Any stressful conditions for the body are reflected in the processes occurring in it. Whether it is a trip to the mountains to a sufficiently high altitude or a banal deficiency of any vitamin in the diet. Consider what is RBC anisocytosis.
Definition of anisocytosis
Anisocytosis is a pathological process that occurs in the body under the influence of a number of factors and changes in the qualitative composition of cells. This changes the size of these blood cells. Normally, the dimensional boundaries of erythrocytes are in the range from 7 to 9 micrometers with the presence of a small number of cells whose sizes go beyond these boundaries. Therefore, it is considered a normal physiological process if, in addition to 70% of erythrocytes of the correct qualitative composition, 15% of blood cells with a smaller size are also determined, and such a percentage of blood elements, but already large.

Pathology comes in two forms:
- RBC anisocytosis.
- Anisocytosis of platelets.
Also possiblemanifestation in two forms:
- Anisocytosis observed during pregnancy.
- Anisocytosis in children.
Let's try to figure out what it is - erythrocyte anisocytosis.
What happens to red blood cells?
The norms for the size of red blood cells (the so-called erythrocytes), as we have already found out, are in the range from 7 to 9 micrometers. If the cell size is less than these values, then such red blood cells are called microcytes (their diameter value is less than 6.9 micrometers). If their size is larger than the established norm, then such blood cells are called either macrocytes (diameter reaches 12 micrometers) or megalocytes (their numerical value does exceed 12 micrometers).
Therefore, by identifying which blood cells are predominant and a diagnosis is made: microcytosis, macrocytosis or a mixed type of anisocytosis (combining signs of both the first and second types). The indicator of anisocytosis of erythrocytes is their size.

Each of these selected types of pathology has its own causes of development. So, when microcytosis is detected in a patient, we can assume that he has some chronic disease, for example, of hepatic origin, or his body needs iron or vitamin B 12. If, on the contrary, the patient is laboratory confirmed that there is macrocytosis, it is urgent to identify the causative factor and take all necessary measures to cure.
We looked at erythrocyte anisocytosis. But there is anothersituation.
Changes in platelet size
This process can be observed during precipitation, association or lack of any compounds in the body. It is most commonly caused by various myeloproliferative changes in the body:
- For leukemia.
- For anemia.
- For radiation sickness.
- For viral diseases.
- With myelodysplastic syndrome.
- For Niemann-pick disease.

Etiological causes
What reasons can lead to deviations of this kind:
- These include eating disorders - most often it is a lack of vitamins and minerals, leading to a lack of iron content in the body, as well as vitamins B12 and A. Since vitamin B12 and iron are involved in the formation of red blood cells, therefore, their deficiency leads to the development of an anemic picture. Vitamin A supports the process of stabilizing the size of blood cells.
- Hemotransfusion - before carrying out a blood transfusion, it is necessary to carefully study it to determine the size. The donor's body will not be able to immediately cope with a sudden large number of blood cells of abnormal sizes - this will be stressful for him.
In the presence of tumors, especially those located in the bone marrow, the process of changing the size of the cells begins. The presence of the myelodysplastic process causes the formation of different-sized blood cells.
This is anisocytosis. What is it, we sorted it out.

Degrees of severity
There are several degrees of severity of pathology:
- Mild (minor), in which the number of changed cells does not exceed 0, 25 or 25%, respectively.
- Moderate (moderate) - the percentage of such cells reaches 50%.
- Expressed - more than 50% but less than 75% of the percentage of normal cells.
- Sharply pronounced (fourth degree) - the number of such cells reaches 100%.
Is RBC anisocytosis dangerous? This indicator can be increased in children as well.
Anisocytosis in children
Detection of laboratory indicators of macrocytosis in newborn babies is a physiological process, over the next few months, blood cells return to their normal position. As in pregnant women, megalocytosis is detected, which is physiologically determined and does not require any specific treatment.
Besides this, a small amount of microcytes and macrocytes is also observed in the blood of an absolutely he althy child, just like in the adult population.
Children are more susceptible to developing this pathological condition due to a greater lack of iron-containing foods and vitamins.
In children, anisocytosis of erythrocytes (the norm we have considered) is not so common.

Therapy begins with the elimination of the underlying disease, which was the source of the development of qualitycharacteristics of blood cells.
The basis of the treatment of this pathology is etiopathogenetic therapy. So if the cause of anisocytosis is folate deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, then it is necessary to treat these diseases first of all, that is, those diseases that led to this pathological process. No matter if RBC anisocytosis is low or high.
Treatment in this case should include a balanced and rational diet, enriched with either iron (for iron deficiency anemia) or B vitamins. These are legumes, veal, prunes, dried apricots, however, it must be remembered that certain foods cannot be combined, as in these cases, some vitamins may not be absorbed. For example, tannins contained in strong tea inhibit the absorption of iron. Medicines for IDA are products containing iron ("Ferrum-Lek"), and in case of folic acid deficiency anemia, folic acid ("Cyanocobolamin" at a dosage of 500 milligrams intramuscularly).

In some situations, treatment is not recommended, as this process of changing the size of blood cells is temporary, and possibly physiological, for example, in children or pregnant women.
However, it must be remembered that therapy is prescribed only by a doctor and on an individual basis. Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to serious complications.
We have examined in detail the anisocytosis of erythrocytes.