Analysis of OHSS - what is it?

Analysis of OHSS - what is it?
Analysis of OHSS - what is it?

Our body consists of a variety of trace elements. All of them are very important for our life. But there is one, the content of which determines a lot: the state of our organs, their work, the quality of blood and, as a result, our general condition. Oddly enough, we are talking about iron. It is involved in providing blood with hemoglobin, therefore, it performs a vital function. Iron is not found in the body in the same form as it enters. It enters into chemical reactions, is transported, binds at the expense of other substances, in particular transferrin.

ouch what is this
ouch what is this

Why do we need transferrin?

When people ask, "WHAT is it?", it's important to understand what exactly defines this analysis. This is a test for the content of iron and transferrin protein in the body. This protein plays a key role in supplying the bone marrow with red blood cells, where new blood cells are continuously formed. It is transferrin that helps to saturate them with iron. This protein is very important because it binds iron molecules and carries them through the cell membranes of the bone marrow. The process of iron saturation is necessary for the normal functioning of human systems and organs.

OHSS - what is it?

ozhss norm
ozhss norm

The abbreviation for this assay stands for "Total Serum Iron-Binding Capacity". In other words, the analysis shows the concentration of transferrin in the body. But it must be remembered that when receiving the results of the OZhSS (blood test), this ability can be overestimated by up to 20%. This is due to the fact that if iron has saturated transferrin (more than half in percentage terms), it can bind to other proteins. It should be noted here that the results of the analysis show the amount of iron that can and can bind to transferrin.

Why is it necessary to do an ESIA?

ozhss increased what does it mean
ozhss increased what does it mean

Speaking about the importance of iron and transferrin in the body, it must be borne in mind that this analysis determines not only the binding rates of one molecule to another. OZHSS - what is it and what do the results of this analysis give us? Based on the results of a microbiological study, a specialist can see the dynamics - latent or unsaturated iron-binding ability. All indicators are important for further treatment or doctor's recommendations.

Preparation for the analysis, material for it

Analysis of OHSS - what is it? Knowing the answer to this question, you need to remember the basic requirements for its implementation. Blood sampling is performed strictly on an empty stomach to avoid incorrect results. To determine the required indicator, blood serum is taken. It can be stored in the refrigerator if necessary, but it is better to do an analysis based on fresh biomaterial. Analysisdone quickly, in 3 hours. Then the results will be ready.

What is the FSIA for adults and children?

ozhss increased
ozhss increased

The indicators of this analysis differ depending on age. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of pregnancy. Many women in position are frightened at the sight of the results of the analysis and ask specialists: "OZHSS is increased - what does this mean?" But do not panic prematurely, because in this condition, with a normal pregnancy, an increase in the rate of FIA may occur.

The norm for children is within the following limits:

Under 2 years of age, reference values are 100 to 400 mcg/dL or 17.90 to 71.60 mcmol/L.

If the baby is older than 2 years, his normal values are from 250 to 425 mcg / dl or from 44.75 to 76.1 μmol / l.

In what quantity is TBSS detected in adults? The norm in women has the following indicators: 38.0-64.0 microns / l. Men have reference values from 45.0 to 75.0 µm/L.

In what diseases or conditions does this indicator increase?

ozhss blood test
ozhss blood test

If the OJSS is increased, what does it mean? Such deviations from the norm indicate the presence of any pathological processes in the body. We'll take a look at them now.

Increased values may indicate the presence of hypochromic anemia - a pathology in which the color index of blood is evaluated. It happens when there is a lack of iron in the body. You can easily get rid of this pathology.

In late pregnancy can alsoobserved increased rates of this analysis.

With chronic blood loss, the content of TIBC in the blood changes. It is important to stop this process as soon as possible so that the person does not lose viability.

Acute Hepatitis also affects the FIA figures. This is due to the connection of the indicator with the amount of bilirubin and with the functioning of the liver.

With polycythemia vera, TI may also be elevated. This is a malignant formation, a disease of the blood, in which its viscosity increases. This is due to an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood. But at the same time, platelets and leukocytes also increase in number. Due to an increase in the viscosity and amount of blood in the cells, stagnation is observed, which leads to the formation of blood clots, as well as to hypoxia. At the same time, the blood flow suffers, the necessary substances in the right amount do not reach the tissues of the body.

OZhSS increased can also be with a lack of iron in food or its improper absorption by the body. In the first case, you need a special diet that can balance all processes. In the second case, a specialist consultation is necessary, since several organs with their hormones and enzymes are responsible for the absorption of nutrients.

Conditions in which the FCL is lowered

ojss analysis
ojss analysis

From the pathologies in which the FBC in the blood is less than normal, it is necessary to single out several especially dangerous ones.

  1. Pernicious anemia - iron deficiency in the body due to lack of vitamin B12. This is a dangerous disease, as it suffers from it immediatelymultiple systems.
  2. Hemolytic anemia is a pathological process in which red blood cells decay due to some internal mechanisms. The disease is rare, not fully understood.
  3. Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which the hemoglobin protein changes at the genetic level. As a result, there is a violation in the absorption of iron by cells and tissues of the body.
  4. Hemochromatosis - excessive accumulation of iron in all tissues and organs. This is a genetic disease. It can lead to serious complications, such as cirrhosis of the liver or diabetes, arthritis, and some others.
  5. Atransferrinemia is a lack of transferrin protein in the blood. Due to this, iron cannot enter the necessary cells of the bone marrow, therefore, the formation of new red blood cells is blocked. This is a rare genetic disorder.
  6. Chronic iron poisoning results from excessive consumption of iron-containing foods along with iron-containing medications.
  7. Chronic infections can affect the organs responsible for supplying red blood cells to body cells and other systems.
  8. With nephrosis, there are reduced indicators of TIBC in humans. With this disease, the structure of the kidneys changes, dystrophy of the renal tubules occurs.
  9. With liver failure, the metabolism in the cells is disturbed, a deficiency of red blood cells appears.
  10. Kwashiorkor (dystrophy) is rare, but with this disease, there is also a deficiency of TFS in the blood. This pathology stems fromsevere dystrophy of a child and even an adult due to a lack of protein in food. Since transferrin and hemoglobin are proteins, this process also affects their formation.
  11. In the presence of malignant tumors, this indicator can also be lowered.

Calculation of saturation factor

ozhss in the blood
ozhss in the blood

Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor can calculate a value called the transferrin saturation coefficient in the body. It is calculated according to the formula: 100x (serum iron: OGSS). There are rules for the coefficient. This range is from 16 to 54. But on average, the value is 31.2. According to this indicator, the doctor draws conclusions about the general condition of the patient. If necessary, an additional examination is prescribed, which will show exactly where the patient's he alth is impaired.
