat or drink anything, except for filtered water without additives. For a day, you should stop drinking alcohol. If the patient is taking any drugs that can affect the result of the study, then the drugs must be stopped one week before blood sampling in order to test for antibodies to Giardia. Another condition for a reliable result will be smoking cessation 40-50 minutes before blood sampling.

On average, a blood test for antibodies to Giardia is ready after three days. It is read by a specialist and, based on its results, the patient, if necessary, undergoes an additional examination and receives recommendations for treatment.

blood sampling for analysis
blood sampling for analysis

Giardia and analysis results

Like any antigens, parasites leave their mark on the human body. The same applies to such helminths as Giardia. Antibodies igm and igg, found during invasion by these micro-pests, help the specialist determine the duration of infection and the degree of their spread in the body.

All information obtained during the study of blood taken from a patient is recorded in a special form. The main result will be either positive ornegative. The negative one speaks for itself - giardiasis has not been detected in humans at the moment. If the result is positive, then certain characteristics are indicated in the transcript:

  • type of antibodies detected in the analysis - IgM or IgG antibodies;
  • title (quantitative indicator);
  • optical density;
  • positiveness coefficient.

What do they mean? IgM antibodies indicate an acute form of invasion that occurred after infection about a month ago. The presence of IgG antibodies indicates that the disease has acquired a chronic form, or that the disease has already been there before, and the person has developed immunity to it.

Titer is also called the balance point. A quantitative indicator of 1/100 is a doubtful result, requiring a retake of the analysis. If it is less than 1/100, then the infection was not detected, and if it is more than 1/100, then this confirms the presence of invasion.

Such an indicator as the positivity coefficient determines the density of antibodies per 1 unit of blood. Data of 0.85 or more indicate the presence of giardiasis in the patient.

Optical density also illustrates the concentration of immunoglobulins. But avidity helps to determine the time of infection, as it determines the strength of the connection of immunoglobulins (antibodies) with the antigens of the infection.

The results of the analysis should be fully deciphered by a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe an additional examination and treatment.

antibodies to giardia antigens
antibodies to giardia antigens

Additional Research

Positive antibodies to giardia require further testing. For example, analysis of feces for Giardia cysts. It is taken several times, with a frequency of 4-5 days, since the rhythm of life of these helminths does not allow to reveal their presence on any day.

There are requirements for such a study: feces are delivered to the laboratory no later than 40 minutes after defecation. Also, a patient who is scheduled to donate feces for Giardia cysts should not eat smoked meats or spicy dishes for 10-12 hours before the analysis. You should also stop taking antiparasitic drugs 10 days before the first test is taken.

If giardiasis was not diagnosed in the early stages and took on a severe chronic form, parasites can settle down not only in the intestines, but also in the bile ducts and the gallbladder itself. So the cause of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis can be these parasites, on which stagnant bile begins to crystallize and turn into stones. In such cases, the patient is prescribed fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

The procedure is unpleasant - within two hours, bile ejected by the gallbladder is collected from the duodenum, which is then examined for the presence of Giardia. Also, this technique allows you to determine the activity of the mentioned organ.

Another way to diagnose giardiasis and other invasions is a biopsy of the intestinal wall. This examination is used in rare cases due to high trauma.

Complex therapy for giardiasis

If the tests revealed antibodiesto Giardia, then we can talk about the need for high-quality therapy for the existing invasion. Giardiasis should be treated only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a physician, since dead parasites cause active intoxication of the human body. Invasion treatment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Switching to a low-carb diet to create an unfavorable environment in the intestines for the existence of parasites that feed on overcooked food, mainly carbohydrates
  2. Therapy with antiparasitic agents active against Giardia, for example, Metronidazole, Nimorazole, Furazolidone.
  3. Cleansing the intestines with enterosorbents from dead parasites, for example, taking activated charcoal.
  4. Rehabilitation therapy, which involves taking vitamin-mineral complexes and drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.

Specific medicines for each item are prescribed only by the attending physician.

treatment for giardiasis
treatment for giardiasis

Beware of giardiasis

Parasites literally pursue a person, lying in wait for him at almost every step. The stage of infection and development of a new "home" by micro-pests is almost imperceptible. But the consequences of invasion can be very dangerous for he alth. That is why prevention must come first.

Antibodies to Giardia are just an indicator that a person has unnecessary, dangerous neighbors in his body. Elementary rules of personal hygiene, compliance with the heat treatment of food and water will help to avoid acquaintanceboth with giardia and other helminths, viruses, bacteria and fungi, as well as eliminate the need to take medications that have many side effects.
