A huge number of pathological conditions can lead to a decrease in the quality of life, disability and even death of a person. For this reason, disease prevention is important. The role of nurses in this matter is indispensable. They carry out educational work among patients, perform necessary medical procedures, organize he alth schools.
General value of nursing work
The profession of a nurse obliges the person who chooses it to do a great job of preventing various infectious and non-communicable diseases. Appropriate measures and actions allow you to protect your own he alth and the he alth of patients. The role of a nurse in disease prevention is determined by the profile of this specialist.
Specialist | General responsibilities for prevention |
Ward Nurse | This specialist monitors the condition of patients in the hospital, observesfor the condition of people after operations, is engaged in the prevention of postoperative complications, bedsores. Duties also include educational work with patients and relatives in order to form an idea about the rehabilitation period, the right way of life |
District Nurse |
The district nurse fulfills her role in disease prevention:
Patient Nurse (General Practitioner) | This specialist is responsible for the hygienic education and training of people, implements, according to the plan agreed with the doctor, activities aimed at maintaining a he althy lifestyle |
Combating nosocomial infections
Nosocomial infections (HAIs) are an extremely important problem. Modern researchers claim that nosocomial infections occur in more than 10% of patients entering medical institutions. In the structure of these infections, the leading place belongs to purulent-septic lesions (about 80%). In second place are intestinal infections (more than 10% of the total number of nosocomial infections). The structure of nosocomial pathologies also includes blood-borne viral hepatitis B, C, D.

The role of nurses in the prevention of nosocomial infectionsmain, dominant. This medical staff acts simultaneously as an organizer, performer, and controller. The basis of the list of activities is the daily and thorough implementation of the requirements of the anti-epidemic and sanitary-hygienic regime in the process of performing professional duties:
- at least 2 times a day, they carry out wet cleaning of the premises using detergents and disinfectants;
- general cleaning is carried out at least once a month with thorough washing and disinfection of walls, floors, furniture, equipment (in the operating room, dressing rooms, maternity rooms, general cleaning is planned once a week);
- medical products are subjected to sterilization and disinfection, etc.
The role of a nurse in the prevention of nosocomial infections is irreplaceable, therefore one of the most important links in this process is the constant training of medical personnel. Every employee should be aware that nosocomial infections pose a danger not only to patients, but to all he althcare workers.
Postoperative complications
Not all diseases are treated with medicines. For some pathologies, surgery is performed. After operations, patients require special attention, care, because their needs are violated (for example, there is a lack of self-care), there may be violations of the functions of individual organs and systems.
One of the nurse's roles in the prevention of complications is to constantly monitor the state of the bandage in order to prevent the development of infections. If she is stronggets wet with blood or other discharge from the wound, then you need to inform the surgeon about it. In this state of the dressing, dressing is required. It is also important to ensure that the bandage does not slip off, does not expose the postoperative suture.
After operations, the neuropsychic sphere of patients suffers. Insomnia, pain, increased nervous excitability are fraught with the development of psychoses that are life-threatening. The role of the nurse in the prevention of postoperative complications is to conduct calm explanatory conversations. It is advisable to place the patient after the operation in the ward where there is a person who has undergone such a surgical intervention and is on the mend.
During operations on the chest, the respiratory organs suffer. The surgical patient is threatened with pleurisy, oxygen deficiency, shortness of breath, pneumonia. The task of the doctor and the role of the nurse in the prevention of complications is to teach the patient to breathe deeply after surgery, cough, and ensure that he lies with an elevated position of the body.

Nurses' work in preventing bedsores
In medicine, the prevention of bedsores is an extremely important and difficult problem. The process of necrosis (tissue necrosis) occurs gradually when the blood supply and microcirculation are disturbed in those places that, in a patient lying down, are in close contact with the bed. Pressure ulcers are characterized by several adverse features:
- the process of tissue necrosis spreads rapidly in depth and width;
- bedsores appearing on the bodycharacterized by slow reparation and regeneration;
- infectious complications often develop.
The role of a nurse in the prevention of bedsores is to carry out a whole range of activities. An important measure in preventing the process of soft tissue necrosis is a regular change in the position of the patient. If a person lies on his right side, then after 1.5–2 hours he should be turned over to his left side. After another 1.5–2 hours, this procedure is repeated. The patient is turned on his back.
Change linens regularly. It must always be clean and dry. Particular attention is paid to the sheet. All wrinkles are smoothed out, crumbs are shaken off. A sheet with patches and seams is not laid. Every day, the patient's skin is examined in those places where bedsores may appear. At least 1 time per day, vulnerable areas are washed. In this case, use soft and liquid soap. After the hygiene procedure, the detergent is thoroughly washed off, the skin area is dried. A protective cream may also be applied (if indicated) when the nurse is taking preventive measures. The role of this tool is to create a water-repellent effect, to prevent damage to the epidermis.
The head of the patient's bed is recommended to be lowered to the lowest level (the angle is not more than 30 degrees). Thanks to this preventive measure, pressure on the skin in the area of the sacrum and coccyx is reduced, and “sliding” off the pillow is excluded. Raises the head of the nurse for a short time when performing medical procedures.

Nurse andinfectious diseases
A large number of bacteria live on our planet. Their number, according to experts, is 1030, not counting fungi, viruses, protozoa. Some bacteria are not dangerous to humans. But among microorganisms there are also dangerous representatives that cause infectious diseases and are harmful to he alth. In the past, people died from infections. To date, there is salvation from pathogens - these are developed vaccines and drugs.
The role of the nurse in the prevention of infectious diseases is partly reduced to vaccinating children, notifying parents about this procedure. There is only one nuance. Russia has a law on immunization. It provides for obtaining the consent of the child's parents for vaccination. Some mothers and fathers refuse prevention. They make such a mistake due to lack of awareness, unfounded fears, possession of inaccurate information. The task of the he alth worker is to convince the need for a vaccine, to talk about the possible consequences of refusal.
Another role of the nurse in prevention is to prepare visual materials on infections for visitors to clinics. With the help of posters, booklets, it is possible to demonstrate to the population the danger of certain diseases. For example, there is such an infectious disease as rabies. It develops after the bite of a sick animal. The incubation period is long - 3-6 months. The bite site heals, but suspicious symptoms occur - the temperature rises, the condition is depressed, intensifiessensitivity to light, sounds, hydrophobia, aerophobia. People should know that after being bitten by an unknown animal, you should immediately consult a doctor. At an early stage, therapeutic and prophylactic immunization with an anti-rabies vaccine is carried out. Once symptoms appear, nothing can be done. The patient is waiting for death.

Preventive measures against tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a serious he alth threat worldwide. Currently, 1/3 of the population of our planet is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. So in Latin the causative agent of tuberculosis is indicated. Every year, experts register about 8 million new cases of infection and 2 million deaths from this disease. Mycobacterium tuberculosis kills more people than any other infectious agent.
Tuberculosis prevention begins from the first days of life. The role of the nurse is to administer the vaccine to the newborn baby in the maternity hospital on the 3rd to 7th day. Revaccination is performed at 7 and 14 years of age. Among the adult population, the prevention program is implemented in he alth facilities where people seek primary care with symptoms of tuberculosis. Medical staff, in contact with patients, has a unique opportunity to reduce the likelihood of the spread of the pathogen. Tuberculosis is a contagious disease. According to statistics, a sick person infects about 10-15 people a year. It is important to have a conversation during the primary care phase:
- about the need to arrange a separate room in the house orapartment, purchase of personal utensils;
- about the importance of examining family members, close friends who are often in contact with the patient;
- about the curability of tuberculosis with regular intake of all prescribed drugs and adherence to the duration of treatment.
In tuberculosis, as in other diseases, another role of the nurse in prevention is public he alth education. In the course of its implementation, the medical staff is required to talk about the signs and symptoms of the disease, about the reasons why it is worth seeking medical help immediately after a suspicious deterioration in well-being.
The role of the nurse in cancer prevention
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It's not just one disease. The term "cancer" refers to a large group of diseases that affect different parts of the body. Existing statistics show that 12.7 million people with oncological diseases are registered annually in the world. About 7.6 million patients die from cancer. This is 13% of all deaths. Experts from the World He alth Organization believe that cancer can be avoided. In addition, early detection of the disease plays a very important role. Timely diagnosis significantly increases the chances of a cure.
Able to play an important role in the prevention of cancer nurses, primary care physicians, specialized medical institutions. With each patient, it is worth holding short conversations about lifestyle. Here is a list of advice that is recommended to give people:
- "Notsmoke." Quitting cigarettes at any age and with any "experience" of smoking reduces the likelihood of developing the most common cancers - cancer of the lung, oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, kidney, etc.
- "Fight your weight, eat right and stay active." It is best to make your diet from natural products - vegetables, fruits, fish and other seafood. It is undesirable to eat chips, canned food, instant noodles and drink soda, drinks with dyes.
- "Give up alcohol." The role of a nurse in the prevention of cancer can hardly be overestimated - she needs to convince the patient that alcoholic beverages must be deleted from life for the sake of their he alth, or at least significantly limited. This action reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver.

Obesity Prevention
Obesity is called a global problem of modern he alth care. It worries experts, but people generally do not think about extra pounds, lead an unhe althy lifestyle, and overeat fatty high-calorie foods. Obesity not only spoils the appearance. It often leads to the development of severe concomitant diseases - arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, reproductive dysfunction, cholelithiasis. Due to extra pounds, resistance to infectious and colds decreases, the likelihood of complications from injuries increases,surgical interventions.
The role of the nurse in the prevention of obesity is to perform activities in 2 directions:
- in education aimed at developing he althy lifestyle skills;
- in wellness, which includes an assessment of the level of he alth and the development of individual wellness programs.
Educational direction is implemented in medical institutions through the implementation of sanitary and educational work. Nurses prepare visual materials (memos, posters, brochures) on the prevention of obesity. He alth schools are organized for patients, in which experts talk about proper nutrition, unhe althy foods, and promote a he althy lifestyle.
The wellness direction affects both adults and children. It is implemented in medical institutions during preventive examinations, when consulting on the preservation and promotion of he alth, when people apply who want to receive an individual program for maintaining a he althy lifestyle. Prevention of obesity in children is carried out in children's clinics from an early age. Its essence lies in the dynamic monitoring of the growth and development of babies and the issuance of recommendations to parents.
Prevention of hypertension
Hypertension is a no less significant problem of domestic he alth care. It is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system. Hypertension refers to a persistent increase in arterial (blood) pressure. The disease is very insidious. Increased pressure at firstaffects well-being. People are not even aware of the presence of hypertension. The disease goes unnoticed. They don't call her the "silent killer" for nothing. Ultimately, hypertension leads to stroke, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction.
The role of a nurse in the prevention of hypertension comes down to several tasks. One of them is interviewing patients. First of all, the causes of hypertension are explained. Various factors lead to high blood pressure:
- overweight;
- frequent consumption of fatty and s alty foods;
- drinking and smoking;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- frequent stressful situations;
- heredity;
- presence of diabetes;
- age.
During conversations, the nurse talks about the correct daily routine, adherence to work and rest, the negative effects of alcohol and smoking, rational and balanced nutrition, the need to reduce body weight in the presence of extra pounds.
Another task of the nurse in the prevention of hypertension is the establishment of he alth schools for patients suffering from high blood pressure. These structures are necessary, because it is impossible to completely recover from the disease. Hypertension is a life companion for many people. However, you can keep the pressure normal. This is what they teach in he alth schools. Their goals are to convey to people all the features of hypertension, to teach patients to adequately treat the disease, to instill skills in helping and self-help, to focus on a he althy lifestyle.life.

Fight against diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious medical and social problems. It is widespread, affects many people of different ages, is characterized by early disability, high mortality. Among the causes of death, diabetes mellitus ranks 3rd, behind cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
It cannot be said that the role of the nurse is very significant in primary prevention. The fact is that diabetes is linked to heredity. Also, the occurrence of the disease is influenced by external factors. However, in some people they provoke the development of diabetes, while in others they do not. Nurses have to give general advice on maintaining a he althy lifestyle - maintaining a normal body weight, rational nutrition, an adequate level of physical activity, etc.
Secondary prevention is carried out with already diagnosed diabetes mellitus. Its purpose is to prevent the occurrence of complications that are acute (diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar coma) and late (diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot, etc.). Patient education is at the heart of secondary prevention. Awareness of a sick person significantly affects the prognosis. Nurses play a huge role in the prevention of diabetes by organizing schools for people with this disease, in which, during training, people receive information about:
- diseases in general;
- treatment goals;
- possible complications;
- need for self-monitoring of glucose levels;
- drug treatment;
- diet;
- useful exercise.

There is only one conclusion from all the above information. In the process of preventing diseases and dangerous conditions, the role of a nurse is significant. It is this specialist who participates in various activities aimed at preserving the he alth and life of patients.