The most important point in the diagnosis of cancer is an immunohistochemical study. Microorganisms that can start the development of the pathological process penetrate into the human body every day. Protective forces resist this by forming antibodies. This reaction formed the basis for the creation of the IHC study.

The essence of the method
This method of diagnosing cancer is the most modern and reliable. During the development of the tumor process, proteins alien to the body are formed - antigens. At the same time, the immune system produces antibodies, the main purpose of which is to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
The task of immunohistochemical research is the timely detection of cancer cells. To do this, the patient's biological material is processed with a variety of antibodies, after which it is carefullystudied under a microscope. If these protein compounds bind to tumor cells, their glow will be visualized. The appearance of the fluorescence effect indicates the presence of cancer cells in the body.
Today, almost all antibodies to various types of tumors are at the disposal of specialists who carry out IHC research, which is the key to obtaining reliable results.

Modern type of diagnostics allows you to determine:
- spread of the tumor process;
- malignant growth rate;
- type of tumor;
- source of metastases;
- malignancy rate.
Furthermore, immunohistochemistry can also measure the effectiveness of cancer treatment.
Indications and contraindications
With the help of this method, it is possible to study any tissues of the human body. The main reason for the appointment of an immunohistochemical study is the suspicion of the presence of a malignant formation.
In this case, the method is used for:
- determining the type of tumor and the area of its localization;
- metastasis detection;
- evaluation of the activity of the tumor process;
- detection of pathological microorganisms.
Also, the analysis is effective for problems with conception.
Immunohistochemical examination of the endometrium is indicated for:
- infertility;
- diseases of the uterus;
- the presence of pathologies in the organs of the reproductive system;
- miscarriage;
- chronic endometrial diseases.
In addition, the IHC study is assigned to patients who do not become pregnant even after several attempts of in vitro fertilization. The method allows you to determine if there are cells in the body that reduce the likelihood of conception.
There are no contraindications to the IHC study. The only factor that makes analysis impossible is the insurmountable difficulty in taking the patient's biomaterial.

How it works
First of all, a sample of the patient's tissue is obtained by biopsy. Less commonly, material is taken during an endoscopic examination or surgical intervention. How the sample is obtained depends on the type of tumor and its location.
An important nuance is that the sampling of material during the initial examination should be carried out before the start of treatment. Otherwise, the results of the study may be distorted.
After sampling, the biomaterial is placed in formalin and sent to the laboratory, where it undergoes the following processing:
- The tissue sample is degreased and embedded in paraffin. In this form, the biological material can be stored for a very long time, due to which the IHC study can be repeated.
- Several thin sections are collected from the sample and transferred to specialglass.
- On them, the biomaterial is stained with solutions of various antibodies. At this stage, both a small panel and a large one can be used. In the first case, reactions are studied after using 5 types of antibodies, in the second - up to several tens.
- In the process of immunohistochemical research in cancer of any organ, the effect of fluorescence appears, which makes it possible for a specialist to determine the type of malignant cells.

Interpretation of results
As a rule, the conclusion is ready in 7-15 days. The term depends on the type of panel used (small or large). Advanced method takes longer.
Studying sections of biomaterial is done by a pathologist who has the knowledge and skills (confirmed by an official document) necessary for analysis.
When interpreting the results, special attention is paid to the Ki-67 index. It is he who provides information about the degree of malignancy of the process. For example, if the result of the indicator after an immunohistochemical study for breast cancer is no more than 15%, it is considered that the prognosis is more than favorable. A level of 30% indicates the activity of the tumor process, i.e. about the rapid pace of its development. She usually stops after chemotherapy.
According to some statistics, if Ki-67 is less than 10%, the outcome of the disease will be favorable (in 95% of cases). A mark of 90% and above means almost 100% fatality.
In addition to the indicator of malignancy, the conclusion indicates:
- antibodies to which similarity (tropism) has been revealed;
- type of cancer cells, their quantitative value.
It is important to understand that an accurate diagnosis is made after receiving and studying the information collected through all the diagnostic procedures performed. Despite the fact that IHC analysis is considered the most informative method compared to histology, sometimes it is necessary to use both methods. The interpretation of the immunohistochemical study is carried out exclusively by the oncologist.

In conclusion
In modern medicine, special attention is paid to the diagnosis of cancer. The most modern and informative method is immunohistochemical study. With its help, not only the presence of cancer cells is detected, but also their type and the rate of development of the malignant process are determined. In addition, based on the results, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment is evaluated.